/*Inventory Shit <<set $inv = ["a worksheet"]>><<set $printinv=["[[a worksheet]]"]>>*/
<<set $inv = []>><<set $printinv=[]>><<set $haveshroom=false>><<set $havered=false>><<set $havegreen=false>><<set $haveid=false>><<set $havesock=false; bluehands=false>><<set $havesnake=false; $haveskin=false>>
/*Misc Variables*/
<<set $default=true>><<set $marriage=0>><<set $fontsize=18>><<set $temploc="">><<set $canusendhome=false>><<set $canugetpronouns=false>><<set $defcolor=true>><<set $isblue=false; $iswhite=false>><<set $rainbowcycle=0>><<set $direction="w2e">><<set $isspecial=false>><<set $isdissolved=false; $istrapped=false>><<set $thingsgot = 0; $gateopen=false>><<set $tookzhe=false; $tookone = false>><<set $kidStatus = 0>><<set $inbackpack=false>><<set $backpackreminder="<<if $bchecked!=true>> (The backpack can be accessed via the sidebar on the left at any time.)<<endif>>">>
<<set $wearingPink=true>>
/*For Testing*/
<<set $fontSize=10>>
<<goto pronounsgobrr>>When $you left for school this morning things were tense.
$cyou asked $your parents to use $your new [[pronouns]] last night. $cyou don't think they understand, not really, but they're trying at least.
<<set $pronouns="new">>Changing $your pronouns is a lot of work, and <<print $youspan + "you're" + "</span>">> never quite sure how people will react, but it feels right to $you. <<print $youspan + "Your" + "</span></span>">> new pronouns, of course, are:
[[Something else.]]
<<set $subpn = "he"; $objpn = "him"; $posadjpn = "his"; $posadjpn = "his"; $refpn = "himself">><<set $subpn = "he"; $objpn = "him"; $posadjpn = "his"; $cposadjpn = "His"; $pospn = "his"; $refpn = "himself"; $pronouns = "He/Him"; $is = "is"; $plural = false>>
<<print $youspan + $pronouns + "</span>">>. That means that if someone was talking about $you, they might say "<<print $youspan + $subpn + "</span>">> is going to the fridge." Or at least, that's how $you explained it to your parents. Maybe it was a mistake, telling them. Maybe when they said they'd love $you unconditionally, they hadn't meant it. Or maybe-
Lost in thought, $you [[trip over an outstretched root.]]<<set $subpn = "she"; $objpn = "her"; $posadjpn = "her"; $cposadjpn = "Her"; $pospn = "hers"; $refpn = "herself"; $pronouns = "She/Her"; $is = "is"; $plural = false>>
<<print $youspan + $pronouns + "</span>">>. That means that if someone was talking about $you, they might say "<<print $youspan + $subpn + "</span>">> is going to the fridge." Or at least, that's how $you explained it to your parents. Maybe it was a mistake, telling them. Maybe when they said they'd love $you unconditionally, they hadn't meant it. Or maybe-
Lost in thought, $you [[trip over an outstretched root.]]<<set $subpn = "they"; $objpn = "them"; $posadjpn = "their"; $cposadjpn = "Their"; $pospn = "theirs"; $refpn = "themself"; $pronouns = "They/Them"; $is = "are"; $plural = true>>
<<print $youspan + $pronouns + "</span>">>. That means that if someone was talking about $you, they might say "<<print $youspan + $subpn + "</span>">> are going to the fridge." Or at least, that's how $you explained it to your parents. Maybe it was a mistake, telling them. Maybe when they said they'd love $you unconditionally, they hadn't meant it. Or maybe-
Lost in thought, $you [[trip over an outstretched root.]]<<set $neopronouns to true>><<if $plural>><<set $magicS = "">><<else>><<set $magicS = "s">><<endif>><<set $osubpn = $subpn; $oobjpn = $objpn; $oposadjpn = $posadjpn; $opospn = $pospn; $orefpn = $refpn; $opronouns = $pronouns>><<print $youspan + "You" + "</span>">> get to your feet and dust yourself off, taking in your surroundings. $cyou must have taken this trail home hundreds of times, and $youve never seen a root like this. It's big, snaking out from an equally unfamiliar oak tree. The tree itself is tall, and- is that gold bark?
Taking out $your phone to take a picture, $you realize $you don't have any cell signal.
[[Shit.]]<<print $youspan + "You" + "</span>">> don't recognize anything about $your surroundings. <<print $youspan + "You" + "</span>">> don't think the sky has always been this pink. Even the trail is strange, a weathered cobblestone path covering the bare ground.
<<print $youspan + "You" + "</span>">> heft your backpack and stare down the path.
[[Nothing to do but press on.]]
The trail twists and branches nonsensically. Often, $you turn around and find that the path behind $you is entirely different from the one $youve been following.
<<print $youspan + "You've" + "</span>">> paused to hop over a small creek when $you hear [[speech up ahead.]]Pushing through the underbrush, $you almost sob with relief when $you reach a clearing. There, standing in a ring of mushrooms, is another teenager. Dirty, scraped up, clearly hasn't seen a bath in some time, talking to themself, but still another teenager.
"Hi!" The teen waves at $you excitedly. A grin flashes across their face. "Are $you lost?"
<<print $youspan + "You" + "</span>">> open your mouth to speak.
[["Who are you?"]]
[["What are you doing here?"]]<<set $notfrom = true>>"<<print $youspan + "You" + "</span>">> must not be from around here." The stranger's smile fades. "Nobody's asked <<print $span + "me" + "</span>">> for a name in a long time. <<print $span + "My" + "</span>">> pronouns, though, are <<print $span + "/r" + "</span>">>."
Even if $you don't know $r name, $you at least know the stranger's pronouns now. That's a start. [[Neopronouns]] aren't unheard of, though $youve never met anyone <<if $neopronouns>>else<<endif>> who uses them before now.
"But <<print $span + "I'm" + "</span>">> being rude." <<print $span + "" + "</span>">> fixes $you with a stare. "<<print $span + "I" + "</span>">> should probably let $you introduce <<print $youspan + "yourself" + "</span>">>. Can <<print $span + "I" + "</span>">> have $your pronouns?"
[["Sure, they're..."]]
[["Nice try..."]]"What's anyone doing here?" The stranger chuckles, brushing a lock of hair from their face. "And don't call <<print $span + "me" + "</span>">> they - <<print $span + "my" + "</span>">> pronouns are <<print $span + "/r" + "</span>">>."
Even if $you don't know what's going on, $you at least know the stranger's pronouns. That's a start. [[Neopronouns]] aren't unheard of, though $youve never met anyone <<if $neopronouns>>else<<endif>> who uses them before now.
"But <<print $span + "I'm" + "</span>">> being rude." <<print $span + "" + "</span>">> fixes $you with a stare. "<<print $span + "I" + "</span>">> should probably let $you introduce <<print $youspan + "yourself" + "</span>">>- Can <<print $span + "I" + "</span>">> have $your pronouns?"
[["Sure, they're..."]]
[["Nice try..."]]Neopronouns are any set of unconventional, or otherwise unofficial pronouns.
Xe/Xer, for instance. Or in the stranger's case, /r - instead of saying, for instance, "he is lost", $you might say "$ is lost". Neopronouns have existed since the 19th century, though they've definitely become more popular as of late.
