#### Thanksgiving Dinner
Your (seq-link: "Uncle Jimmy", "pot-bellied Uncle Jimmy", "balding Uncle Jimmy", "angry, middle-aged redneck Uncle Jimmy", "Uncle Jimmy") declaims with a drumstick.
"//Used// to be a man could do an honest day's work and earn an honest living in this country."
He takes a bite.
(link:"Sip wine")+(t8n: "fade")[[[//Here we go...//->Thanksgiving Dinner 2]]]
}#### Behind the Barn
Purple spots dance in your vision as you round the old barn and step into the blessed shade. It still smells of last year's tobacco.
She's here, sitting against the wood pile. She turns to look at you.
You smooth back your hair.
[[Sit with her->Behind the Barn 2]]#### Thanksgiving Dinner
"Now we got all these damn immigrants taking our jobs."
He wags his (link-show: "dark meat", ?turkey)... |turkey)[dad brined the turkey for six hours and cooked it for eight... everyone's been mmming and nodding a little too much. You're (link: "vegan")[trying to look like the men in LA].]
(enchant: ?turkey, (t8n: "fade"))
There is a general chorus of [[clanking silverware->Thanksgiving Dinner 3]].#### Thanksgiving Dinner
|dad>[Your dad opens his mouth to say something.
|p2>[//Wait for it...//]]
(click: ?p2)+(replace: ?dad)[=
(align:"==>")+(box:"X")["Robert! Would you pass me the yams?"]
Aunt Mary [[heads him off first->Thanksgiving dinner 3.5]].
(set: $ftRobert to 1)
(set: $ftMary to 1)
}#### Thanksgiving Dinner
Uncle Jimmy levels his gaze on you from across the table.
"And how's your school going, Jay?"
(link:"I'm going to fail Ph 229.")+(replace: ?c1)[
[[Fine->Thanksgiving Dinner 5]]]
(link:"I'm in so much debt.")+(replace: ?c1)[
[[Fine->Thanksgiving Dinner 5]]]
(link:"Am I wasting my life?")+(replace: ?c1)[
[[Fine->Thanksgiving Dinner 5]]]
]#### Thanksgiving Dinner
"All them college girls keeping you busy?"
(link:"I'm more into guys...")+(replace: ?c2)[
[[Uh huh->Thanksgiving Dinner 6]]]
(link:"I'm spending a lot of time with Ben")+(replace: ?c2)+(t8n: "fade")[
//I can't believe you have to go to Kentucky.//
(align:"==>")+(box:"X=")[//It's just for a few days...//]
(link:"//I wonder how he's doing?//")+(replace: ?c2)[
[[Sure->Thanksgiving Dinner 6]]
(link:"I wish I was with him right now")+(replace: ?c2)[
[[Uh huh->Thanksgiving Dinner 6]]]
]#### Thanksgiving Dinner
"Well, just make sure you don't get anyone ($psychicLink: "pregnant", "Behind the Barn")."
(link:"That seems unlikely")+(replace: ?c1)[
[[//nervous laugh//->Thanksgiving Dinner 7]]]
(link:"Ok, boomer")+(replace: ?c1)[
[[//nervous laugh//->Thanksgiving Dinner 7]]]
]#### Thanksgiving Dinner
(align:"==>")+(box:"X")["Isn't this turkey //moist//?"]
(after: 2s)[=|chainsaw>[Aunt Mary lowers her bifocals, then reaches down for her 16" chainsaw. She pulls the cord, staring maniacally at Uncle Jimmy while she rips through her turkey breast. Gravy sprays up and away from her plate in wide arcs.
(after: 3s)[=
(link:"//Not again...//")+(replace: ?chainsaw)[You push away from the table.
[[Excuse me.->Bathroom]]]
]#### Guest Bathroom
|sign)["(font: "cursive")[bathroom] / bath•room / a temporary sanctuary for overwhelmed parents seeking refuge from their kids"
] The guest bathroom at the end of the hall is puce with peeling linoleum and a high frosted jail cell window above the shower. It's decorated with (link-show: "tacky wood burned signs", ?sign) and smells of stale cat litter. But it has a door.
[[Look in the mirror->Bathroom Mirror]]#### Thanksgiving Dinner
"Huh? Oh, yeah, the yams are great, right? Mom's recipe."
Aunt Mary smiles and spoons some more marshmallow covered orange goop out of Grandma Betty's bedraggled (link-show: "casserole dish", ?grandma)... |grandma)[(set: $missGrandma to 1)white porcelain with flaking sequined fleur de lis... you miss her peach cobbler, and her laugh.]
(enchant: ?grandma, (t8n: "fade"))
(link:"Sip wine")+(t8n:"fade")[[[//Any minute now...//->Thanksgiving Dinner 4]]]
(set: $ftBetty to 1)
}#### Behind the Barn
"I thought I might find you here."
She rakes you over with icy blue eyes. You pose a little. For the first time in your life, after a summer of hard labor, you're jacked, and you don't mind the attention. She shakes her head and sighs as you slump down next to her.
"You should be working, Jimmy."
"I'm on my break."
[[Smoke a joint->Behind the Barn 3]]#### Behind the Barn
Grinning, you produce a spliff from behind your ear and waggle your eyebrows.
She tsks and shakes her head disapprovingly.
You light up and take a long drag.
[[Pass it->Behind the Barn 4]]#### Behind the Barn
(text-style: "smear")+(text-colour:magenta)[Oooo-wee.]
(after: 2s)[=You exhale, coughing, and pass the joint.
She looks uncertainly at it, then takes a small toke.
[[Make a move->Behind the Barn 5]]#### Behind the Barn
You lean over. Her hair smells like orange blossoms, and it damn near drives you crazy as you reach in...
"Jimmy, wait."
[[Look at her->Behind the Barn 6]]#### Behind the Barn
You look at her.
Up close you see her eyes are puffy and swollen. Her face is wet. Has she been crying?
[[What's wrong?->Behind the Barn 7]]#### Behind the Barn
"I'm pregnant."
(after: 2s)[=
(link: '"Oh."')[(link: '"Oh, wow."')[(link: '"I mean."')[(link: '"That\'s great, right?"')["That's great, right?"
[[//Shit.//->Thanksgiving Dinner 6]]]]]]
(set: $pregnant to 1)
}#### Guest Bathroom
You're stuffed into one of your dad's wrinkled old dress shirts tucked into dark slacks, because you "forgot" to bring something "nice".
There's like an extra six inches of fabric draped off your torso.
You look (seq-link: "fat", "like your dad", "fat").
Looking closer, you think you can see a small gravy spot...
[[Wash shirt->Bathroom shirt]]#### Guest Bathroom
You run the water and wad up some tissue, dabbing at your shirt. Totally gross.
[[Finish up ->Bathroom hub]]#### Guest Bathroom
(if:visits is 1)[Ok, you got it. You turn off the tap.
]Glancing at the mirror again, you notice the concealed medicine cabinet is slightly open.(unless: (visited: "ben grindr"))[
Your phone buzzes.]
(unless: (visited: "ben grindr"))[[[Check phone->ben grindr]]
][[Snoop in medicine cabinet ->Bathroom medicine cabinet]]
[[Go back to the table->Dinner round 2]]#### Guest Bathroom
Pushing the mirror front door, you pop open the medicine cabinet.
The yellow plastic shelves are lined with forgotten pharmaceuticals - a Sesame Street bandaid box from the mid '90s, a wilted tube of toothpaste.
You see a newer looking orange pill bottle.(unless: (visited: "ben grindr"))[
Your phone buzzes again. It might be Ben.]
(unless: (visited: "ben grindr"))[[[Check phone->ben grindr]]
][[Pick up bottle->Bathroom pill bottle]]
[[Leave it and go back->Dinner round 2]]#### ben grindr
(css: "min-width:360px")+(box:"X=")[(align:"<==")+(bg: gray)+(corner-radius:16)[I woke up thinking about you. I really wish you were here.](b4r-color: gray)+(b4r:"solid")+(corner-radius:16)[🍆
](align:"<==")+(bg: gray)+(corner-radius:16)[You could help me out with this.]
(align:"==>")+(bg: navy)+(corner-radius:16)[🤤 omg. Sorry, my phone was in my bedroom. I was just helping my dad cook, my aunt and uncle are coming over soon.]
|dots>[(align:"<==")[ben grindr is typing...]]]
(after: 3s)+(replace: ?dots)[(align:"<==")+(bg: gray)+(corner-radius:16)[How's it going? Are they driving you crazy?](after: 5s)+(align:"==>")|reply)[
(link:"Literally yes.")+(replace: ?reply)+(t8n: "dissolve")[(show: ?back)(align:"==>")+(bg: navy)+(corner-radius:16)[Literally yes.(set: $benResponse1 to 'Literally yes.')]]
(link:"My uncle is such a jerk.")+(replace: ?reply)+(t8n: "dissolve")[(show: ?back)(align:"==>")+(bg: navy)+(corner-radius:16)[My uncle is such a jerk.(set: $benResponse1 to 'My uncle is such a jerk.')]]
(link:"I would so rather be with you.")+(replace: ?reply)+(t8n: "dissolve")[(show: ?back)(align:"==>")+(bg: navy)+(corner-radius:16)[I would so rather be with you.(set: $benResponse1 to 'I would so rather be with you.')]]]]|back)[(link-goto: "Put down phone", (history:)'s last)]{
(set: $textingWithBen to 1)
(set: $sawBensPic to 1)
}#### Guest Bathroom
(set: $foundXanax to 1)
(b4r:"solid")+(b4r-color:gray)+(corner-radius:12)[Xanax (alprazolam)
2mg tablets
Take one tablet by mouth
2x per day or as needed.
Robert Black / 0 refills]
//When did dad start taking xanax?//
[[Leave it and go back->Dinner round 2]]
(if: $survivedXanax is 0)[[Steal a pill]]#### Guest Bathroom
(set: $tookXanax to 1)
What the hell?
You twist open the bottle and shake one out. You stare at it for a minute, then pop it in your mouth and dry swallow.
[[Go back to the table->Dinner round 2]]#### Thanksgiving Dinner
"And now I hear in Cali they gotta pay reparations! God damn //reparations//."
(link:"Sit down")+(t8n: "fade")[[[//Just in time...//->Dinner round 2.1]]]#### Thanksgiving Dinner
(align:"==>")+(box:"X")["Now what was it you're studying again, Jay?"]
Aunt Mary latches onto you for dear life.
(if: $tookXanax is 1)[[[String... stuff->Dinner offramp 2.2]]](else:)[[[String theory->Dinner round 2.2]]]#### Thanksgiving Dinner
(align:"==>")+(box:"X")["String theory! That's it, yes. My girlfriend Candy says the Cal Tech is extremely ($psychicLink: "prestigious", "Spelling Bee"). We're very proud."]
Aunt Mary smiles at you.
[[Thanks Auntie M->Dinner round 2.3]]#### Thanksgiving Dinner
"All I know is, I can't see how any of this string theory is going to pay the bills."
Dad laughs nervously.
"Speaking of, did you hear Bill got a promotion? Junior foreman, aged 24."
[[//Nice work, big bro//->Dinner round 2.4]]
(set: $ftBill to 1)
}#### Thanksgiving Dinner
"Oh, damn, hey, that's great news Robert! Now that calls for a toast."
Uncle Jimmy reaches for the wine bottle and refills his glass. He reaches across the table and tops up your glass, emptying the bottle and splashing wine awkwardly. He's clearly had more than enough already.
[[//Raise your glass//->Dinner round 2.5]]#### Auditorium
You smooth down the folds of your green school dress, then catch yourself and clasp your hands primly behind your back.
You can't see past the lights to the audience, but you can feel them staring at you.
[[Can you please use it in a sentence?->Spelling Bee 2]]#### Auditorium
"The cartoonist drew a convincing //caricature// of the politician."
Mrs. Mason looks expectantly over her cat eye glasses.
[[May I please have the etymology?->Spelling Bee 3]]#### Auditorium
You're stalling, and she knows it.
