Colossal Fund Donors: 2024

The following IF community members supported IFComp through their contributions to 2024's Colossal Fund. We salute their generosity!

Platinum bar donors (contributed $1000 or more)

Pot of gold donors (contributed between $500 and $999)

Silver chalice donors (contributed between $100 and $499) well as 17 anonymous adventurers.

Jade figurine donors (contributed between $50 and $99) well as 3 anonymous adventurers.

Brass bauble donors (contributed between $1 and $49) well as 16 anonymous adventurers.

The Colossal Fund

Support IFComp and its authors through a charitable gift to The Colossal Fund, providing a cash prize pool for top IFComp entries! Learn more about it, and see who contributed last year.

This year's Colossal Fund drive will kick off in mid-July. Check back after then to learn how you can contribute!