<<if $notfrom>>[[Back. |"Who are you?"]]<<else>>[[Back.|"What are you doing here?"]]<<endif>>"Sure," $you say. "<<print $youspan + "$pronouns" + "</span>">>."
<<print $youspan + $cposadjpn + "</span>">> eyes glint with real, honest joy. "Hmm," <<print $youspan + $subpn + "</span>">> say$magicS. "Not sure if they fit, but it'll have to do."
<<print $faespan + "You" + "</span>">> open <<print $faespan + "your" + "</span>">> mouth to speak - wait, <<print $faespan + "you" + "</span>">>? What did <<print $youspan + $subpn + "</span>">> do to <<print $faespan + "your" + "</span>">> pronouns?
"Don't worry," <<print $youspan + $subpn + "</span>">> add$magicS calmly. "I'll take good care of them."
With that, <<print $youspan + $subpn + "</span>">> take$magicS off into the surrounding woods. <<print $faespan + "You're" + "</span>">> left alone, in a clearing, near a circle of mushrooms.
[[Your new pronouns are Fae/Faer.]]
"<<print $youspan + "I" + "</span>">> wasn't born yesterday," $you say. "<<print $span + "You're" + "</span>">> going to have to try a little harder than that if <<print $span + "you" + "</span>">> want <<print $youspan + "my" + "</span>">> pronouns." <<set $I=$youspan + "I" + "</span>">>
$I smack my lips together, as if gauging the taste of something in <<print $youspan + "my" + "</span>">> mouth. "First person pronouns," $I say. "A bold choice. And $I might as well have the rest. Don't worry," <<print $youspan + $subpn + "</span>">> add$magicS. "<<print $youspan + "I'll" + "</span>">> take good care of them."
With that, <<print $youspan + $subpn + "</span>">> take$magicS off into the surrounding woods. <<print $span + "You're" + "</span>">> left alone, in a clearing, near a circle of mushrooms.
[[Your new pronouns are /r.]] /*<<print $youspan + "Your" + $spans>> pronouns are */<<if $extradesc==true>><<if $isdissolved==true || $istrapped==true>><<set $oxfordcomma=true>><<else>><<set $oxfordcomma=false>><<endif>>$cyou are <<if $defcolor==true>>pink<<elseif $isblue==true>>blue<<elseif $iswhite==true>>white<<elseif $israndom==true>>$rcolortag<<endif>><<if $oxfordcomma==true>>, <<else>> and <<endif>><<if $fontsize==18>>medium-sized<<elseif $fontsize>18>>big<<elseif $fontsize<18>>small<<endif>><<if $oxfordcomma==true>> and <<if$isdissolved>>underlined<<else>>overlined<<endif>><<endif>>.<<else>><<print $youspan + "You" + $spans>><<endif>>
<<if $seebag>>[[Check your backpack.|backpack]]
<<endif>><<if $extradesc==true>>The background is <<if $bggrey==true>>dark grey<<else>>$czdesc<<endif>>.<<if $czdesc=="dark blue" and $isblue==true>>
$cyou are the same color as the background, rendering $you "invisible".<<endif>><<endif>><<if false>>
[[Teleport somewhere.]]
The crow has $thingsgot items.
[[Change yourself.]]
The color zone is <<print $colorzone + $colorzonesmall + "</span>">><<endif>><<set $=$subpn>><<set $youcolor="<span class=\"\">">><<set $spans="</span></span></span>">><<set $youspan=$youcolor + $yousize + $youspecial>><<set $you=$youspan + "you" + $spans>><<set $your=$youspan + "your" + $spans>><<set $pronouns to "second person">><<set $youve=$youspan + "you've" + $spans>><<set $yourself=$youspan + "yourself" + "</span></span>">><<set $cyou=$youspan + "You" + $spans>><<set $youre=$youspan + "you're" + $spans>><<set $cyoure=$youspan + "You're"+$spans; $yours=$youspan + "yours"+$spans>><<set $youve=$youspan + "you've" + $spans>><<set $youd=$youspan + "you'd" + $spans>><<set $pronouns to "/r">><<print $youspan + $subpn.toUpperFirst() + "</span>">> - the teenager who just swindled $refpn a new set of pronouns - had the decency to leave $you with $your [[second person pronouns]]. So $you at least have that. Though for how much longer, $you aren't sure. Already, you can feel $yourself changing, as if $your brand new pronouns are tearing out $your old identity by the roots.
[[You have to get your pronouns back, and fast. |Fairy Circle]]
Second person pronouns <<print $youspan + "(You/You)" + $spans>> are usually what people (and omniscient narrators) use when talking to $you. Everyone has them - well, almost everyone.
[[Back.|Your new pronouns are /r.]]Third person pronouns like he, she, they, and $, are typically used when talking about another person. Everyone has them. Until they don't.
<<if $notfrom>>[[Back. |"Who are you?"]]<<else>>[[Back.|"What are you doing here?"]]<<endif>>It's a chilly Autumn afternoon, and leaves are swirling around $you, spiraling through the air, falling, crunching beneath the treads of $your sneakers. It's a chilly Autumn afternoon, and $you are walking [[home]] through the forest.<<print $feeling + "red" + "</span>">><<set $inbackpack=false>><<set $bggrey=true>>$cyour backpack is full of disorganized school supplies. <<if $printinv.length==1>>Mixed into the chaos is $printinv.<<elseif $printinv.length > 1>>Mixed into the chaos is <<for _n to 0; _n lt $printinv.length-1; _n++>>$printinv[_n], <</for>>and <<print $printinv[$printinv.length-1]>>.<<endif>><<set $bchecked=true>>
<<if $temploc!="">>[[Back.|toTemp]]<<else>>[[Back.|toLocation]]<<endif>><<set $seebag=true>><<set $location="Fairy Circle">>$cyoure alone, in a clearing, in front of a lush circle of toadstools. A silver forest rises up all around $you, preventing passage. The only way through is a small trail leading into the bushes.
[[North|Amber Footpath]] is a footpath leading deeper into the woods.
<<linkreplace "South is the way you came.">>You can't go back. Not like this.<</linkreplace>>
$cyour [[backpack]] feels light on $your back. $backpackreminder<<print $youspan + "You'd" + "</span>">> really rather not have to think about [[it|looking at card]].A half-finished sheet of math homework. [[Your true name]] - the one $you call $yourself - is written boldly at the top.Best not to be too public about it. $cyou don't know who could be listening.
[[Back.|backpack]]$cyou cringe when you fish it out of $your backpack. //It//, in this case, is a driver's permit bearing $your legal name - the name $youve done $your best to get away from. <<set $inv.push("a legal ID")>><<set $printinv.push("[[a legal ID]]")>><<set $haveid=true>>
[[Put it back in your backpack.|backpack]]A photo of your awkward, teenage self smiles back at you. Next to it, your legal name is written in official-looking lettering. Ew.
[[Back.|backpack]]<<set $tempLoc="">><<set $bggrey=false>><<goto $location>><<set $seebag = true>>[[Clearing]]
[[test passage]]
[[trash pile]]
[[trash pile 2]]
[[trashpile6thephantompain]]<<set $location="Amber Footpath">><<set $colorzone="<span class=\"default\">";$colorzonesmall="default"; $czdesc="green">>Fallen leaves cover a footpath running north-south through a dense forest.