Mrs. Mason barely conceals an eye roll, as if the 8th grade Jefferson County regional spelling bee isn't the most important event of the year. Her expression as she rustles the paper says very clearly: every minute you drag this out is a minute before my smoke break.
"It is of Latin origin, via the French," she rasps.
Then she stares at you, unblinking.
(seq-link: "//Ahem//", "C", "C-A", "C-A-R", "C-A-R-R", "C-A-R-R-I", "C-A-R-R-I-C", "C-A-R-R-I-C-A", "C-A-R-R-I-C-A-T", "C-A-R-R-I-C-A-T-U", "C-A-R-R-I-C-A-T-U-R", "C-A-R-R-I-C-A-T-U-R-E", "[[//Carricature.//->Spelling Bee 4]]")#### Auditorium
"That is incorrect. Ms. Monroe?"
You step back, devastated. Candy steps forward wearing a self-assured smirk and curtsies, no kidding, she actually curtsies to the judges.
[[//Hold your breath//->Spelling Bee 5]]#### Auditorium
"Caricature. C-A-R-I-C-A-T-U-R-E, caricature."
The audience applauds politely.
"That's my girl!" shouts a voice in the back.
[[//Be gracious//->Spelling Bee 6]]#### Auditorium
"Well, ladies and gentleman, we have a winner: Ms. Candice Monroe, from Leavenworth Middle School!"
The state superintendent hands Candy a blue ribbon, and then a framed certificate. She beams as she holds them up for the audience to see, then curtsies again.
You smile as politely as possible and clap along.
[[Escape as soon as possible->Spelling Bee 7]]#### Swings
You grip the rusty old swing chains and rock listlessly, staring down at your knees. There's nobody else on the playground at this time, so you can wallow in solitude while you figure out a new plan for your life.
You hear crunching gravel, then see a shadow.
[[Look up->Spelling Bee 8]]#### Swings
You shade your eyes from the sun, and are surprised to see Candy. Her face is streaked with snot and tears.
"Do you mind if I join you?"
[[All right->Spelling Bee 9]]#### Swings
Candy sits on the next swing, rocking quietly. A gentle breeze blows past your face, breaking the heat of the day.
When she's ready, Candy speaks, her voice choked.
"I overheard Mrs. Mason talking to the other judges."
[[Swing->Spelling Bee 10]]#### Swings
"She said there just wasn't any future for a smartass n(color:red)+(bg:red)[___] girl."
Your heart falls into your stomach. You stare at her in disbelief. And then you get mad.
(link: 'Stand up')[=You stand up.
(link: 'Tell her what you think')[="Well I think Mrs. Mason is an ignorant old bitch."
She looks up at you in shock. Oh yes, she heard you right.
(link: 'And furthermore')[="She's the one with no future."
[["Come on, it's hotter than hell. Let's get an ice cream."->Dinner round 2.2]]
(set: $prestigious to 1)
}#### Thanksgiving Dinner
"To Bill!"
(align:"==>")+(box:"X")["To Bill!"]
[[//Drink//->Dinner round 2.6]]#### Thanksgiving Dinner
"Shame he couldn't make it this year."
[[Sip wine->Dinner round 2.7]]#### Thanksgiving Dinner
"They're doing this year with Consuela's family."
[[//Wonder why...//->Dinner round 2.8]]
(set: $ftConsuela to 1)
}#### Thanksgiving Dinner
"Oh... do they do Thanksgiving too?"
(after: 2s)[=|table>[Your dad puts down his fork and knife, then carefully wipes his mouth with his napkin and tosses it onto his plate. He stretches out his arms and braces himself.
(after: 5s)[=Then with one almighty grunt he hulks out and flips the 500 pound rustic hardwood Pottery Barn dining table. You stare in horror as the yams (and Grandma Betty's casserole dish), the French rolls, and what remains of the overcooked turkey avalanche down and bury Uncle Jimmy alive in carbs, until his screams are finally drowned out by the non-vegan Velveeta mac 'n' cheese.
(after: 8s)[=
(link:"//Legitimately unsure this time...//")+(replace: ?table)[You push away from the table.
[[So sorry! Lots of wine here.->Bathroom 2]]]
]#### Guest Bathroom
You run the tap, letting cold water pool in your hands. You bend down and splash yourself violently. You rub your palms over your face and hair, then look up at the mirror.
[["Stop being weird, Jay!"->Bathroom 2.1]]#### Guest Bathroom
"Stop being weird, Jay!"
You are //not// crazy. You're tired. You're exhausted actually - you've been working too much. Finals are like two weeks away. You should've stayed in Pasadena. You should've stayed with Ben.
[[Close your eyes and breathe for a minute.->Bathroom 2.2]]#### Thanksgiving Dinner
(align:"==>")+(box:"X")["String theory! That's it, yes. My girlfrnd Cndy says the blah blah is blah blah. We're very proud."]
Aunt Mary smiles at you.
You take another sip of wine and smile back.
[[sgreat->Dinner offramp 2.3]]#### Thanksgiving Dinner
"You doing ok there, buddy?"
Uncle Jimmy looks a little (text-style: "buoy")[swimmy.]
(t8n-arrive: "blur")+(text-rotate: 3)[[mfine...->Dinner offramp 2.4]]#### Dining room floor
"I think he just had too much booze."
Hot breath on your face. A finger on your pulse.
"What's his name?"
"Jay! Can you hear me?"
[[Open your eyes->Dinner offramp 2.5]]#### Dining room floor
You see... steel gray eyes and dark stubble... scrubs... biceps. God damn, ($psychicLink: "inked", "Tattoo Parlor") biceps for miles.
[[Ben?->Dinner offramp 2.6]]#### Dining room floor
"Did you take something, Jay? I need you to tell me what you took, ok?"
[[... the xanax?->Dinner offramp 2.7]]#### Dining room floor
"Xanax? How many xanax?"
(link:'One? I took one damn pill...')[="nne"
You try to shrug, casually.
(after: 5s)[=
"Ok buddy. Let's get you on your side. Hang in there, we're going to go for a ride, ok?"
[[//Well that was a bad idea//->Bathroom pill bottle]]
(set: $tookXanax to 0)
(set: $survivedXanax to 1)#### Guest Bathroom
"Oh, pumpkin. You're not weird, you're //sensitive//."
(link: 'Turn around')[=You spin around to see Grandma Betty sitting on the pot in her Sunday finest, smoking a Camel. She smiles at you.
"I prefer the term //sensitive//."
[[Grandma...?->Bathroom 2.4]]#### Guest Bathroom
Your voice is a choked whisper.
"My word, you've grown thin! Don't they feed you in California?"
(if: $missGrandma is 0)[[[But you're... you... you died.->Bathroom 2.5]]](else:)[[[How can you be here?->Bathroom 2.5]]]#### Guest Bathroom
"Well, I expect you'll figure it out."
She smiles, then takes a long drag of her Camel.
(link: '//Blush//')[=Your face heats. You turn away and adjust your collar. Grandma ashes into the sink.
"These things are vile."
[[Grandma...->Bathroom 2.8]]#### Guest Bathroom
*knock knock knock*
(after: 1s)[=
"Hey, you takin a dump in there or what?"
Uncle Jimmy's voice booms through the door.
(after: 3s)[=
[[Just a minute!->Bathroom 2.9]]#### Guest Bathroom
Grandma Betty shakes her head, then continues in a low voice.
"It's my fault. I dropped him as a baby."
[[What's going on?->Bathroom 2.10]]#### Guest Bathroom
"You'll see. Just ($psychicLink: "pay attention", "Classroom") pumpkin."
[[Open door->Bathroom 2.12]]#### Tattoo Parlor
You stare up at the familiar moldering drop ceiling as Rod meticulously works his gun down your arm.
"How do you get anyone in this dump, anyway?"
Rod grunts and mumbles something about your parentage.
[["Jay?"->Tattoo Parlor 2]]#### Tattoo Parlor
Today's the day, five years in the making. He's gonna finish the sleeve. The one you started after Fallujah.
[["Stay with me Jay!"->Dinner offramp 2.6]]{
(set: $tattoo to 1)
}#### Classroom
"Ms. Harris! Pay attention!"
[[//Hrm?//->Classroom 2]]#### Classroom
You avert your eyes from the window.
Mrs. Mason glares back at you from the chalkboard.
[[Sorry, ma'am...->Classroom 3]]#### Classroom
"Sorry, ma'am."
You try to sound as contrite as possible, but she's not buying it. Mrs. Mason's algebra class is dull as dishwater, and you both know it.
[[Sit up->Classroom 4]]
[[Sink down->Classroom 4.1]]#### Classroom
You sit ramrod straight and fold your hands.
"Since Betty is so far ahead of the class that she can daydream, perhaps she can solve this next equation for us."
It's no use. She's out for blood now.
[[Mrs. Mason, I...->Classroom 4.2]]
[[Shake your head->Classroom 4.2]]#### Blackboard
|math>[<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mrow><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>−</mo><mn>2</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></mrow></math>]
[[I really am very sorry, I...->Classroom 6]]#### Blackboard
|math>[<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mrow><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>−</mo><mn>2</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></mrow></math>]
(after: 1s)+(replace: ?math)+(t8n: "dissolve")[<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mfrac><mrow><mo>-</mo><mo>(</mo><mo>−</mo><mn>2</mn><mo>)</mo><mo>±</mo><msqrt><mrow><mo>(</mo><mo>-</mo><mn>2</mn><msup><mo>)</mo><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>-</mo><mn>4</mn><mo>·</mo><mn>1</mn><mo>·</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></msqrt></mrow><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>·</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></mfrac></math>]
(after: 2s)+(replace: ?math)+(t8n: "dissolve")[<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mfrac><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>±</mo><msqrt><mrow><mo>-</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></msqrt></mrow><mn>2</mn></mfrac></math>]
(after: 3s)+(replace: ?math)+(t8n: "dissolve")[<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn><mo>±</mo><mi>i</mi></math>]
(after: 5s)[=[[//Sugar.//->Classroom 7]]#### Classroom
"Well, Ms. Harris?"
She glares at you, and then it hits you. She knows you can do it! She knows, and she's trying to make a freak show out of you.
Oh, she's a spiteful creature, she really is.
[[I... I can't->Classroom 8]]#### Classroom
"I... I can't."
You try to look pouty. You toss your hand through your hair. You really sell it.
"Is that so? Then you had better pay attention, hadn't you?"
[[//Nod demurely//->Classroom 9]]#### Classroom
Mrs. Mason spins on her heel, marches forward, and crashes directly into the waste bin. It clatters to the ground.
[[//Oh...//->Classroom 10]]#### Classroom
Your hand flies up to cover your mouth.
[[Don't laugh. Do //not// laugh.->Classroom 11]]#### Classroom
Your eyes cast around the room and fix on a gangly, dark haired boy in the next row - Thomas Black. It looks like he's just bitten through his pencil.
[[Raise your eyebrows->Classroom 12]]
(set: $ftThomas to 1)
}#### Classroom
Thomas coughs, once, twice. He bangs his desk. Oh, Jesus, is he choking?
[[Slap him on the back!->Classroom 13]]#### Classroom
Thinking fast, you reach across and slap him right between the shoulders.
He lurches forward, and a pencil eraser flies out in a perfect parabolic arc, landing just at Mrs. Mason's feet.
(after: 3s)[=
[[//Plop.//->Bathroom 2.11]]
(set: $sensitive to 1)#### Bathroom
*knock knock knock*
[[All right already!->Bathroom 2.12]]#### Bathroom
You fling open the bathroom door and face your uncle.
"Kee-rist, I just about pissed myself out here!"
He sniffs and looks confused for a moment, then brushes past you and slams the door.
[[Go back to the table->Dinner round 3]]#### Thanksgiving Dinner
"Well I am stuffed."
Your dad scoots back his chair and folds his hands over his belly contentedly.
[[//Wait beside the table//->Dinner round 3.1]]#### Guest Bathroom
"Oh, hush, you. Now, who's this Ben?"
(if: $textingWithBen is 1)[Your phone buzzes.]
