A few hours later in the day of The Egocentric: Changelog

This lists all the changes the authors of this game have made to it since the judging period began, in their own words.

If you'd like to play the game as it existed at the start of the competition, prior to the application of any updates, you may download the full-competition .zip archive from the top of the games-list page.

September 11, 6:24 PM (UTC)

Removed italics from emoji.

September 17, 5:56 PM (UTC)

Added two clarifying words the ending.

September 24, 2:43 AM (UTC)

I forgot to add a viewport meta tag in the last version (it was there in the earlier version).

October 2, 5:34 PM (UTC)

Micke's timed pop-up bubble for round 1 is now in round 5 and vice versa.