[[North|Clearing]], the trail continues towards a clearing in the distance.
/*<<if $hutfound>>[[East|Witch Hut]] is the path to the hedgehog's hut.<<else>>$cyou think $you can see a gap in the trees, off the path towards the [[east|Witch Hut Ext]].<<endif>>
*/[[South|Fairy Circle]] is the way you came.
<<set $location="Witch Hut Ext">><<set $colorzone="<span class=\"hedgehog\">"; $colorzonesmall="hedgehog">>Pushing through the undergrowth, you find yourself in a clearing facing a large redwood tree. Partially embedded in the tree is a hut. $cyou can see a warm light inside, and motion. Smoke rises up through a chimney carved into the side of the tree.
[[Knock on the door.]]
[[Leave.|Amber Footpath]]<<set $ei="<span class=\"ei\"\>ei</span\>">><<set $cei="<span class=\"ei\"\>Ei</span\>">><<set $eiem="<span class=\"ei\"\>Ei/Em</span\>">><<set $location="Witch Hut">><<set $colorzone="<span class=\"hedgehog\">";$colorzonesmall="hedgehog">>The inside of the hedgehog's hut radiates warmth. Various herbs and spices hang on strings to dry above a roaring fireplace, above which a small cauldron has been carefully suspended. The hedgehog, relaxing in a perfectly sized armchair, looks up at you as you enter. <span class="ei">Ei're</span> already pouring you a hot mug of tea.
"Good afternoon, dear," $ei say. "Is there anything <span class="ei">I</span> can do for you?"
<<if $canusendhome==false>>[["Can you send me home?"|"You're a witch? Can you send me home?"]]
<<endif>><<if $canugetpronouns==false>>[["Can you get my pronouns back?"|"You're a witch? Can you get my pronouns back?"]]
<<endif>>[["Can you clean up my pronouns?"|cleanup]]
[["I should be going."|begoing]]<<set $location="Knock on the door.">>$cyou summon the courage to knock on the redwood door. Almost immediately, $you hear light footsteps. The door swings open shortly afterwards, to reveal... nobody?
There's a tug on $your pant leg. "Down here," says a soft voice. $cyou look down to see a hedgehog in a small silk robe. Standing on two legs, they're about knee height.
"$eiem," the hedgehog says by way of introduction. "Come on in, dear." $cei turn to go inside, gesturing for $you to follow. $cyou suppose $you might as well - it's not like $you can get $your pronouns stolen twice - and it is rather cold out here.
[[Go inside.|Witch Hut First]]<<set $location="Witch Hut First">><<set $hutfound=true>>The inside of the hedgehog's hut radiates warmth. Various herbs and spices hang on strings to dry above a roaring fireplace, and a miniature, hedgehog-sized chair sits on a throw rug. $cyou duck through the doorframe, and stoop in the living room next to the fireplace while $ei pour $you some tea.
"My, $your pronouns have had quite a journey, haven't they?" the hedgehog says.
"That's one way to put it." $cyou sip $your tea. It's sweet, and tastes like honey and mint.
$cei laugh. "No, not <span class="you">$opronouns</span>. <<print $youspan + $pronouns + "</span>">>. They're old, $you know. They've seen a lot."
$cyou tap your fingers against the sides of $your teacup. "<<print $youspan + "I" + "</span>">> never told <span class="ei">you</span> those were <<print $youspan + "my" + "</span>">> pronouns."
"Yes," the hedgehog says, "But this place... Well, pronouns hold a certain power, as <span class="ei">I'm</span> sure $youre already aware. And as a witch, <span class="ei">I</span> often can't help but sense these things."
[["You're a witch? Can you get my pronouns back?"]]
[["You're a witch? Can you send me home?"]]
<<set $offermade=false>><<set $canugetpronouns=false>><<set $canusendhome=false>>
<<set $location="\"You're a witch? Can you get my pronouns back?\"">><<set $canugetpronouns=true>>"Back?" $cei squint at $you. "Let me guess - someone asked if <<print $ospan + $osubpn + "</span>">> could have $your pronouns, and $you said yes."
"...Something like that."
"//Well.//" The hedgehog reaches up to pat $your leg apologetically. "<span class="ei">I'm</span> afraid there isn't much <span class="ei">I</span> can do, except tell $you to be more careful in the future. Wording can be a tricky business. <<print $youspan + "You'll" + "</span>">> have to talk to $oobjpn if $you want to get them back, no way around it."<<if $offermade==false>>
"Tell $you what, though," $ei add with a sympathetic look. "If $you ever need <span class="ei">me</span> to clean up your pronouns - that is, get rid of any unusual influences - $you just come and let <span class="ei">me</span> know, dear.<<set $offermade=true>><<endif>><<if $canusendhome==false>>
[["Can you send me home?"|"You're a witch? Can you send me home?"]]<<endif>>
[["Can you clean up my pronouns?"|cleanup]]
[["I should be going."|begoing]]<<set $location="\"You're a witch? Can you send me home?\"">><<set $canusendhome=true>>"So, $youd like to leave the woods." The hedgehog frowns, stirring <span class="ei">eir</span> tea with a little claw. "It's not as simple as you might think. These woods are something of a liminal space. A place of transition. The only way to leave is to be comfortable - truly comfortable - with $your pronouns."
"But these aren't even my pronouns!"
"<span class="ei">I'm</span> afraid that's of little difference to the woods." $cei reach up to comfort $you, placing a paw on $your knee. "$cyou might be here forever, if $you can't find, steal, or borrow some pronouns $youre happy with.<<if $offermade==false>> Tell $you what, though," $ei add with a sympathetic look. "If $you ever need <span class="ei">me</span> to clean up your pronouns - that is, get rid of any bad influences - $you just come and let <span class="ei">me</span> know, dear.<<set $offermade=true>><<endif>>"<<if $canugetpronouns==false>>
[["Can you get my pronouns back?"|"You're a witch? Can you get my pronouns back?"]]<<endif>>
[["Can you clean up my pronouns?"|cleanup]]
[["I should be going."|begoing]]<<if $fontsize==18 and $defcolor==true and $isspecial==false>> "I'm not quite sure what $you want me to do here." $ei frowns. "$cyour pronouns look unchanged to me."<<else>>"Close $your eyes," $cei says, walking over to her cauldron and pulling out a large wooden stepladder. Moments later, you feel something warm and gooey trickling down $your face. "Pronoun tar," $ei explain. "Should absorb any looser elements." $cei rub the goo around your face, pressing it into your cheeks.<<if $fontsize == 18>> $cei peel it off with a damp slapping sound.<<elseif $fontsize > 18>><<set $fontsize=18; $yousize="<span class=\"medium\">">><<set $youspan=$youcolor + $yousize + $youspecial>><<set $you=$youspan + "you" + $spans>> When $ei finally peel it off, $you feel lighter than before.<<elseif $fontsize < 18>><<set $fontsize=18; $yousize="<span class=\"medium\">">><<set $youspan=$youcolor + $yousize + $youspecial>><<set $you=$youspan + "you" + $spans>> When $ei finally peel it off, $you feel heavier than before.<<endif>><<if $defcolor==false>><<set $youcolor="<span class=\"\">">><<set $isblue=false; $defcolor=true;$iswhite=false>><<set $youspan=$youcolor + $yousize + $youspecial>><<set $cyou=$youspan + "You" + $spans; $you=$youspan + "you" + $spans>> $cyou detect an unusual scent, like a bowl of fruit after a rainstorm.<<endif>><<if $isdissolved==true>><<set $isspecial=false; $isdissolved=false>><<set $youspecial="<span class=\"notspecial\">">><<set $youspan=$youcolor + $yousize + $youspecial>><<set $cyou=$youspan + "You" + $spans; $you=$youspan + "you" + $spans>> $cyou feel unsupported.<<elseif $istrapped==true>><<set $isspecial=false; $istrapped=false>><<set $youspecial="<span class=\"notspecial\">">><<set $youspan=$youcolor + $yousize + $youspecial>><<set $cyou=$youspan + "You" + $spans; $you=$youspan + "you" + $spans>> $cyou feel freed.<<endif>>
"There $you are, dear." $cei beam up at $you, rubbing $eir paws together. "Good as new."<<endif>><<set $location="Witch Hut">>
<<set $location = "begoing">> $cyou stand slowly, careful not to hit $your head on the low ceiling. "Thanks for the tea," $you say, making $your way towards the door and away from the heat of the fireplace.