[[//Uh...//->Bathroom 2.6]]
(if: $textingWithBen is 1)[[Check phone->ben grindr 2]]#### Classroom
You sink back meekly into your chair, trying to disappear.
"Since Betty is so far ahead of the class that she can daydream, perhaps she can solve this next equation for us."
It's no use. She's out for blood now.
[[Mrs. Mason, I...->Classroom 4.2]]
[[Shake your head->Classroom 4.2]]#### Classroom
Mrs. Mason turns and chalks up a fresh row of symbols, then slowly carries the chalk to your desk by the window. She purses her lips.
[[Stare at blackboard->Classroom 5]]#### ben grindr
(css: "min-width:360px")+(box:"X=")[(align:"<==")+(bg: gray)+(corner-radius:16)[How's it going? Are they driving you crazy?](align:"==>")+(bg: navy)+(corner-radius:16)[(print: $benResponse1)]
|dots>[(align:"<==")[ben grindr is typing...]]
(after: 3s)+(replace: ?dots)[(align:"<==")+(bg: gray)+(corner-radius:16)[(if: $benResponse1 is 'I would so rather be with you.')[What are you up to for winter recess?(set: $benMentionedWinterRecess to 1)](else:)[My bubbe wants to meet you.]]]
(after: 5s)[=[[//Crap//->Bathroom 2.6]]
(set: $textingWithBen to 2)#### Kitchen
Last remodeled in 1997, the Black family kitchen features all digital appliances with LED displays, knotty pine cabinets, a farmhouse sink and a breakfast nook overlooking the back deck.
It still stands as a testament to the fact that once, long ago, your father was married to someone who had opinions about interior design. Not that you'd know.
Aunt Mary is rattling around in a paper grocery bag.
[[Need a hand with anything?->Kitchen 2]]#### Thanksgiving Dinner
You sit back down. It's just you and your dad now. Somehow, this is the first you've really had a chance to talk since you flew in.
"How you doing, son?"
[[Hanging in there->Dinner table with dad 2]]#### Thanksgiving Dinner
"Oh, you know. Hanging in there."
Your dad stares off into the middle distance.
(if: $dadMajor is 0)[[[Float the idea of changing majors->Dinner table with dad 2.3]]
](if: $dadBen is 0)[[[Tell him about Ben->Dinner table with dad 2.2]]
](if: $foundXanax is 1 and $dadHimself is 0)[[[Ask if he's ok->Dinner table with dad 2.1]]
][[Remain silent->Looks like snow]]#### Thanksgiving Dinner
"How about you? You doing ok, dad?"
He looks surprised.
[[//Bite your lip//->Dinner table with dad 2.1.2]]{
(set: $dadHimself to 1)
}#### Thanksgiving Dinner
"I met someone at school."
He turns pointedly and looks out at the back deck.
"That's real great son. I'm happy for you."
(link-goto: "Ok, we're not going there", (cond: ($foundXanax is 1 and $dadHimself is 0) or ($dadMajor is 0), "Dinner table with dad 2", "Looks like snow")){
(set: $dadBen to 1)
}#### Thanksgiving Dinner
"I've been wondering about changing majors."
He looks surprised.
"Oh? The string theory ain't workin out? You always loved that stuff.(if: $sensitive is 1)[ It kinda runs in the family.]"
[[Talk about writing->Dinner table with dad 2.3.1]]
[[Talk about jobs->Dinner table with dad 2.3.2]]{
(set: $dadMajor to 1)
}#### Thanksgiving Dinner
"I've been thinking about taking some writing classes. I think I might really enjoy it."
He laughs.
"You'd better marry rich."
(link-goto: "Laugh it off", (cond: ($foundXanax is 1 and $dadHimself is 0) or ($dadBen is 0), "Dinner table with dad 2", "Looks like snow"))#### Thanksgiving Dinner
"I'm not sure what I'm going to do after school. The academic job market's kinda rough."
Your dad looks at you inquisitively.
"What else would you want to do?"
[[I dunno, I could talk to Bill...->Dinner table with dad 2.3.3]]#### Thanksgiving Dinner
"Looks like we might get some snow today."
You follow your dad's gaze to the patio doors. The bright gray November sky has turned darker in patches.
[[//Nod//->Pie]]#### Chaise Lounge
You fold your hands across your chest and stare - at the beige ceiling, at the ugly watercolor of a hayfield, at the drug company logo clock ticking out your $200. Anywhere but at Dr. Ross and her floral print blouse.
[[I'm fine->Chaise Lounge 2]]#### Chaise Lounge
Dr. Ross shifts in her chair, then folds her hands and leans towards you.
"Anxiety is real, Robert. It's how our bodies react to a perceived threat. Even when the threat itself isn't real, the sensations, the panic, those things are real, and as you know they can be debilitating. Medication can help while we work on strategies to help you manage it."
[[I'll think about it->Chaise Lounge 3]]#### Thanksgiving Dinner
He snorts.
"C'mon now, Jay. We both know you're not cut out to be a welder like your idiot dad."
(link-goto: "Drop it", (cond: ($foundXanax is 1 and $dadHimself is 0) or ($dadBen is 0), "Dinner table with dad 2", "Looks like snow"))#### Chaise Lounge
She shifts and jots something down on her yellow legal pad, then flips back a page.
"All right. Let's go back to last Tuesday afternoon... you were at work."
[[Right, I was at the shop->The Shop]]#### The Shop
You lift your visor and examine the joint critically. A neat row of molten (font: "cursive")[eeee]s fades to solid bluish steel around the flange. Perfect.
As you reach over to rack your gun, a tingling sensation shoots up your arm.
[[I got a jolt through my arm.->The Shop 2]]#### The Shop
You drop the welder and shake your arm out. Did you get zapped?
Your chest tightens.
//Oh no... it's my heart.//
Now you can't get enough air. Your heart is racing. You stagger forward and fall into the workbench.
[[I assumed I was having a heart attack.->The Shop 3]]#### The Shop
You clutch your chest and gasp for air. Then you fall to your knees.
"Robert? You doin ok back there?"
[[It felt like I was going to die.->Chaise Lounge 4]]#### Chaise Lounge
"Panic attacks can feel that way. The symptoms are similar to cardiac symptoms."
"Well, I mean, look at me."
You gesture to your gut. Dr. Ross tilts her head quizzically.
[[I'm not in the greatest of health, here, doc->Chaise Lounge 4.5]]#### Back of the Ambulance
You're strapped to a gurney. A big guy with a buzz cut and steel gray eyes deftly jabs something in your arm. You jerk, but he's built like a brick shithouse and holds on while he hangs the IV bag.
"Ok, Mr. Black, we'll have you there in just a few minutes, all right?"
*beep... beep... beep*
The heart machine beeps away, and Brick turns to check some chart.
//I'm not going to live to meet my grandson.//
[[I remember thinking I wasn't going to meet my grandson->Chaise Lounge 5]]#### Chaise Lounge
Dr. Ross is scratching up a storm on her notepad. She looks up.
"Oh, is there a grandson on the way?"
"My eldest, Bill, and his wife. They're expecting sometime after Christmas."
"Is he your first?"
[[First one->Chaise Lounge 6]]
(set: $ftDiego to 1)
}#### Thanksgiving Dinner
"Me? Oh, I'm fine, Jay. I'm doing just ($psychicLink: "fine", "Chaise Lounge")."
(link-goto: "Drop it", (cond: ($dadMajor is 0) or ($dadBen is 0), "Dinner table with dad 2", "Looks like snow"))#### Chaise Lounge
You twiddle your thumbs while Dr. Ross scribbles some more. She crosses a t, nods, and caps her pen.
"Well Robert, we're nearing the end of our time for today. I think we've made some good progress. Given where things are at, I am going to go ahead and give you that scrip, just in case, ok?"
You frown. She reaches over for the pad on the corner of her desk and scribbles something, then hands you a prescription.
[[Take it->Dinner table with dad 2.1.2]]
(set: $anxiety to 1)#### Chaise Lounge
"My dad had a heart attack when he was 55. You have to understand, it runs in the family. What was I supposed to think?"
"So you called 911."
[[They sent an ambulance->Back of the Ambulance]]#### Kitchen
Aunt Mary jumps back and clutches her chest.
"Oh, Jay. I didn't hear you come in."
[[Sorry...->Kitchen 3]]#### Kitchen
"It's fine. I'm just fixing dessert. You can keep me company."
You sit at your usual stool at the island and let your feet dangle.
(if: $maryHerself is 0)[[[Ask how she's been->Kitchen 3.1]]
](if: $maryDad is 0 and $foundXanax is 1)[[[Ask about dad->Kitchen 3.2]]
](if: $maryBen is 0)[[[Tell her about Ben->Kitchen 3.3]]
][[Remain silent->Kitchen 3.14]]#### Kitchen
"Same as ever. Nothing changes in Leavenworth...."(if: $maryPie1 is 0)[
(set: $maryPie1 to 1)
She produces a pie from the grocery bag.]
[[Not true...->Kitchen 3.1.1]]{
(set: $maryHerself to 1)
}#### Kitchen
"This is going to sound weird, but is everything ok with dad?"(if: $maryPie1 is 0)[
(set: $maryPie1 to 1)
She pauses, then produces a pie from the grocery bag.]
"Well, I think so. Mostly. Why do you ask?"
[[//shrug//->Kitchen 3.2.1]]{
(set: $maryDad to 1)
}#### Kitchen
"So there's this guy..."
It's out of your mouth before you can stop it. You might be a little drunk...
Aunt Mary doesn't bat an eye(if: $maryPie1 is 0)[(set: $maryPie1 to 1) as she produces a pie from the grocery bag].
"Is he someone special?"
(if: $textingWithBen is 2)[[[I think so->Kitchen 3.3.1]]](else:)[[[Not sure->Kitchen 3.3.2]]]{
(set: $maryBen to 1)
}#### Kitchen
"Oh, wow, Auntie M, you shouldn't have. It looks great. You're the best."
She looks pleased with herself.
"It's nothing. Now come on and help me carry these out."
[[Go back to the table->Carry pies]]#### Kitchen
"Well, he had a bit of a scare last month, but it was nothing, just some indigestion. You'd have to ask him, dear..."
(link-goto: "Ok...", (cond: ($maryHerself is 0) or ($maryBen is 0), "Kitchen 3", "Kitchen 3.14"))#### Kitchen
"I think he might be, yeah."
She hums to herself.
"And does this special guy have a name?"
[[Ben->Kitchen]]#### Kitchen
She hums to herself.
[[How do I know?->Kitchen]]#### Kitchen
"What about the new stoplight?"
She laughs.
"All right, you got me there."
(link-goto: "Smile", (cond: ($maryDad is 0 and $foundXanax is 1) or ($maryBen is 0), "Kitchen 3", "Kitchen 3.14"))#### Kitchen
"And have you told Ben how you feel?"
(seq-link: "Not really...", "Not exactly...", "Nope...", "[[I'm too scared->Kitchen]]")#### Kitchen
A glacier of torched white foam lists hideously to one side of the foil tin.
"This one is a vegan lemon meringue. It's got coconut milk! I found a recipe online."
[[//She made me a pie?//->Kitchen 3.1.2]]#### Kitchen
"What if he doesn't feel the same way?"
"What if he does? You have to take some chances with people, sweet pea."
(link-goto: "//Hrm...//", (cond: ($maryDad is 0 and $foundXanax is 1) or ($maryHerself is 0), "Kitchen 3", "Kitchen 3.14"))#### Kitchen
"These days, I suppose you can't stop checking your phone..."
(link-goto: "//Hrm...//", (cond: ($maryDad is 0 and $foundXanax is 1) or ($maryHerself is 0), "Kitchen 3", "Kitchen 3.14"))#### Dessert
Aunt Mary emerges from the kitchen triumphantly, carrying a pie in each hand.
"Pecan," she announces as she sets one down near dad. "And... lemon meringue."
She sets a disfigured torched white pile down near your plate and winks.
"This one's //vegan//."
[[//She made me a pie?//->Pie 2]]#### Dessert
"Oh, wow, Auntie M. You shouldn't have."
She smiles and brushes past you.
[[Try to ignore the pie->Pie 3]]#### Dessert
"Well... I suppose I can't say no to one small slice of pecan pie."
Your dad reaches forward and starts excavating a thick, syrupy wedge. Tendrils of caramel cling stubbornly to the knife.
"This one's a real goozler, Mary."
He braces the slice with a finger and expertly forks it onto his plate. Aunt Mary's eyes dart quickly to you, then to the lemon meringue.
[[Don't look at it->Pie 4]]#### Dessert
You and Aunt Mary emerge from the kitchen in procession, each carrying a pie.
Your dad sits staring out the patio doors, and you follow his gaze to the bright gray November sky. It's turned darker in patches - it looks like you might get some snow later.
[[//Clear your throat//->Carry pies 2]]
#### Dessert
"What'd I miss? Oh, hey, are we on to pie already?"
Uncle Jimmy saunters back to his chair and perches with interest.
[[//Sip water//->Pie 4.5]]#### Dessert
It's just a pie. You can do this.
You reach over with a butter knife and poke it. Your first attempt fails to pierce the skin. With some effort, you plunge the knife through the crunchy white tufts into a wobbly lake of yellow, and fight your way down to an alluvial graham cracker deposit from the middle Devonian.
[[Cut the world's smallest slice->Pie 5.5]]
[[Cut a medium slice->Pie 5.5]]
[[Cut a big slice->Pie 5.5]]#### Dessert
Your dad lifts his fork away from his face in actual ecstasy.
"Best damn pecan pie in the state."
(link: "//Watch his fork//")[=(align:"==>")+(box:"X")["There's also lemon meringue this year."]"You can never have too much pie, right?"
(link: "//Stare at your plate//")[=(align:"==>")+(box:"X")["//Vegan// lemon meringue."]
[[//Sip water//->Pie 4.6]]
#### Dessert
Uncle Jimmy nods assessingly.
"I guess I'll start with the pecan."
Aunt Mary looks meaningfully at you.
[[Suck it up->Pie 5]]#### Dessert
"Nah, it's just the first slice is always hard, you know."
You scoot the tin over, and shovel out a few chunks of mealy yellow white fluff. You prod it experimentally, then fork up a scoop.
[[//Here goes nothing...//->Pie 7]]#### Dessert
Your mouth puckers with sour sweetness and claggy coconut.
(align:"==>")+(box:"X")["How is it?"]
"Mmm. Mmhmm!"
(link: 'Chew')[=(link: 'Continue chewing')[=(link: 'Chew more...')[=You chew... a lot. Aunt Mary looks concerned, and you shoot her a thumbs up, chance it and swallow.
[[//Don't choke//->Pie 8]]#### Dessert
"Pecan!" says Aunt Mary, setting her pie down near your dad. "And... lemon meringue."
She gestures, and you slide the specimen carefully onto the table.
Your dad looks intrigued, until she adds, "this one's //vegan//."
He hmms and nods sagely.
[[Sit down->Pie 3]]#### Dessert
"Hey, when's kickoff? Isn't it just about game time?"
Uncle Jimmy parachutes in with instincts honed by 22 years of marriage and changes the subject.
[[//Gulp water...//->Pie 9]]#### Thanksgiving Dinner
"I hope you left room for pie."
Aunt Mary pushes away from the table and stands, brushing down her dress.
"Have mercy, woman!"
She waves him off as she walks toward the kitchen.
[[Give her a hand->Kitchen]]
[[Sit with your dad->Dinner table with dad]]#### Dessert
You push through one cut, then angle the knife carefully and attempt to make a plausible, inoffensively sized slice.
It fractures into a gloopy blob.
(align:"==>")+(box:"X")["Oh, did it not set up?"]
[[Reassure her->Pie 6]]#### Dessert
"Mmm? I think we have a few... no, you're right!"
Your dad snaps out of his (seq-link: "pecan", "maple pecan", "maple bacon pecan", "maple bacon bourbon pecan", "maple bacon bourbon browned butter pecan", "//sweet Jesus you want it//", "//you are going to steal a piece of that pie later//") reverie and receives the pass from his brother.
"We should probably move on to the den."
(align:"==>")+(box:"X")["You boys go, I'll clean up here and come down in a bit..."]
[[I got it!->Pie 10]]#### Dessert
"You did all this work, at least let me clean up."
(align:"==>")+(box:"X")["It's really no bother..."]
"Nah, go on. You know I'm not big on football."
[[Start clearing plates->Kitchen Dishes]]#### Kitchen Sink
You stare out the back window while the sink fills with warm soapy water.
The stove says it's only 1:22, but the sky looks pretty dark. A first few snowflakes are already flurrying down and clinging tentatively to the deck.
The big TV drones on downstairs in the den.
(if: $kitchenPhone is 0)[[[Check your phone->ben grindr 3]]
][[Examine the pecan pie->Finally Pie]]
[[Wait for the sink->Kitchen Sink 2]]#### ben grindr
(css: "min-width:360px")+(box:"X=")[(align:"<==")+(bg: gray)+(corner-radius:16)[{
(if: $textingWithBen is 0)[You must be busy. Call me later, ok? I miss you.]
(else-if: $benMentionedWinterRecess is 1)[What are you up to for winter recess?]
(else:)[My bubbe wants to meet you.]
}](if: $textingWithBen > 0 and $sensitive is 1)+(align:"==>")+(b4r-color: navy)+(b4r: "solid")+(corner-radius:16)[{
(if: $benMentionedWinterRecess is 1)[//Wanna just get in the car and drive? Maybe we can go down to Baja and sleep on the beach.//]
(else:)[//Soo... got any plans for the winter recess?//(set: $youMentionedWinterRecess to 1)]
(link-goto: "//Ugh//", (history:)'s last){
(set: $kitchenPhone to 1)
}#### Kitchen
The pecan pie sits half eaten on the island - everyone else took a slice downstairs.
It's about as far as you can get from vegan, but you ate basically half a bread roll today... well and like three and a half glasses of red wine. It's probably a survival situation, here.
[[Trim an extremely thin slice->Finally Pie 2]]
[[Leave it->Kitchen Sink 2]]#### Kitchen Sink
The sink's full enough now. You shut off the tap and start in scrubbing.
This is the best part of Thanksgiving. You've loved doing dishes ever since you were a kid, when the dishwasher gave up the ghost and grandma pressed you into service. Your family was surprised at first, but they got used to it and showered you with unconditional love and support.
Somehow, they managed to use every dish in the house even though there's only four of you this year.
[[//Scrub.//->Kitchen Sink 3]]#### Kitchen
You grab a steak knife and tiptoe over to the island. You check over your shoulder furtively, then surgically trim off an atomic sliver of pecan pie.
[[//Nobody will ever notice.//->Finally Pie 3]]{
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0.70238,-0.0418 0.70238,-0.0933 0,-0.0515 -0.3151,-0.0791 -0.70238,-0.0933 -0.21251,-0.008 -0.70238,0.0806 -0.71453,0.15548 z" sodipodi:nodetypes="sssss" /> <path id="path39-0" style="fill:#ffb380;stroke:#1a1a1a;stroke-width:0.0868599" d="m 114.42773,155.83616 c 0,0.50017 -0.20591,0.61374 -0.45991,0.61374 -0.25399,0 -0.4599,-0.11363 -0.4599,-0.61374 0,-0.50017 0.20591,-0.90563 0.4599,-0.90563 0.254,0 0.45991,0.40546 0.45991,0.90563 z" sodipodi:nodetypes="sssss" /> <ellipse style="fill:none;stroke:#916f6f;stroke-width:0.0649382;stroke-dasharray:none" id="ellipse36" cx="115.28819" cy="154.57115" rx="0.73034382" ry="0.32296273" /> <ellipse style="fill:none;stroke:#916f6f;stroke-width:0.0649382;stroke-dasharray:none" id="ellipse32" cx="112.62597" cy="154.57115" rx="0.73034382" ry="0.32296273" /> <ellipse style="fill:none;stroke:#ffccaa;stroke-width:0.0649382;stroke-dasharray:none" id="ellipse31" cx="112.62597" cy="154.57115" rx="0.73034382" ry="0.32296273" /> </g> <g id="g22" 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id="ellipse11" cx="88.952278" cy="155.69304" rx="0.33050853" ry="1.2275019" /> <ellipse style="fill:#ffa084;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#1a1a1a;stroke-width:0.237075;stroke-dasharray:none" id="path2" cx="92.894928" cy="155.94966" rx="3.7370045" ry="4.3689942" /> <path style="fill:#ffccaa;stroke:#d35f5f;stroke-width:0.272018;stroke-dasharray:none" id="ellipse5" sodipodi:type="arc" sodipodi:cx="92.885094" sodipodi:cy="158.46901" sodipodi:rx="1.1967032" sodipodi:ry="0.52101094" sodipodi:start="0.14074124" sodipodi:end="3.038073" sodipodi:arc-type="slice" d="m 94.069964,158.5421 a 1.1967032,0.52101094 0 0 1 -1.207141,0.44783 1.1967032,0.52101094 0 0 1 -1.168026,-0.46708 l 1.190297,-0.0538 z" /> <ellipse style="fill:#ffe6d5;stroke:#ffccaa;stroke-width:0.0649382;stroke-dasharray:none" id="path3" cx="91.61956" cy="155.59422" rx="0.73034114" ry="0.32296285" /> <ellipse style="fill:#a05a2c;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:0.104738;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1" id="path5" cx="91.61956" cy="155.55487" rx="0.29558769" ry="0.28128842" /> <ellipse style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.1;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1" id="path6" cx="91.61956" cy="155.55487" rx="0.092269309" ry="0.08816845" /> <ellipse style="fill:none;stroke:#ffccaa;stroke-width:0.0649382;stroke-dasharray:none" id="ellipse13" cx="91.61956" cy="155.59422" rx="0.73034382" ry="0.32296273" /> <ellipse style="fill:none;stroke:#916f6f;stroke-width:0.0649382;stroke-dasharray:none" id="ellipse14" cx="91.61956" cy="155.59422" rx="0.73034382" ry="0.32296273" /> <ellipse style="fill:#ffe6d5;stroke:#916f6f;stroke-width:0.0649382;stroke-dasharray:none" id="ellipse15" cx="94.12999" cy="155.59422" rx="0.73034114" ry="0.32296285" /> <ellipse style="fill:#a05a2c;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:0.104738;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1" id="ellipse16" cx="94.12999" cy="155.55487" rx="0.29558769" ry="0.28128842" /> <ellipse style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.1;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1" id="ellipse17" cx="94.12999" cy="155.55487" rx="0.092269309" ry="0.08816845" /> <ellipse style="fill:none;stroke:#916f6f;stroke-width:0.0649382;stroke-dasharray:none" id="ellipse18" cx="94.12999" cy="155.59422" rx="0.73034382" ry="0.32296273" /> <path id="path21-6" style="fill:#a05a2c;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.074276" d="m 92.845496,154.91691 c 0.04794,0.20112 -0.460303,0.0298 -1.006977,0.0298 -0.546675,0 -0.989845,-0.0401 -0.989852,-0.0895 7e-6,-0.0494 0.444069,-0.0759 0.989852,-0.0895 0.299498,-0.008 0.989852,0.0773 1.006977,0.14919 z" sodipodi:nodetypes="sssss" /> <path id="path22" style="fill:#a05a2c;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.0745639" d="m 92.981843,154.93582 c -0.04837,0.20088 0.46442,0.0298 1.015983,0.0298 0.551565,0 0.998699,-0.0401 0.998706,-0.0894 -7e-6,-0.0494 -0.448041,-0.0758 -0.998706,-0.0894 -0.302176,-0.008 -0.998705,0.0772 -1.015983,0.14902 z" 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0.377457,-0.0368 0.482063,-0.0708 1.56e-4,6e-5 3.6e-4,-4e-5 5.17e-4,1e-5 0.103692,0.0366 0.274797,0.0673 0.480071,0.0832 0.1173,0.009 0.244632,0.0136 0.367812,0.012 0.123181,-0.002 0.241878,-0.009 0.339827,-0.022 0.09795,-0.0129 0.17423,-0.0313 0.214637,-0.0525 0.04041,-0.0212 0.04463,-0.0452 0.0081,-0.0676 l 0.0036,5e-5 c 0.109768,-0.009 0.193312,-0.0275 0.234226,-0.0487 0.04091,-0.0212 0.03986,-0.0453 0.0035,-0.0677 -0.0364,-0.0224 -0.107385,-0.0429 -0.199753,-0.0594 -0.09237,-0.0165 -0.205623,-0.0292 -0.32563,-0.0368 -0.240014,-0.0151 -0.504449,-0.01 -0.71953,0.0103 -0.172639,0.0163 -0.31346,0.0428 -0.405105,0.0743 -0.0908,-0.0339 -0.230493,-0.064 -0.40253,-0.0848 -0.160861,-0.0194 -0.349735,-0.031 -0.535519,-0.0317 z" /> <path id="path42" style="fill:#a05a2c;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.132151" d="m 90.878999,152.20292 c 0.468499,-0.0224 -0.336017,0.65117 -0.810208,1.41667 -0.474192,0.76548 -0.943724,1.37712 -1.048595,1.36613 -0.104886,-0.0112 0.113162,-0.84084 0.557711,-1.60813 0.242807,-0.42114 1.133609,-1.1667 1.301066,-1.17471 z" sodipodi:nodetypes="ssssss" /> <path id="path43" style="fill:#a05a2c;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.132151" d="m 94.805972,151.98688 c -0.468499,-0.0224 0.336017,0.65117 0.810208,1.41667 0.474192,0.76548 0.943724,1.37712 1.048595,1.36613 0.104886,-0.0112 -0.192386,-0.84468 -0.636935,-1.61197 -0.242807,-0.42114 -1.054385,-1.16286 -1.221842,-1.17087 z" sodipodi:nodetypes="ssssss" /> </g> </g></svg>
if ($ftRobert) document.querySelector('#robert-name').style.display = '';
if ($ftMary) document.querySelector('#mary').style.display = '';
if ($ftBetty) document.querySelector('#betty').style.display = '';
if ($ftThomas) document.querySelector('#thomas').style.display = '';
if ($ftBill) {
document.querySelector('#bill').style.display = '';
document.querySelector('#lori-robert-bill').style.display = '';
if ($ftConsuela) document.querySelector('#consuela').style.display = '';
if ($ftDiego) document.querySelector('#diego').style.display = '';
if ($ftLori) document.querySelector('#lori').style.display = '';
if ($ftComplicated) document.querySelector('#its-complicated').style.display = '';
if ($ftOops) {
document.querySelector('#jimmy-lori-jay').style.display = '';
document.querySelector('#lori-robert-jay').style.display = 'none';
if ($ftBen) document.querySelector('#ben').style.display = '';
<!-- Set up the family tree variables. -->
(set: $ftEnabled to 0)
(set: $ftRobert to 0)
(set: $ftMary to 0)
(set: $ftBetty to 0)
(set: $ftThomas to 0)
(set: $ftBill to 0)
(set: $ftConsuela to 0)
(set: $ftDiego to 0)
(set: $ftLori to 0)
<!-- Jimmy and Mary are cousins. -->
(set: $ftComplicated to 0)
<!-- Jay is Jimmy and Lori's biological child. -->
(set: $ftOops to 0)
(set: $ftBen to 0)
<!-- Set up text message variables -->
(set: $textingWithBen to 0)
(set: $sawBensPic to 0)
(set: $benResponse1 to 'Literally yes.')
(set: $benMentionedWinterRecess to 0)
(set: $youMentionedWinterRecess to 0)
(set: $benVenice to 0)
(set: $benMexico to 0)
(set: $benMore to 0)
<!-- Set up story variables -->
(set: $missGrandma to 0)
(set: $pregnant to 0)
(set: $foundXanax to 0)
(set: $tookXanax to 0)
(set: $survivedXanax to 0)
(set: $tattoo to 0)
(set: $prestigious to 0)
(set: $sensitive to 0)
(set: $anxiety to 0)
(set: $noRegrets to 0)
(set: $purr to 0)
(set: $godparents to 0)
<!-- Conversation with dad -->
(set: $dadMajor to 0)
(set: $dadBen to 0)
(set: $dadHimself to 0)
<!-- Conversation with aunt mary -->
(set: $maryHerself to 0)
(set: $maryBen to 0)
(set: $maryDad to 0)
(set: $maryPie1 to 0)
<!-- Conversation with jimmy -->
(set: $jimmyHimself to 0)
(set: $jimmyGame to 0)
(set: $jimmyDad to 0)
<!-- A warbly psychic link that can only be visited once. -->
(set: $noticedPsychicLinks to 0)
(set: $psychicLinkCount to 0)
(set: $psychicLink to (macro: str-type _phrase, str-type _passage, [
(set: _link to (link-goto: _phrase, _passage))
(set: _delay to (cond: $psychicLinkCount is 0, 1000, $noticedPsychicLinks is 1, 1000, $psychicLinkCount * 1000))
(visited: _passage)[
(set: $noticedPsychicLinks to 1)
(print: _phrase)
|psy>[(color: white)+(text-style: 'wavy-underline')[_link]]
(after: _delay)+(replace: ?psy)[(color: white)+(text-style: 'fidget')[_link]]
(set: $psychicLinkCount to $psychicLinkCount + 1)
}#### Kitchen
Trembling, you reach in and grab the sliver of pie with your forefingers. You bring it up to your lips. There's no going back now.
(link: "Eat it!")+(t8n: "dissolve")+(t8n-time: 5s)[=Oh... oh Jesus, the butter...
(link: "//Savor it.//")+(t8n: "dissolve")+(t8n-time: 2s)[=Your eyes roll back in their sockets as waves of buttery bliss wash over you. You emit a low, involuntary moan before you swallow.
In the distance, strings swell...
[[//Non, je ne regrette rien...//->Kitchen Sink 2]]{
(set: $noRegrets to 1)
}#### Kitchen Sink
You have a system, washing, rinsing and drying in batches, working from plates on to silverware and then pots and pans, and finally the glasses. It's half an hour or more of mindless peace and quiet.
(link: '//Scrub.//')[=//rrreow...//
You feel a warm, fuzzy rubbing sensation.
[[Look down->Kitchen Sink 4]]#### Kitchen Sink
Patsy winds sinuously between your calves, nudging her head into your leg, then parks herself next to the heating vent at your feet.
"Oh, hi, cat."
(visited: "Deck")[//Purr.//](else:)|purr>[(color: white)+(text-style: 'wavy-underline')[[[//Purr.//->Deck]]](after: 1s)+(replace: ?purr)[(color: white)+(text-style: 'fidget')[[[//Purr.//->Deck]]]]]
[[//Scrub.//->Kitchen Sink 5]]#### Deck
You blink languorously, seemingly lounging in a sunny spot. You are tracking hapless prey in the tree nearby, your strength coiled, poised to strike at the first opportunity. But for now, you wait.
Nearby, the Large Ones make noise.
[[//Watch prey.//->Deck 2]]#### Kitchen Sink
You work your way through the rest of the dishes in Patsy's feline company. She's a little skittish, but she can be social when she wants to be. You wonder what she thinks about a bunch of big apes eating turkey.
Finishing the last wine glass, you glance out the window again and see a thick curtain of snow.
[[Look outside->Look outside]]#### Deck
"I fucked up big this time, Robert."
"What now?"
They pause to drink foul water from shiny containers. You notice your paws are somewhat less than immaculate.
[[//Clean them.//->Deck 3]]#### Deck
You lap methodically at your paws.
"The feds caught up with me."
"What in the hell are you talking about, Jimmy?"
"I got caught on my taxes."
They sip more foul water, and stop making noises. But the Smaller's heart still beats too loudly. The prey remain on guard.
[[//Continue cleaning.//->Deck 4]]#### Deck
"I been claiming Jay as a dependent. I figured, on a technicality, I mean, legally since, biologically, I figured..."{
(set: $ftOops to 1)
(link: "Look up")[=You pause your cleaning. The Large Ones have stopped making noise. Anger radiates from the Larger in waves. He is seething, and ready to attack. He may kill. This will be interesting.
[[Remain alert->Deck 5]]#### Deck
"Hey, man, sorry. Forget it, ok."
"How much?"
The noise is quiet, but the scent is unmistakeable. It will be a dangerous grapple, but perhaps... just perhaps... he will share the kill?
[[Stalk closer->Deck 6]]#### Deck
Unseen, you stalk closer.
"They want 15 thou."
Soon. It will be soon.
[[//Wait in ready.//->Deck 7]]#### Deck
"God damnit, Jimmy."
The Larger stands, abandoning his foul water, and walks away. You return to your sunny spot in disappointment.
[[//Resume cleaning.//->Kitchen Sink 4.5]]{
(set: $purr to 1)
}#### Kitchen Sink
You drop the wine glass you were rinsing. It clatters to the floor and smashes. Patsy scurries from the room.
[[//Jump//->Clean up glass]]#### Kitchen Sink
"Jay? Everything ok up there?"
"It's fine!"
Your hands are shaking.
[[//Calm down and clean up the glass.//->Clean up glass 2]]#### Kitchen
Stepping carefully around the glass, you grab the broom and dustpan from the closet and clean everything up as best you can.
Something really strange just happened, but it's already fading.
[[Finish the dishes->Kitchen Sink 5.5]]#### Kitchen Window
The gnarled old oak out back is bare except for a few stubborn brown leaves. A frayed rope hangs limply from a high branch where you used to have a tire swing. You have fond memories of playing in that tree with Bill when you were kids.
The yard is covered in a layer of fresh fallen snow. It's piled up half an inch or more now in places on the deck. You've been in California for a while, but you can never remember this much snow at Thanksgiving.
"It's really coming down out there, huh?"
[[Turn around->Kitchen B]]#### Kitchen Sink
You feel better as soon as your hands are in the sink again. You work your way through the rest of the dishes in silence.
Finishing the last wine glass, you glance out the window again and see a thick curtain of snow.
[[Look outside->Look outside]]#### Kitchen
(if: $ftOops is 0)[Uncle Jimmy](else:)[Jimmy] nods his head toward the door out to the garage.
"I'm gonna step out for a minute, wanna join me?"
[[Uh... sure?->Garage]]#### Garage
You follow (if: $ftOops is 0)[Uncle ]Jimmy out to (if: $ftOops is 0)[your dad's](else:)[the] two car garage.
As you step through the door, you feel a blast of cold air. The garage gets some heat, but it's way colder than the rest of the house. (if: $ftOops is 0)[Dad's](else:)[Robert's] giant SUV takes up half the floor space, and piles of crap take up the rest. You stand huddled in a small clearing by the door. Why are you standing out here?
(link: "//Wait.//")[="Robert hates it when people smoke in the house."
(if: $ftOops is 0)[Uncle Jimmy](else:)[Jimmy] produces a pack of Camels.
[[No thanks...->Garage 2]]#### Garage
He looks confused, but shrugs and lights up anyway. He takes a drag, then stands with his arms folded.
(if: $jimmyGame is 0)[[[Ask about the game->Garage 2.3]]
](if: $jimmyDad is 0 and $ftOops is 0 and $foundXanax is 1)[[[Ask how your dad is doing->Garage 2.2]]
](if: $jimmyDad is 0 and $ftOops is 1 and $foundXanax is 1)[[[Ask how Robert is doing->Garage 2.2]]
](if: $jimmyHimself is 0 and $ftOops is 1)[[[Ask how he's doing->Garage 2.1]]
][[Go inside->Garage Exit 2]]#### Garage
"Me?" he looks surprised.
(link: "Yeah, how's life?")[="I drink too much. I smoke too much. I'm overweight, unemployed, and underqualified. If I die young and Mary gets the insurance, it'll be the best thing I ever done."