"Oh, it's no problem, dear." The hedgehog is already collecting your teacup, a smile etched on <span class="ei">eir</span> worn face. "Come back soon!"
A cool autumn breeze nips at $you as you make $your way [[back to the path|Amber Footpath]].
<<set $location="Clearing">><<set $colorzone="<span class=\"default\">";$colorzonesmall="default"; $czdesc="green">>The sun shines brightly through a gap in the trees, illuminating a large clearing. $cyou walk with a soft crunch, treading on twigs and dead leaves.
<<if $marriage==0>>[[Two creatures]] — a small, humanoid crow and something goat-headed — hold hands in the center of the clearing, gazing into one another's eyes. The goat is neatly dressed in a tuxedo, and the crow wears a tattered wedding gown.<<elseif $marriage==1>>[[A crow and a goat]], both formally dressed, are in the middle of a wedding ceremony.<<else>>Standing in the clearing is a [[couple]].<<endif>>
<<if $gateBroke != true>>[[North|atGate]] is a thick metal gate.<<else>>[[North|brokenGate]] is a broken gate.<<endif>>
$cyou can hear running water from the [[west|Riverbank]].
A rough trail to the [[east|caveTrailTo]] has been cut through the foliage.
A path from the [[south|Amber Footpath]] ends here.<<set $location="Two creatures">><<set $onespan="<span class=\"one\">">><<set $one=$onespan + "one" + "</span>"; $ones=$onespan + "one's" + "</span>"; $cone=$onespan + "One" + "</span>">><<set $zhespan="<span class=\"zhe\">"; $zhe=$zhespan + "zhe" + "</span>"; $czhe=$zhespan + "Zhe" + "</span>">><<set $zher=$zhespan + "zher" + "</span>"; $czhe=$zhespan + "Zhe" + "</span>">><<set $marriage=1>>The goat turns to look at $you with two long, horizontal pupils.
"Afternoon," the goat says casually. "<span class="one">One</span>—" the goat gestures to <span class="one">oneself</span>, bowing— "is always pleased to make a new acquaintance. And $zhe," $one adds, gesturing to the crow, "is $ones gorgeous fianxé. Though if the ceremony goes well, not for much longer." <<if $extradesc==true>>(When referring to the goat, "$one" is colored yellow. $czhe and $zher are colored purple.)<<endif>>
"This $one is supposed to be the better half of a wedding right now," the crow adds, gesturing to $zhe and $zher partner's wedding attire. "Only..."
"Best not to disturb the guest with such things." The goat interrupts $zher with a cheery bluster, turning back to $you. "Say, introductions are best when they're mutual. Is there a title $one might use?"
$cyou sigh. $cone wants to know what $one should call $you— as if it was as simple as answering a question. $cyou cough and try to introduce $yourself as...
[[(the you you're trying to recover)|pronounLie]]
[[(the you you currently are)|pronounTruth]]<<set $location="pronounLie">><<set $I=$youspan + "I" + "</span>">>"$cyou", $you say, and immediately wince at the sound of it. "Wait, $you mean— ugh." $cyou give the couple an apologetic look. "$cyou isn't able to say right now."
"Not feeling quite $yourself lately?" $cone nods. "$cone understands. It was barely a month ago that $ones own self was lost down a waterfall."
$czhe laughs at the memory. "It's true," $zhe adds. "Had to go down to the mud flats with a net. But it got back where it needed to be in short order." $czhe taps a talon against $zher chin thoughtfully. "$THEY helped greatly with the task. $THEY might be able to help $you too, if $you ask $THEM."
[["THEY?"|they?]]"It's pronounced '$you'," $you say. "For now, anyway. $cyour— uh, what $you wants to be called isn't here right now. $cyou is looking for it."
"Missing, is it?" $cone nods. "$cone understands. It was barely a month ago that $ones own self was lost down a waterfall."
$czhe laughs at the memory. "It's true," $zhe adds. "Had to go down to the mud flats with a net. But it got back where it needed to be in short order." $czhe taps a talon against $zher chin thoughtfully. "$THEY helped greatly with the task. $THEY might be able to help $you too, if $you ask $THEM."
[["THEY?"|they?]]<<set $location="maybehelp">>The crow looks $you up and down. "Yes, indeed. Traditionally, the westernmost spouse is supposed to wear something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue to a wedding — That ought to fit the bill quite nicely."
"<<print $youspan + "You'll" + "</span>">> find what $you can."
[[You nod, and get ready to head out.|Clearing]]<<set $canborrow=true>>
<<set $location="A crow and a goat">>A crow and a goat are standing anxiously in the clearing, halfway through their marriage ceremony. The goat brightens up as $you approach.
"Hey," $one says. "Did you get anything?"
[["Sure, here."|gotsomething]]
<<linkreplace "What did you want again?">><<if $thingsgot < 4>>"So far, $zhe still needs <<set $has = []>><<if $gavecrown!=true>><<set $has.push("something old")>><<endif>><<if $gavewhite!=true>><<set $has.push("something new")>><<endif>><<if $gavesock!=true>><<set $has.push("something borrowed")>><<endif>><<if $gaveskin!=true>><<set $has.push("something blue")>><<endif>><<if $has.length==1>>$has.<<elseif $has.length > 1>><<for _n to 0; _n lt $has.length-1; _n++>>$has[_n], <</for>>and <<print $has[$has.length-1]>>."<<endif>><<else>>"$czhe has everything."<<endif>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Sorry, not yet">>"No worries." $cone waves $you away. "Come back once $youve found something."