(link: "//Wait.//")[="I dropped outta school and married my cousin when I was 16. I'm a redneck fool, Jay."{
(set: $ftComplicated to 1)
(link: "//Wait.//")[="But you got a great mind(if: $sensitive is 1)[, like your grandma]. I'm real proud of you."
(link-goto: "Thanks...", (cond: ($jimmyDad is 0 and $foundXanax is 1) or ($jimmyGame is 0), "Garage 2", "Garage Exit")){
(set: $jimmyHimself to 1)
}#### Garage
"Health wise? Robert's fine. He's strong! Good genes, you know?"
(link: "Great")[="But it can be a hard time of year. You know, with the accident."
(link-goto: "Right...", (cond: ($jimmyHimself is 0 and $ftOops is 1) or ($jimmyGame is 0), "Garage 2", "Garage Exit")){
(set: $jimmyDad to 1)
}#### Garage
"So far, so good. We're up by two touchdowns. You oughta come watch."
(link-goto: "Sure, maybe", (cond: ($jimmyDad is 0 and $foundXanax is 1) or ($jimmyHimself is 0 and $ftOops is 1), "Garage 2", "Garage Exit")){
(set: $jimmyGame to 1)
}#### Garage
(if: $ftOops is 0)[Uncle ]Jimmy takes another pull of his cigarette and stares off at the garage door.
[[I'm cold...->Garage Exit 2]]#### Garage
This is awkward as hell. You make your excuses.
"I'm getting a little cold, I think I'm gonna head inside."
(if: $ftOops is 0)[Uncle ]Jimmy nods.
[[Go back inside->Garage Exit 3]]#### Garage
Your hand is on the doorknob before (if: $ftOops is 0)[Uncle ]Jimmy continues.
"Hey, Jay? There was something else I wanted to ($psychicLink: "talk", "Phil's Putt-Putt") to you about."
[[//Wait.//->Garage Exit 4]]#### Garage
"I know you was just a baby when the accident... when your mom passed. But she did love you. She really did."
[[//...//->Garage Exit 5]]#### Garage
You stand rooted to the spot, your hand still on the doorknob. You nod.
(t8n-depart: "fade")[[Go inside->Front Hall 2.1]]#### Front Hall
"Are you sure you wouldn't rather stay the night?"
(if: $ftOops is 0)[Uncle ]Jimmy and (if: $ftOops is 0)[Aunt ]Mary stand bundled up in the front hall with three grocery bags chock full of leftovers, minus the pies. (if: $ftOops is 0)[Your dad](else:)[Robert] makes one final half-hearted gesture.
"Nah, we'll be fine. We don't have too far to go here. Ain't like we never seen snow before."
(if: $ftOops is 0)[[[Hug your aunt->Front Hall 2]]](else:)[[[Hug Mary->Front Hall 2]]]#### Front Hall
"Aww, bye sweet pea! I love you too. Take care of yourself, you hear? And come visit any time."
(if: $ftOops is 0)[[[Shake your uncle's hand->Front Hall 3]]](else:)[[[Shake Jimmy's hand->Front Hall 3]]]#### Front Hall
"Take it easy Jay. Stay outta trouble out there in Cali, ok?"
(link: "Ok.")[="Bye Robert!"
"Good night!"
(link: "Bye.")[=Everyone says three more rounds of goodbyes as they shuffle out the door and pad down the snow covered walkway.
[[Wave->Front Hall 4]]#### Front Hall
You and (if: $ftOops is 0)[your dad](else:)[Robert] stand waving at the door as they hop into their SUV and back out into the night. When their tail lights are gone, you shut the door, shivering.
[[Go to bed]]#### Front Hall
"I'm beat. I think I'm gonna head to bed."
"Night, son."
[[G'night->Bed]]#### Wendy's Drive-through
"Hello, and welcome to Wendy's. You can order //bzzt-tt// whenever you're ready."
A tinny voice squawks at you from a snow covered speaker. You lean down out of the cab and squint at the illuminated menu.
"Uh, yeah, hi, I'd like a..."
(link: "Order a bacon double stack")+(replace: ?order)["... bacon double stack..."(show: ?red)]
(link: "Order a crispy chicken BLT")+(replace: ?order)["... crispy chicken BLT..."(show: ?red)]
(link: "Order a Jr. Bacon cheeseburger")+(replace: ?order)["... Jr. Bacon cheeseburger..."(show: ?red)]]
[[Ask Rod what he wants->Dispatch 2]]]#### Wendy's Drive-through
You pull your head back in the cab and glance at Rod.
"They got anything special on the menu for Thanksgiving? Like turkey, cranberry sauce, that kinda thing?"
"It's a Wendy's, Rod."
He grunts.
"Grilled chicken wrap."
[[Order a grilled chicken wrap->Dispatch 3]]#### Wendy's Drive-through
"Yeah, and, uh, one grilled chicken wrap."
"Would y'all like anything to drink?"
"Two diet cokes"
"All righty, your total will be //bz-t-click// 24, please pull up to the window."
[[Pull forward->Dispatch 4]]#### Wendy's Drive-through
You put the ambulance in gear and start pulling around the corner. It's a tight fit, but you've done it a million times.
"Medic 106 code 3"
//Of course...//
[[Keep driving->Dispatch 5]]#### Wendy's Drive-through
Rod's got the radio. You drive past the window while a pimply teenager gawks in surprise. Your stomach grumbles angrily.
[[Drive->Dispatch 6]]#### Wendy's Parking lot
"106 respond to vehicle accident, eastbound Highway 10 west of Pine Bluff Road."
"106 copy, en route."
[[Put on sirens->Dispatch 7]]#### South Main Street
You put on the lights and sirens and gas it as much as you dare out of the lot onto South Main.
Pine Bluff is about five miles out. It'll take you fifteen minutes best case with the roads this messed up, then another twenty minutes back to General. Rod's doing the math too, and shakes his head.
"Assuming room temperature, here..."
(visited: "Collision")[(t8n-arrive: "blur")+(link-reveal-goto: "//I'm not doing this again//", "Wake up 2")[(set: $ftEnabled to 1)]
][[Keep driving->Dispatch 8.0]]#### Kitchen
After a perfunctory demurral, your family have retired to the den for their annual turkey-induced football food coma and left you alone with the dishes. That means the hard part is done. You've almost survived another year with these people.
(if: $kitchenPhone is 0)[[[Check your phone->ben grindr 3]]
][[Fill the sink->Kitchen Sink]]#### South Main Street
Screw it, nobody's out here tonight. You gun it.
(link: "Check your right")[=Something catches in your peripheral vision. Everything slows down. Your body relaxes.
(link: "Assess the situation")[=A beat up SUV with no headlights is headed directly for Rod's door. It's going to T-bone you. It's too late to brake. You have a few seconds until impact.
[[Turn->Dispatch 8.2]]
[[Accelerate->Dispatch 8.3]]#### South Main Street
As you coast to a rolling stop, a beat up SUV with no headlights roars through the intersection and vanishes into the night.
Your heart skips a beat. Rod's braced for impact. It takes you a minute to recover.
"Where the hell did that come from?"
[[Check on Rod->Dispatch 9]]#### South Main Street
"Well. I might need to change my underwear, but otherwise, I'm doing just fine."
The road's empty. It's dead quiet outside.
"We better keep moving."
[[Drive->Dispatch 10]]#### South Main Street
You can't change your speed, but you can try to cut the angle, and maybe put some more of the bus between you and them. You shut your eyes and veer hard left.
(t8n-arrive: "rumble")[[//I'm so sorry.//->Collision]]#### South Main Street
You can't clear the intersection, but you still might be able to get Rod out of the impact zone. You close your eyes and floor it.
(t8n-arrive: "shudder")[[//I'm so sorry.//->Collision]]#### South Main Street
Up ahead, the stoplight is stuck on red. You slap the steering wheel.
"Jesus, come on."
(unless: (visited: "Collision"))[[[Gun it->Dispatch 8]]
][[Yield->Dispatch 8.1]]#### South Main Street
(link: "clickclick")[="10-53, South Main and Elm. We got a red Chevy Tahoe smashed up with an ambulance... uh, yeah. Hang on."
(link: "bzzt")[="Looks like two paramedics in the cab of that ambulance. Uh huh. Ok."
(link: "squeak pop")[="I've got a partial plate on that Tahoe, QX...4 somethin... one second. Where? Oh, Lord."
(link: "chssssht")[="You better send out the ME, we found the driver."
(t8n-arrive: "blur")[[bzzt chshk->Wake up]]{
(set: $ftEnabled to 1)
}#### Main Street
You follow Main Street north and see not a single other car on the road.
Downtown runs out after a few blocks, and then it's just you and Rod in the dark. You can see maybe 20 ft ahead in the narrow cone of your headlights as the snow blows into your windshield.
(link: "Flip on brights")[=It's a little better with your brights on, but not by much.
Up ahead, you can just make out the yellow double arrow where Main St ends in a T with Highway 10.
[[Yield->Dispatch 11]]#### Bed
You jerk awake and sit up in bed, gasping for air. Your heart is racing, and your skin feels clammy. Nightmare. It's ok. You're ok. You had a nightmare.
You rub your face, and try to focus on your alarm clock.
(link: "2:52am")[=It's still way too early to get up. You exhale, and crash back down onto the mattress, pulling the covers back around you and rolling onto your side.
(link: "What even was that?")[=There was something about an ambulance...(if: $survivedXanax is 1 or $anxiety is 1)[ maybe you've just got EMTs on the brain.] And there was snow? Something bad happened.
You close your eyes and breathe deeply.
(visited: "Collision")[(t8n-arrive: "blur")+(link-reveal-goto: "Go back to sleep", "Dispatch 6")[(set: $ftEnabled to 0)]](else:)[(t8n-arrive: "blur")[[Go back to sleep->Gate A6]]]#### Main Street and Highway 10
There's nobody out here. You're clear.
[[Turn left->Dispatch 11.1]]
[[Turn right->Dispatch 11.2]]#### Highway 10
Cautiously, you pull out onto the highway and roll along as fast as you dare. There isn't too much snow, but the plows still haven't been through.
"Hey, uh. Isn't Pine Bluff back east?"
[[Look over at Rod->Dispatch 12]]#### Highway 10
Cautiously, you pull out onto the highway and roll along as fast as you dare. There isn't too much snow, but the plows still haven't been through.
"Hey, uh. Isn't Pine Bluff back west?"
[[Look over at Rod->Dispatch 12]]#### Highway 10
He slaps his thigh.
"You should see your face right now, man."
You roll your eyes. Rod may be a local, but you've lived here your whole adult life. After 8 months of training and almost a year on the job now, you can find your way out to Pine Bluff Road without a map.
"Hah hah. Very funny, jerk face."
[[Keep driving->Dispatch 13]]#### Highway 10
You drive on in silence for another ten minutes. You round a bend, then slow where you see three squad cars on the side of the road.
An officer flags you in, and you cut the sirens and park it.
[[Hop out->Nothing for you to do]]#### Highway 10
"Evenin' boys."
"Nothing for you to do out here, I'm afraid."
(link: "//Wait.//")[="We got an SUV wrapped around a tree. Driver went through the wind screen... probably DUI, but leave it for the ME."
(link: "//Nod.//")[=You fold your arms and nod once. You're freezing, but you don't want to look like a wuss.
The sheriff tips his hat to Rod, then walks off to yell at someone. As you turn back towards the ambulance, you glance over and see deputies shining flashlights and poking around in the woods. You shiver.
(visited: "Collision")[(t8n-arrive: "blur")[[Get back in the cab->Wake up 2]]](else:)[(t8n-arrive: "blur")[[Get back in the cab->Wake up]]]{
(set: $ftEnabled to 1)
}#### Den
The rest of the day passes with your family snoring in front of the TV, occasionally muttering football stuff. You sit with them and try to cram{
(if: $textingWithBen > 0 or $kitchenPhone is 1)[, but you mostly think about what you're going to say to Ben.]