[[You set off, determined to do just that.|Clearing]]<</linkreplace>>
/*"$czhe needs to wear something old, something blue, something borrowed, and something new," $one explains.<<if $thingsgot > 0>>"So far, $zhe has <<set $has = []>><<if $gavecrown>><<set $has.push("something old")>><<endif>><<if $gavewhite>><<set $has.push("something new")>><<endif>><<if $gavesock>><<set $has.push("something borrowed")>><<endif>><<if $gaveskin>><<set $has.push("something blue")>><<endif>><<if $has.length==1>><<<print $has>>.<<elseif $has.length > 1>><<for _n to 0; _n lt $has.length-1; _n++>>$has[_n], <</for>>and <<print $has[$has.length-1]>>."<<endif>><<endif>><</linkreplace>>*/<<set $location="gotsomething">> Digging through $your [[backpack]], $you show the goat:
<<if $haveID == true>><<linkreplace "The legal ID.">> "To be clear, $youre looking for things $zhe can wear for the wedding." $cone sighs. "Besides, $zhe already has a name, and $one's perfectly happy without."<</linkreplace>>
<<endif>>/*<<if $havebelt == true>><<linkreplace "The hedgehog's slippers.">> "Oh, that was nice of $em to pitch in." $cone examines the weave of the slippers. "These are well made — and more importantly, they're borrowed. Should do nicely."<<set $printinv.delete("[[a hedgehog's slippers]]")>><<set $thingsgot += 1>><</linkreplace>>
<<endif>>*/<<if $haveshroom == true>><<linkreplace "The navy blue mushroom.">> "That's not blue." The withering stare $one gives $you could poison a child. "It's navy. Keep looking."<</linkreplace>>
<<endif>><<if $havered == true>><<linkreplace "The red mushroom.">> "$cyou could probably make a case for a mushroom being new, but how is $zhe supposed to wear one?" $cone shakes $ones head. "Maybe if it were an article of clothing."<</linkreplace>>
<<endif>><<if $havegreen == true>><<linkreplace "The green mushroom.">> "$cyou could probably make a case for a mushroom being new, but how is $zhe supposed to wear one?" $cone shakes $ones head. "Besides, that shade of green is hideous."<</linkreplace>>
<<endif>><<if $havewhite == true and $gavewhite != true>><<linkreplace "The white cap.">> "Now this is what $ones talking about!" $cone holds the white cap aloft triumphantly. "It's new — well, it was recently grown, anyway — and since it's a cap, $zhe can wear it."<<set $printinv.delete("[[a white cap mushroom]]")>><<set $thingsgot += 1>><<set $gavewhite=true>><</linkreplace>>
<<endif>><<if $havesnake == true and $lostsnake!=true>><<linkreplace "The snake.">> "$cyou want $zher to wear a snake?" $cone shakes $ones head. "Even if it can turn blue, this is a wedding, not a zoo."<</linkreplace>>
<<endif>><<if $havecrown == true and $gavecrown != true>><<linkreplace "The paper crown.">> "It's certainly old." $cone considers the paper crown, turning it over in $one's hooves. "Though $one does have some reservations about using something so powerf—" $cone shakes $one's head. "Never mind. It's perfect."<<set $printinv.delete("[[a paper crown]]")>><<set $gavecrown = true>><<set $thingsgot += 1>><</linkreplace>>
<<endif>><<if $havesock == true>><<linkreplace "The sock.">> "Yech." $cone takes the sock gingerly, holding it away from $ones face with one hoof. "$cyou say $you 'borrowed' this? $cone doesn't quite believe that was what the superstition intended. But it should still do the trick."<<set $havesock=false>><<set $gavesock = true>><<set $thingsgot+=1>><<set $printinv.delete("[[an enormous sock]]")>><</linkreplace>>
<<endif>><<if $haveskin == true and $skintext == "a blue snakeskin" and $gaveskin != true>><<linkreplace "The blue snakeskin.">>$cone holds the snakeskin up to the light, examining it. "$cone was hoping for something less primitive, but this will do in a pinch. $cone hears back in $your world, they make belts out of this stuff." <<set $printinv.delete("[[$skintext|aSnakeskin]]")>><<set $gaveskin = true>><<set $thingsgot += 1>><</linkreplace>>
<<endif>><<if $haveskin == true and $skintext != "a blue snakeskin" and $gaveskin != true>><<linkreplace "The snakeskin.">>$cone frowns. "A discarded skin isn't quite //new//, and this one here is hardly blue. It's too bad — it would make a great belt."<</linkreplace>>
<<endif>><<if $isblue == true>><<linkreplace "Yourself.">>"What an idea!" $cone laughs. "$cyou might be blue, but $one doesn't know if $youre marriage material, really. And anyway, the color's a bit off."<</linkreplace>>
<<endif>>[[Back.|crowgoat2]]/*The Yous */
<<set $youcolor="<span class=\"you\">">><<set $yousize="<span class=\"medium\">">><<set $youspecial="<span class=\"notspecial\">">><<set $spans="</span></span></span>">><<set $youspan=$youcolor + $yousize + $youspecial>><<set $you=$youspan + "you" + $spans>><<set $your=$youspan + "your" + $spans>><<set $pronouns to "second person">><<set $youve=$youspan + "you've" + $spans>><<set $yourself=$youspan + "yourself" + "</span></span>">><<set $cyou=$youspan + "You" + $spans>><<set $youre=$youspan + "you're" + $spans>><<set $cyoure=$youspan + "You're"+$spans; $yours=$youspan + "yours"+$spans>><<set $youve=$youspan + "you've" + $spans>><<set $youd=$youspan + "you'd" + $spans>><<set $cyour=$youspan + "Your" + $spans>>
/*The s*/
<<set $span="<span class=\"\">">><<set $=$span + "you" + "</span>">><<set $r=$span + "your" + "</span>">><<set $ospan="<span class=\"you\">">><<set $oldspan=$youspan>>
/*Misc NPC Neopronouns*/
<<goto npcneo>><<set $location="kid2">>"$cone and <<print $zhespan + "I" + "</span>">> are in a strange place with the wedding," $zhe begins. "Perhaps it's different in $your world, but here, marriage is a tricky business. Rainstorms, tornadoes, airborne serpents — attempting to finish a wedding without some kind of good luck charm is a fool's errand. The wedding was supposed to take place a few moons from now, when the stars are right— this was just a rehearsal, but $one couldn't keep $ones hooves off the ring and the ceremony started by accident—"
"Without any good luck charms?" $cyou fill in the blanks.
"Exactly," $zhe sighs. "It's a dangerous situation to be in — the wedding can't be ended early, but it would be suicide to try and finish it without something lucky. So no, $one can't just leave to help $you with the gate. It's going to be a while."
[['"Want some help?"'|maybehelp]]<<set $location="caveTrailTo">>A rough trail cuts through tall grass, up and down a steep hill, eventually placing $you at the rocky entrance to a cave. Sunlight streaming in through the mouth illuminates a long passage down.
[[West|Clearing]] is a large clearing.
The cave is set into the side of a hill in the [[east|cave1]].<<set $location="cave1">><<set $colorzone="<span class=\"cave\">";$colorzonesmall="cave";$czdesc="grey">>Stalagtites and stalagmites give the appearance of enormous stone beast, swallowing $you in its rocky jaws as $you head further into the cave. Bioluminescent moss lines the walls, illuminating the tunnels as $you descend.
[[West|exitCave]] is the way out.
<span class="small">[[East|cave2]], the cave continues.</span> <<if $extradesc==true>>(This link is small.)<<endif>><<set $location="exitCave">>$cyou emerge from the cave and pick $your way back to the clearing.