At half time, some pop star with hot backup dancers wakes everyone up. They mute the TV, and everyone takes a turn rummaging around in the fridge. Then they regroup and fall right back asleep.
By the time the Good Team wins - you think - it's dark outside, and all that's left is pie and Folgers and farewells.
[[See them out->Front Hall]]#### Bed
You drop Nash & Sen and faceplant onto your bed.
(link: "//Thank... God.//")[=It's over. You fly back on Saturday, and then you've got a week to cram as much topology as you can into your brain.(if: $benMentionedWinterRecess is 1 or $youMentionedWinterRecess is 1)[
And then... winter recess. Hopefully on a beach somewhere, hopefully with Ben.]
(if: $textingWithBen > 0 or $kitchenPhone is 1)|facetime>[[[Facetime Ben->Facetime Ben]]
](link: "Turn out the light")[(t8n-arrive: "blur")[[Pass out->Dispatch]]{
(set: $ftEnabled to 0)
(hide: ?facetime)
}]#### Bed
You roll onto your back and hold up your phone. You find Ben's contact, and a moment later, you see his glasses and his mop of curly dark hair looking down at you. Then he lifts his phone and smiles, and you melt.
"Hey you. Gimme a minute here."
You see confusing vignettes of suburban LA pirouette around Ben's head.
"Are you still at your grandparents?"
He walks down a hallway and turns off into a side room.
"Yeah, we're at my bubbe's house. Let me just find some privacy here. How are you doing? Tell me about your day."
[[Oh man...->Facetime Ben 2]]#### Bed
"Eh, my day was whatever. We drove to Santa Monica, we ate, now we're hanging out."
(if: $textingWithBen is 0)[(link: "Apologize for missing his texts...\n")+(replace: ?convo)+(t8n: "dissolve")[
"Sorry I missed your texts."
"No biggie. It was just stupid stuff."
]](if: $sawBensPic is 1)[(link: "Tease him about sexting this morning...\n")+(replace: ?convo)+(t8n: "dissolve")[
"I enjoyed your texts today... especially that one this morning."
He looks confused, then his pupils dilate. His voice goes husky.
"Yeah? See something you like?"
There's a barely audible //thud// in the background. He stands up and ducks around the corner. Then he comes back.
"Sorry. Damn it, my cousins are everywhere."
]](link: "Ask about his family...\n")+(replace: ?convo)+(t8n: "dissolve")[
"Do you have a pretty big family?"
"There's me and my sister, mom and dad, bubbe and zayde, three aunts and uncles, and six cousins here today, I think."
"Wow, that's a pretty big crew."
"Oh yeah. We ate like 5 pounds of potatoes."
](link: "Ask about his sister...\n")+(replace: ?convo)+(t8n: "dissolve")[
"How's your sister doing? She's in middle school, right?"
"Ugh, yeah. She just started violin. It sounds like a dying animal. It's horrible."
](link: "Ask about his bubbe...\n")+(replace: ?convo)+(t8n: "dissolve")[
"You seem super close with your bubbe."
"Yeah, she's the best. She was all like so, who's this boy you're spending all this time with? Is it //bashert//? When is he coming to dinner?"
"Oh my God. I'm scared now."
"Haha, she's harmless. She'll just feed you."
[[Tell him about more weird stuff...->Facetime Ben 4]]#### Bed
"Some other stuff came up today..."
(if: $pregnant is 1)[(link: 'My uncle got someone pregnant by mistake...\n')+(t8n: 'dissolve')+(replace: ?convo)[
"My uncle warned me not to get you pregnant."
His hand flies up to his face.
"No way. Shut the front door. For real?"
"Yeah, apparently he got someone knocked up in the 1900s and it ruined his life or something."
]](else:)+(text-style: 'wavy-strike')[My uncle got someone pregnant by mistake...
](if: $foundXanax is 1)[(link: "My dad's taking Xanax...\n")+(t8n: 'dissolve')+(replace: ?convo)[
"I found out my dad's taking Xanax."
"He just never talks about stuff, you know? He's always just been //fine//. Now I'm worried he's going through something major, and I haven't been here for him."
]](else:)+(text-style: 'wavy-strike')[My dad's taking Xanax...
](if: $survivedXanax is 1)[(link: "I stole my dad's Xanax and blacked out...\n")+(t8n: 'dissolve')+(replace: ?convo)[
"I sorta did something stupid."
He raises an eyebrow.
"Never mind."
]](else:)+(text-style: 'wavy-strike')[I stole my dad's Xanax and blacked out...
](if: $tattoo is 1)[(link: "I think I might have a thing for tattoos...\n")+(t8n: 'dissolve')+(replace: ?convo)[
"How do you feel about tattoos?"
"Oh my God. Did you get a tattoo?"
"James Thomas Black."
"I didn't, I swear!"
You crack up.
"Is it a tramp stamp? Is it my name? Did you get my name tattooed on your ass?"
You double over laughing.
"No, I... I swear! I just, never really realized how hot they were."
]](else:)+(text-style: 'wavy-strike')[I think I might have a thing for tattoos...
](if: $prestigious is 1)[(link: "My aunt is really surprisingly cool...\n")+(t8n: 'dissolve')+(replace: ?convo)[
"I realized my aunt is a pretty cool person."
"How so?"
"Like she was trapped in this hick town her whole life, but she isn't small-minded. She thinks for herself, and she's not afraid to speak her mind. She's got real courage."
"She sounds like a good one."
]](else:)+(text-style: 'wavy-strike')[My aunt is really surprisingly cool...
](if: $prestigious is 1)[(link: "My grandma was a math prodigy...\n")+(t8n: 'dissolve')+(replace: ?convo)[
"I think my grandma might have been really good at math."
"That seems... unsurprising."
"I mean, I guess I never thought about her that way."
]](else:)+(text-style: 'wavy-strike')[My grandma was a math prodigy...
](if: $anxiety is 1)[(link: "My brother's wife is pregnant...\n")+(t8n: 'dissolve')+(replace: ?convo)[
"I guess I'm gonna be an uncle soon."
"Oh, whoa. Congratulations!"
"Thanks. I, uh, sorta found out by mistake."
"Ouch. Awkward."
]](else:)+(text-style: 'wavy-strike')[My brother's wife is pregnant...
](if: $noRegrets is 1)[(link: "I had a really, really good pie...\n")+(t8n: 'dissolve')+(replace: ?convo)[
"I have a confession."
"Uh oh."
"I sorta... cheated..."
He looks shocked. You totally got him.
"On my diet. With a pie. By eating it."
He rolls his eyes.
"Uh huh. Was it worth it?"
"It was sooooo good."
]](else:)+(text-style: 'wavy-strike')[I had a really, really good pie...
](if: $purr is 1)[(link: "I had a psychic connection with a cat...\n")+(t8n: 'dissolve')+(replace: ?convo)[
"Does your family have pets?"
"Uh, my sister has a chihuahua. It's psychotic. Why?"
"Just wondering. We have a cat."
"Cats are fine, I guess."
]](else:)+(text-style: 'wavy-strike')[I had a psychic connection with a cat...
](if: $purr is 1)[(link: "My dad is actually my uncle and my uncle is my dad...\n")+(t8n: 'dissolve')+(replace: ?convo)[
"I kind of overheard something that made me think I might be... adopted?"
His mouth opens and closes.
"Yeah. It's... honestly a pretty messed up situation..."
"Your dad never said anything before? Did you ever suspect?"
"Not once."
"Wow. That's a lot."
]](if: $godparents is 1)[(link: "My aunt and uncle are my godparents...\n")+(t8n: 'dissolve')+(replace: ?convo)[
"Do you have godparents?"
"Nah, Jews don't really do that. Do you?"
"Yeah, my aunt and uncle. We're not religious, but I guess my parents were just very close."
]](else:)+(text-style: 'wavy-strike')[My aunt and uncle are my godparents...
](if: $ftComplicated is 1)[(link: "My aunt and uncle are cousins...\n")+(t8n: 'dissolve')+(replace: ?convo)[
"I guess my family is just... complicated."
He sighs.
"Yeah. They all are."
]](else:)+(text-style: 'wavy-strike')[My aunt and uncle are cousins...
[[Yawn->Facetime Ben 5]]#### Bed
"It's been a weird day."
"Yeah? How so?"
(link: "My aunt cut a turkey breast with a chainsaw...\n")+(replace: ?convo)+(t8n: "dissolve")[
"Why does everyone pretend to like turkey so much?"
"I know, right? It's like sawdust, gross."
](link: "My dad flipped a table on my uncle...\n")+(replace: ?convo)+(t8n: "dissolve")[
"My uncle kept saying all this offensive stuff."
"There's one in every family."
](link: "I talked with my dead grandma...\n")+(replace: ?convo)+(t8n: "dissolve")[
"Do you believe in ghosts?"
"Wow, where did that come from? I dunno..."
He plays with his hair.
"Did you see something?"
"I'm not sure. I guess I just really miss my grandma."
](link: "My aunt made a really terrible pie...\n")+(replace: ?convo)+(t8n: "dissolve")[
"My aunt tried to make a vegan pie."
"Oh my god, she made you a pie? That is //so// cute."
](link: "My uncle tried to tell me about my mom...\n")+(replace: ?convo)+(t8n: "dissolve")[
"Some old stuff came up. About my mom. I'm not really ready to talk about it."
He bites his lip, blinking.
"I wish I could hug you right now."
[[Ask about him->Facetime Ben 3]]#### Bed
//Yawn.// You cover your mouth.
"Aww, sleepyhead. I should let you get going here."
(if: $benMentionedWinterRecess is 1)[(link: "About winter recess...")["Want to run away to Mexico with me?"
He laughs.
"Seriously, I was thinking maybe we could take a roadtrip over recess."
He's quiet for a minute, then smiles.
"Sure. I'd like that. A lot actually."
(set: $benMexico to 1)
}]](else-if: $youMentionedWinterRecess is 1)[(link: "About winter recess...")["What are you up to for winter recess?"
"I'm glad you asked. I was planning to kidnap you. I bought duct tape and everything."
You laugh.
"Wanna hang out in Venice? My uncle asked me to house sit."
You think about it, and smile.
"Yeah. That sounds fun."
(set: $benVenice to 1)
}]](else:)[(link: "UwU...")[You stare sleepily into Ben's eyes. You want to say so much more.
"I miss you."
He sighs.
"Me too."
"See you Saturday?"
(set: $benMore to 1)
[[Good night->Hang up]]#### Bed
You say good night and disconnect. When the time flashes on your lock screen, you're surprised... you must have talked for longer than you thought, it's gotten late.
You set your phone down on your nightstand, and briefly drag your fingers across the cover of Nash & Sen, but no way. You'll do Chapter 6 tomorrow.
You turn out the light, and roll over.
(t8n-arrive: "blur")[[Pass out->Dispatch]]{
(set: $ftEnabled to 0)
}#### Gate A6
The next few days pass in a blur. Your dad has work on Friday, so it's just you, Nash and Sen all day - you're not all the way there yet, but you think you might possibly not completely fail this final.
Your dad drives you to the airport early on Saturday, and you exchange like a dozen words.(if: $foundXanax is 1)[ You try to get him to open up about whatever he's going through, but he still won't talk.] There are so many things you're just never going to talk about.
[[//Shift in seat//->Gate A6 2]]#### Gate A6
You're sitting in a ratty chair at the gate next to a screaming iPad kid. Your flight boards in ten minutes, and people are already milling around anxiously trying to cut in some imaginary line.
You should probably be studying, but you're taking a break. There will be plenty of time for Chapter 6 on the flight.
Honestly, you're mostly just feeling relieved. (if: $ftOops is 1)[You love your family, but it's pretty messed up. There's so much weird trauma, and while that will always be where you came from, it's not where you're going.](else:)[You love your family, but when you're around them, you feel like you're playing a part.] You need to focus on your own life, now.