<<set $location="cave2">><span class="small"><<if $extradesc==true>>(All the text on this page is small.) <<endif>>$cyou are forced to crouch, then crawl, through a dim, increasingly narrow tunnel. At several points, the tunnel roof catches against $your backpack. The passageways $you crawl through are small and suffocating, deep beneath the earth. But it's strangely comforting. No harm will come to $you here. $cyou could stop and rest for a bit, if $you wanted.
<span class="trappedtext">[[Lie still for a moment.]]/*[[You make the decision to turn back.|exitTunnels]]*/</span><span class="smaller">
[[The next section is even smaller.|cave3]]</span></span><<if $extradesc==true>>(The text of this link is very small.)<<endif>><<set $location="cave3">><<if $fontsize > 12>><span class="smaller">Pretty soon, $you reach a point where $you can't go any further without scraping <<print $youspan + "yourself" + $spans>> against the narrow rock. $cyoure simply too big to go on. <<if $extradesc==true>>(The text here is very small, and $you are <<if $fontsize==18>>medium-sized<<else>>big<<endif>>.)<<endif>>
[[The only thing to do is turn back.|exitTunnels]]</span><<else>><span class="smaller">It's a tight squeeze, but $youre small enough to crawl further down the passageway. <<if $extradesc==true>>(The text here is very small, and $you are small, so $you fit.)<<endif>>
</span><span class="small">Eventually, the tunnel opens up</span> into a broad cavern, some fifteen feet high. A couple of [[blue mushrooms]] are growing in a pool of stagnant water.<span class="smaller">
[[The only exit is the tunnel from whence you came.|cave4]]</span><<endif>><<set $location="exitTunnels">>Crawling backwards through the tunnel is a tense affair, but $you make it out without so much as a scratch. $cyou leave the cave and pick $your way back to the clearing.
[[Continue.|Clearing]]<<set $location="blue mushrooms">>Several powdery, navy blue mushrooms are growing here.<<if $haveshroom==false>>
<<linkreplace "Pick one.">>$cyou take a mushroom and slip it into $your [[backpack]].<<set $haveshroom=true>><<set $inv.push("a navy blue mushroom")>><<set $printinv.push("[[a navy blue mushroom]]")>><</linkreplace>><<endif>>
[[Back.|cave3]]A conical mushroom. Even the stem is a rich shade of navy.
[[Take a bite.|eatBlue]]
[[Back.|backpack]] <<set $location="cave4">>$cyou <span class="smaller">leave through the tunnel,</span><span class="small"> exiting the cave</span> and heading back towards the clearing.<<if $extradesc==true>> (The text here starts small and gets larger as this paragraph goes on, and is now back to normal size.)<<endif>>
[[Continue.|Clearing]]<<set $youspan=$youcolor + $yousize + $youspecial>>
<<set $you=$youspan + "you" + $spans>><<set $your=$youspan + "your" + $spans>><<set $youve=$youspan + "you've" + $spans>><<set $yourself=$youspan + "yourself" + "</span></span>">><<set $cyou=$youspan + "You" + $spans>><<set $youre=$youspan + "you're" + $spans>><<set $cyoure=$youspan + "You're"+$spans; $yours=$youspan + "yours"+$spans>><<set $youve=$youspan + "you've" + $spans>><<set $youd=$youspan + "you'd" + $spans>><<set $your=$youspan + "your" + $spans>><<set $temploc="">><<set $cyour=$youspan + "Your" + $spans; $cyoud=$youspan + "You'd" + $spans>><<set $cyouve=$youspan+"You've"+$spans>><<if $inbackpack==true>><<goto "backpack">><<else>><<set $bggrey=false>><<goto $location>><<endif>><<set $location="Riverbank">><<set $colorzone="<span class=\"default\">";$colorzonesmall="default";$czdesc="green">>$cyou stand on the eastern shore of a roaring river. On the other side, $you can see a gravel trail leading into a thicket. Some fungi — <<if $havered != true>>[[big red mushrooms|red with white spots]]<<else>>big red mushrooms<<endif>> and <<if $havegreen!=true>>[[little green ones|green with black spots]]<<else>>little green ones<<endif>> grow at the water's edge by $your feet.
The river to the [[west|e2w]] is foamy and fast. Just looking at the water, it would probably go <<if $fontsize <= 12>>up to $your neck<<elseif $fontsize <= 16>>up to $your chest<<elseif $fontsize <=18>>up to $your waist<<elseif $fontsize <=20>>up to $your knees<<elseif $fontsize <= 24>>up to $your ankles<<endif>>.
[[North|rainbowredirect]], $you catch a flash of color from amidst the trees.
[[East|Clearing]] is the clearing.<<set $location="riverW">><<set $colorzone="<span class=\"darkforest\">";$colorzonesmall="darkforest";$czdesc="dark blue">>This side of the river is shrouded in rich blue trees and surrounded by thorny undergrowth. The ground is marshy here, mud staining the bottoms of $your sneakers. A gnobbly green troll stands in front of a gravel path, arms crossed. <<if $extradesc==true>><<if $isblue==true>>($cyou are the same color as the background, rendering $you "invisible".)<<elseif $ano==true>>(The background color here is the same shade of blue as $you were earlier, when $you ate the navy mushroom.)<<endif>><<endif>>
[[Troll|troll]] scratches $troll back with a heavy log and glares.
$ctroll guards a path headed [[west|trollpathtry]].
A sagging signpost, face covered in little white mushrooms, points [[north|fungi]].
[[East|w2e]], the river beckons.
<<set $location="A few small mushrooms">>Two patches of mushrooms — some <<if $havered==false>><<linkreplace "red with white spots">><<set $havered=true>><<set $inv.push("a red mushroom")>><<set $printinv.push("[[a red mushroom]]")>>red with white spots [[(taken)|backpack]]<</linkreplace>><<else>>red with white spots<<endif>>, some <<if $havegreen==false>><<linkreplace "green with black spots">><<set $havegreen=true>><<set $printinv.push("[[a green mushroom]]")>>green with black spots [[(taken)|backpack]]<</linkreplace>><<else>>green with black spots<<endif>> — are growing in the mud near the riverbank.
[[Back.|Riverbank]] <<set $location="red with white spots">>Big red mushrooms with white spots loom over the dirt. <<if $havered!=true>>
<<linkreplace "Pick one.">>$cyou take a mushroom and slip it into $your [[backpack]].$backpackreminder<<set $havered=true>><<set $inv.push("a red mushroom")>><<set $printinv.push("[[a red mushroom]]")>><</linkreplace>><<endif>>
<<set $location="green with black spots">>Several tiny green mushrooms with black spots are tucked away in the mud. <<if $havegreen==false>>
<<linkreplace "Pick one.">>$cyou take a mushroom and slip it into $your [[backpack]].$backpackreminder<<set $havegreen=true>><<set $inv.push("a green mushroom")>><<set $printinv.push("[[a green mushroom]]")>><</linkreplace>><<endif>>
[[Back.|Riverbank]] A big red mushroom. Cartoonishly patterned with white spots, it's exactly what $you would expect a mushroom in a mysterious forest to look like.
[[Take a bite.|getBigger]]
[[Back.|backpack]] A tiny green mushroom with black spots.