(if: $benMexico is 1 or $benVenice is 1)[When you land, you're planning to drive straight to Ben's apartment. Spending winter recess together is a huge step. You're nervous, but also excited... what will it feel like to wake up next to him every day?](else-if: $benMore is 1)[You and Ben have been talking some more, and you're figuring things out. He's going to be house sitting in Venice for winter recess, so you might go down and hang out some, and maybe even meet some of his family.](else:)[You're not sure where things are at with Ben, but you'll figure it out after finals. One way or another, it will all work out ok.]
(if: $benMexico is 1)[[[//Breathe//->Mexico]]]
(else-if: $benVenice is 1)[[[//Breathe//->Venice]]]
(else-if: $benMore is 1)[(set: $ftEnabled to 2)[[//Breathe//->Bubbe]]]
(else:)[(set: $ftEnabled to 0)[[//Breathe//->Fin]]]
}#### Somewhere outside Ensenada
The surf beats rhythmically against the shore of the little protected cove where you've been camping for the last few nights. As Ben sleeps peacefully beside you, you watch the moon set over the ocean and think about your week together.
You still can't believe you're actually here. The day after finals, Ben picked you up in his Toyota and drove you guys to Walmart. You bought sleeping bags, bottled water, and granola bars, and then started driving south.
By the time you made it over the border, it was already getting dark, so you decided to just find a hotel. You picked a random place with good reviews on Maps. Ben doesn't speak Spanish, and you barely remember what you learned in high school. You said "one night", paid 300 pesos, and the clerk gave you a key.
When you opened the door, you froze. The room had a giant red heart shaped bed and a jacuzzi. Ben brushed past you, walked over to the corner, and twirled lazily around a stripper pole. You started to apologize, but he just grabbed your t-shirt, pulled you in and slammed the door.
The whole trip has been wild. You got pulled over for "speeding" and bribed the cop with $20. You met some local queer kids and went snorkeling. They told you about this campsite, and it's maybe the most beautiful place you've ever been. You'd stay here forever if you could.
You have no idea what's going to happen next, but you are pretty sure that you want it to happen with Ben.
(set: $ftBen to 1)
(set: $ftEnabled to 0)
}#### Bungalow
Ben's uncle has a cute two bedroom bungalow in Venice a couple blocks from the canals. You're not really sure why it needs house sitting, but you're definitely not complaining.
For the first few days, you felt like you had to be doing stuff constantly, but over the last week you and Ben have settled into a chill domestic routine. Now the days just flow. You can't ever remember feeling this happy.
There's a little yard with a lemon tree where you sit and have coffee and read in the sun, when you finally drag yourselves out of bed. Eventually, one of you will make breakfast. You might go to the beach later, or just go back to bed. In the evenings, you go out and watch the sunset over the ocean.
It's like you're learning a new language together. On your first day, you found some old bikes out back and cruised along the boardwalk. You stopped and ogled the men at muscle beach until Ben started giving you side eye. Now that you're used to it, you just bike past, but yesterday you caught him flexing in the hallway mirror, and this morning, you found him in the yard doing bicep curls. You gently brushed aside the dumbbell and kissed him until he forgot about it. You need him to understand how perfect he already is.
Tonight you're driving up to his bubbe's in Santa Monica for dinner. You're more than a little nervous... this is a "meet the family" thing. But if it means getting closer to him, you //want// to meet them.
(set: $ftEnabled to 2)
(set: $ftBen to 1)
}#### Bubbe's house
"She can be kind of intense. But it'll be fine, ok? This means so much to me. Like, you're the first person I've ever brought home."
(link: "...")[="Oh... my... //God//, he's adorable! Benny, why didn't you tell me he was so good looking? But he's too thin."
(link: "...")[="Now Benny said you're vegan, but I made this special for you. It's good butter, very healthy, I know the cow. Here, eat."
(link: "...")[="Oh, we were in Kentucky once. Zayde had too much bourbon and puked on the distillery tour. It was very embarrassing."
(link: "...")[="We met on the tilt-a-whirl at the Santa Monica Pier. He kept falling onto me and apologizing. I knew right away."
(link: "...")[="When Benny told us he was gay, I said I don't care if you bring home a man or a woman, as long as you bring home a //mensch//."
(link: "...")[="Now Jay, how do you feel about surrogacy? You could always start with a small dog. I know a breeder for chihuahuas."
(set: $ftEnabled to 0)
}### The End
Thank you for playing //String Theory//.
While it's been inspired by many life experiences, this is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people or families is a coincidence.
(if: $benVenice is 1)[You ended up hanging out at Ben's uncle's Bungalow in Venice. There's another ending where you camp on the beach in Mexico. To see this ending, try out different text message choices.](else-if: $benMexico is 1)[You ended up camping on the beach in Mexico. There's another ending where you can hang out at Ben's uncle's Bungalow in Venice, and meet his bubbe. To see this ending, try out different text message choices.](else-if: $benMore is 1)[You ended up going to dinner with Ben's bubbe. There are different endings where you can also staycation together in Venice, or camp on the beach in Mexico. To see these endings, try paying more attention to your phone.](else:)[You ended up leaving things unresolved with Ben. There are other endings where you can vacation together or meet his family. To see these endings, try paying more attention to your phone.]
(link: "Restart")[(restart:)]### String Theory
//a short work of interactive fiction by W Pzinski//
This is a hypertext story about family. Follow (link: "links")[links - nice work - ] to uncover more detail and make choices about how the story progresses. Your choices matter!
When the game begins, you can also use the "family tree" icon on the icon bar to keep track of what you've learned about your family.
(link: "Acknowledgements")[Many thanks to Ezra and Gene for playtesting. Their feedback especially helped to tune some of the interactive elements of this story.
(link: "Trigger warnings (contains spoilers!)")[This story contains some profanity, body image/weight issues, a few mildly suggestive passages, racism, drug and alcohol abuse, mental health issues, and (link: "really spoilers")[descriptions of a car accident].
[[Play the game already->Thanksgiving Dinner 1]]{
(set: $ftEnabled to 1)
License: (link-repeat: "CC-BY")[(goto-url: "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/")]#### Kitchen
(if: $maryPie1 is 0)[(set: $maryPie1 to 1)Aunt Mary produces a pie from the grocery bag.
"Pecan, of course..."
]She reaches back into the grocery bag and rummages around some more, then produces a second pie.
[[Look at it->Vegan Pie]]#### Phil's Putt-Putt (5th hole)
"Was that four or five?"
You bend down and retrieve your neon yellow golf ball from the hole. Predictably, you're the last one through.
"Six. You rebounded off the gnome."
Robert watches over your shoulder like a hawk while you grudgingly scratch a //6// onto your score card with a stubby pencil. The girls are already waiting at the next hole.
"Nice try, Jimmy."
[[Move along->Phil's Putt-Putt 2]]#### Phil's Putt-Putt (6th hole)
"Oh, they finally made it! Call off the search party."
Mary teases you as you crest the stairs to the 6th hole. Robert hooks an arm around Lori's shoulders. She's showing quite a bit, now, in her black and white striped maternity dress. It won't be long.
"You doing okay, honey? Want to go sit down?"
She smiles and bats his arm away.
"Not when I'm winning."
[[Grin->Phil's Putt-Putt 3]]{
(set: $ftLori to 1)
}#### Phil's Putt-Putt (6th hole)
With some effort, Lori bends down and drops her blue ball. She sights down the fairway, then kicks it slightly to the right.
"Hey!" you protest.
"It's still behind the line."
Up ahead, a big windmill turns lazily. There are three tunnels in the base. Lori aims for the one on the right, and when the blades are just right, she swings her putter.
[[Golf clap->Phil's Putt-Putt 4]]#### Phil's Putt-Putt (6th hole)
You do a sarcastic little golf clap, and Lori flips you the bird.
Her ball glides smoothly down the astroturf, right under the windmill blades, into the tunnel and down onto the green below, stopping an inch from the hole. She smirks.
"Your turn."
[[Tee up->Phil's Putt-Putt 5]]#### Phil's Putt-Putt (6th hole)
(set: _windmill to 0)
A semi clatters past out on Highway 10 as you drop your ball. You lick your finger and hold it up to the wind, then get down into your stance.
(link: "Line up")[=You watch the windmill carefully:
(live: 1s)[(if: _windmill % 2 is 0)[+
[[Aim left->Phil's Putt-Putt L]]
[[Aim center->Phil's Putt-Putt Rebound]]
[[Aim right->Phil's Putt-Putt R]]](else:)[×
[[Aim left->Phil's Putt-Putt Rebound]]
[[Aim center->Phil's Putt-Putt C]]
[[Aim right->Phil's Putt-Putt Rebound]]](set: _windmill to _windmill + 1)]#### Phil's Putt-Putt (6th hole)
The ball glides down the fairway like it's on ice, misses the windmill blades by a mile, and goes directly into the left tunnel. A moment later, it emerges on the green below and sinks straight into the hole.
Mary applauds.
[[Boo yah!->Phil's Putt-Putt 6]]#### Phil's Putt-Putt (6th hole)
The ball skips down the fairway, just sneaks past the windmill blades, and makes it into the center tunnel. A moment later, it rolls out onto the green below and stops at the far end.
"Nice shot."
Robert claps you on the back.
[[Nod->Phil's Putt-Putt 6]]#### Phil's Putt-Putt (6th hole)
The ball rolls easily down the fairway, sneaks in under the windmill blades, and enters the right tunnel. A moment later, it emerges out onto the green, knocks Lori's ball into the hole and rolls away.
Lori laughs.
[[Hey, that doesn't count!->Phil's Putt-Putt 6]]#### Phil's Putt-Putt (6th hole)
The ball gets a little lift on your chip shot, skips forward and rolls right into the windmill blade. It rebounds off and lands back about three feet.
Lori gives a polite little golf clap and shoots you doe eyes.
Robert snickers.
[[Grumble->Phil's Putt-Putt 6]]#### Phil's Putt-Putt (6th hole)
Lori staggers and puts her hand on her belly. Before you can react, Mary is already right beside her, holding her hand.
"You feeling ok, hon?"
"I'm fine. He's just kicking..."
[[Look at Robert->Phil's Putt-Putt 7]]#### Phil's Putt-Putt (6th hole)
Robert walks over and puts his hand on hers.
"Let's go down to the cafe for a minute and have some water."
"I'm fine, Robert. I've done this before, remember? I think I can play a damn game of putt-putt."
Robert holds up his hands.
"I know, I know. I was just suggesting."
[[I gotta pee->Phil's Putt-Putt 8]]#### Phil's Putt-Putt (6th hole)
"I kinda gotta take a leak, anyway."
Lori looks at you skeptically, but then makes a pained face and nods.
"Fine. All right."
Mary rubs her back, and they turn and head back towards the main shack.
(link: "Pick up balls")[=Lori's going to be pissed if you ditch the game. You circle back and pick up your balls, in case she gets a second wind.
[[Join them->Phil's Putt-Putt 9]]#### Phil's Putt-Putt Cafe
You do hit the outhouse on the way, just for plausible deniability.
By the time you make it back to the cafe, Robert, Mary, and Lori are sitting at a diner booth and sipping from tall red plastic cups of ice water. Lori's glass is half empty.
You slide into the booth next to Mary.
[[How's it going?->Phil's Putt-Putt 10]]#### Phil's Putt-Putt Cafe
"I'm much better."
There's a lull, then Lori exchanges a meaningful glance with Robert.
"Actually, we've been meaning to talk with you guys..." he begins.
Lori turns to look at you.
[[Look away->Phil's Putt-Put 11]]
#### Phil's Putt-Putt Cafe
You avert your eyes and shift uncomfortably in your seat. Mary waits patiently, and Lori goes on.
(link: "Grit your teeth")[="We were wondering if you'd like to be Jay's godparents."
Mary breaks into a smile, reaches out and squeezes her hand.
"We'd be so honored. Wouldn't we, Jim?"
[[Of course...->Garage Exit 3]]{
(set: $godparents to 1)
}#### Bed
(visited: "Nothing for you to do")[//Nothing for you to do out here...//
]You awake with a start, again. You inhale deeply, then sigh and roll over onto your stomach.
(t8n-arrive: "blur")[[Go back to sleep->Gate A6]]