[[Take a bite.|getSmaller]]
[[Back.|backpack]] <<if $fontsize !==22>><<set $yousize="<span class=\"bigger\">";$fontsize=22>>As $you swallow a piece of the mushroom, $you feel a sudden change incoming. With a violent shudder, the ground shoots away from <<set $yousize="<span class=\"bigger\">";$fontsize=22>><<set $youspan=$youcolor + $yousize + $youspecial>><<print $youspan + "you" + $spans>> as <<print $youspan + "your" + $spans>> legs become significantly longer. <<if $extradesc==true>>($cyou are now big.) <<endif>><<else>>As $you nibble a piece of the mushroom, nothing happens. Perhaps $youre big enough as it is.<<if $extradesc==true>> (Nothing happens, because $you are already big.) <<endif>><<endif>><<set $temploc="getBigger">>
[[Continue.|assignPronouns]] <<set $temploc="getSmaller">><<if $fontsize!==12>><<set $yousize="<span class=\"smaller\">";$fontsize=12>>Tearing off a piece and chewing, $you can't help but notice how big everything seems. The world seems to have grown. That, or <<set $youspan=$youcolor + $yousize + $youspecial>><<print $youspan + "you've" + $spans>> gotten smaller.<<if $extradesc==true>> ($cyou are now small.)<<endif>><<else>>As $you nibble a piece of the mushroom, nothing happens. Perhaps $youre small enough as it is. <<if $extradesc==true>> ($cyou have not changed, because $you are already small.)<<endif>><<endif>>
[[Continue.|assignPronouns]]<<if $temploc=="">><<goto toLocation>><<else>><<set $secondloc=$temploc>><<set $temploc="">><<set $bggrey=false>><<goto $secondloc>><<endif>><<set $trollspan="<span class=\"troll\">">><<set $troll=$trollspan + "troll" + "</span>"; $trolls=$trollspan + "troll's" + "</span>"; $ctroll=$trollspan + "Troll" + "</span>">>
<<set $mushroombase="<span class=\"mushroombase\">">><<if random(1,2) > 1>><<set $mushroomsize="<span class=\"bigger\">">><<set $mushroomsmall=22>><<else>><<set $mushroomsize="<span class=\"smaller\">">><<set $mushroomsmall=12>><<endif>><<if random(1,2) > 1>><<set $mushroomroof="<span class=\"trapped\">">><<set $mushroomtop=true>><<else>><<set $mushroomroof="<span class=\"dissolved\">">><<set $mushroomtop=false>><<endif>><<set $mushrooms=$mushroombase + $mushroomsize + $mushroomroof>><<set $bspan="<span class=\"black\">">><<set $couplespan="<span class=\"couple\">">><<set $bthey=$couplespan+"they"+"</span>"; $bthem=$couplespan+"them"+"</span>">>
<<set $THEY=$bspan+"THEY"+"</span>"; $THEIR=$bspan+"THEIR"+"</span>"; $THEM=$bspan+"THEM"+"</span>">>
<<goto AskScreenReader>><<set $location="trollpathtry">><<if $isblue==true>>$ctroll grunts when $you pass, sniffing the air suspiciously, but $troll is unable to see $you, and $you pass unnoticed.
[[Continue.|stumpgrove]]<<else>>"$ctroll see $you." $ctroll puts a heavy hand on $your shoulder. "Stay out. $cyou no mess with king."
[[Back.|riverW]]<<endif>><<set $location="fungi">><<set $colorzone="<span class=\"mushroombog\">";$colorzonesmall="brown";$czdesc="brown">>Pushing through a cloud of glittering gnats, $you follow a thin dirt path until it collapses into a slimy black bog. A huge patch of white mushrooms is growing here, covering rocks and climbing up trees. [[A column of mushrooms]] sticks out from the center of the patch.
[[South|riverW]] is the path back to the river's edge.<<set $temploc="eatBlue">>The mushroom tastes foul, so $you rub some of the spores off on $your fingers and smear them over $your skin. As $you do so, a chill shoots down <<set $youcolor="<span class=\"darkblue\">"; $defcolor=false; $isblue=true>><<set $youspan=$youcolor + $yousize + $youspecial>><<set $you=$youspan + "you" + $spans>><<set $your=$youspan + "your" + $spans>>$your spine, and $you can't help but feel just a little more blue than $you were before. <<set $ano=true>><<if $extradesc==true>>($cyou are now blue.)<<endif>>
[[Continue.|assignPronouns]] <<linkreplace "Turn blue.">><<set $youcolor="<span class=\"darkblue\">"; $isblue=true; $defcolor=false>><<goto assignPronouns>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "turn white">><<if $iswhite!=true>><<set $isblue=false>><<set $youcolor="<span class=\"mushroomBase\">"; $defcolor=false; $iswhite=true>><<set $youspan=$youcolor + $yousize + $youspecial>><<set $cyou=$youspan + "You" + $spans>>$cyou feel pale. <<endif>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Gave sock">><<set $gavesock=true>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Gave white cap">><<set $gavecap=true>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Gave snakeskin">><<set $gaveskin=true>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Gave crown">><<set $gavecrown=true>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "have just white cap">><<set $havewhite=true>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Have all items">><<set $havewhite=true;$havecrown=true;$havesock=true;$haveskin=true;$skintext="a blue snakeskin">><</linkreplace>>
[[Get Big|getBigger]]<<set $location="stumpgrove">>$cyou stand in a shady grove of blue trees. The ground is covered in a thin layer of matching leaves — $you almost tripped on a barely-visible rock on your way in. Even the mud beneath $your feet is blue, somehow. The only thing here that isn't blue is a <<if $havecrown==true>>stump<<else>>[[stump]]<<endif>> at the center of the grove.
A path to the [[east|riverW]] leads back towards the river.<<set $location="stump">>Sitting on the stump is a large toad, wearing a dirty paper crown. <span class="majesty">His majesty the king of toads</span> ribbits at $you. Even without words, $you understand the introduction immediately. <<if $extradesc==true>>(<span class="majesty">His majesty the king of toads</span> is gold-colored.)<<endif>>
[[Ribbit back.|ribbit2]]Underneath the badly damaged cover, the inside of the book is in perfect condition. //Princess Eliza and the Woods//, it begins.
//Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Princess Eliza. Princess Eliza loved to read, and climb trees, and ride horses. But as she got older, people began to talk.
"A princess shouldn't be climbing trees," they would say. "What if she falls? She could hurt herself." And, "shouldn't she be practicing her embroidery?"
Princess Eliza laughed at them, but deep down, she was worried. What if they were right? What if she did need to start acting like a princess?//
[[Turn the page.|page2]]
[[Stop reading.|backpack]]//Princess Eliza's brother, Prince Ferdinand, was told the opposite. He liked to read, like Eliza, but he didn't like to spend his time outside. Eliza would always hear her parents complaining about him. "A prince should hunt, and practice sword fighting," they would grumble.
When Eliza told them she would like to hunt, and practice sword fighting, they would say nothing.
Sometimes, Princess Eliza thought that things would be better if she were a prince. Maybe then, people would not complain about the things she liked to do.//
[[Turn the page.|page3]]
[[Go back a page.|an old picture book]]
[[Stop reading.|backpack]]//But then, Princess Eliza thought, maybe being a prince wasn't as great as she thought it was. Maybe if she was a prince, people would tell her she needed to stop reading books, and make her cut her hair.
So she thought
and she thought
and she thought
and she thought
And when she looked up from thinking, she found that she was in the woods.//
[[Turn the page.|page4]]
[[Go back a page.|page2]]
[[Stop reading.|backpack]]//The woods were big and scary, and Princess Eliza was lost. Pretty soon, she met a stranger who asked her for her name and pronouns, in exchange for a gift. Princess Eliza gladly agreed to hand over those silly old things - it wasn't like she'd ever had a use for them.
By the time $ was ready to leave the woods, $r pronouns weren't <span class="">rs</span> any more.//
In the back of the book is an [[inscription]] <<if $havecrown==true>>space where a paper crown once sat, before $you tore it out.<<else>>[[paper crown|takecrown]], designed to be torn out and worn by an enterprising child.<<endif>>
[[Go back a page.|page3]]
[[Stop reading.|backpack]]You tear out the crown, careful not to damage the fragile paper.
<<set $havecrown=true>><<set $inv.push("a paper crown")>><<set $printinv.push("[[a paper crown]]")>>[[Continue.|backpack]]A weathered paper crown, a bit slimy from muck. This scrap of yellow paper carries within it the hopes and burdens, triumphs and downfalls of a mighty amphibian kingdom.
[[Back.|backpack]]<<set $youcolor="<span class=\"you\">">><<set $spans="</span></span>">><<set $youspan=$youcolor + $yousize + $youspecial>><<set $cyou=$youspan + "You" + $spans; $you=$youspan + "you" + $spans>><<set $pronouns to "You/Your">><<set $colorzone="<span class=\"default\">"; $colorzonesmall = "default">><<print $youspan + "You're" + $spans>> walking through an unfamiliar wood with a pounding headache. Silver-wood trees glitter around $you, and in the distance, something roars.
Wait, $you?
That doesn't look right.
<<set $location="These aren't your pronouns.">><span class="rainbowred">[[Something's wrong.|assignPronouns]]</span>Trying to remember where $you are, $you begin to get $your bearings.
<<linkreplace "You'd been walking home from school.">>//$cyoud been walking home from school.//
The day had been like any other. $cyoud sat alone at lunch.
<<linkreplace "You'd decided to leave a little early.">>//$cyoud decided to leave a little early.//
It had been easy to ditch class. $cyou just asked to go to the bathroom, turned right instead of left, slipped through the gates, and started walking home. A normal day.
[[But is that true?|Untitled Passage 1]]
<<set $subpn = "he"; $objpn = "him"; $posadjpn = "his"; $cposadjpn = "His"; $pospn = "his"; $refpn = "himself"; $is = "is"; $plural = false>><<set $osubpn = $subpn; $oobjpn = $objpn; $oposadjpn = $posadjpn; $opospn = $pospn; $orefpn = $refpn; $opronouns = "He/Him">>Here, and with a $you that doesn't feel like $yours. The word feels wrong when $you think it, bitter and sharp at the edges, threatening to spill over. $cyoure used to a different, more mellow existence — something that looks like it belongs, doesn't feel like it's exerting //force// on the world around it. And there's a buzzing in $your head, growing louder by the second: This new $you is tearing out $your old self by the roots.
[[You have to get your identity back, and fast. |Fairy Circle]]"Oh, are $you helping $zher and $one with their wedding?" $cei walk over to a set of drawers and start rummaging through it. "Lovely couple. The sooner $zhe and $one can join together, the better."
Finally, $ei hand you a pair of slippers made from vines. "Do give <span class="ei">my</span> regards, and an apology for not showing up in person. Marriage is a beautiful thing, but these old bones can only take so much." <<set $havebelt=true>><<set $inv.push("a hedgehog's slippers")>><<set $printinv.push("[[a hedgehog's slippers]]")>>
[[Continue.|Witch Hut]] <<set $location="troll">><<if $isblue==true>>$cyou approach $troll, but $troll doesn't notice. Instead, $troll continues to stare straight ahead, club at the ready.<<if $havesock!=true and $gavesock!=true>>
[[An enormous sock|takesock]] dangles from $troll pocket.<<endif>><<if $extradesc==true>> ($ctroll is green.)<<endif>><<else>>"H'lo." $ctroll grunts. "$ctroll not talk to $you. $ctroll on guard duty." <<if $havesock!=true and $gavesock!=true>>[[An enormous sock|takesock]] dangles from $troll pocket.<<endif>><<if $extradesc==true>> ($ctroll is green.)<<endif>>
<<linkreplace "What is troll guarding?">>"$ctroll guard king," $troll explain. "$ctroll loyal knight."<</linkreplace>><<endif>>
[[Back.|riverW]]"$ctroll guard book $troll found," $troll explains. "No can read, but when $troll do..." $cyou receive a nod and a huge grin.
<<if $isblue==true>>[[Continue.|clearthroat]]<<else>>[[Continue.|troll]]<<endif>>"Wedding..." $ctroll scratches his huge head thoughtfully. "Hey, $troll know wedding! Was invited! Not come, though. Busy guarding."
"Can I borrow something, then?"
"$ctroll only have two clothing." $ctroll frowns. "Pants and sock, and troll not need sock, so $troll keep in pocket." Now that $troll mentioned it, you do see something that could charitably be described as fabric sticking out of a pocket in $troll crude leather pants. "$ctroll no go to wedding, so $troll keep sock." <<set $seensock=true>>
<<if $isblue==true>>[[Continue.|clearthroat]]<<else>>[[Continue.|troll]]<<endif>>$cyou watch for about a minute, as $troll tries to parse what you just said. Finally, $troll face lights up. "$ctroll doing guard duty!"
<<if $isblue==true>>[[Continue.|clearthroat]]<<else>>[[Continue.|troll]]<<endif>>$ctroll looks panicked for a moment, but keeps $troll cool. "$ctroll not see you, but $troll not see many things. Snail, bug. $ctroll friends. $ctroll not supposed to talk to $you, though. $ctroll guarding."
[["What are you guarding?"]]
[["Do you have any clothing? It's for a wedding."]]
[[Back.|troll]]<<if $isblue == false>>"Nice try," $ctroll growls. "$ctroll see $you. $cyou not invisible. $cyou not even very sneaky." $ctroll shakes $troll head, apparently appalled by $your behavior. "$ctroll be keeping an eye on $you...."<<else>>Carefully, $you manage to slide the sock out of $troll pocket without $troll noticing. $cyou stuff it into your [[backpack]] once $youre a safe distance away.<<set $inv.push("an enormous sock")>><<set $printinv.push("[[an enormous sock]]")>><<set $havesock=true>><<endif>>
[[Continue.|riverW]]This "borrowed" sock is large enough (and riddled with enough holes) to be worn like a t-shirt. Not that $you ever would.
[[Back.|backpack]]A pair of small slippers made out of vines. The craftsmanship is superb.
[[Back.|backpack]]<<set $location="A column of mushrooms">>A huge pillar of white mushrooms sticks up from an otherwise identical patch. <<if $havewhite != true>><<if $extradesc==true>>The mushrooms form themselves into what look like letters: <<print $mushrooms + "H-E-L-L-O" + $spans>>.<<else>>The mushrooms are <<print $mushrooms + "H" + $spans>>. The mushrooms are <<print $mushrooms + "E" + $spans>>. The mushrooms are <<print $mushrooms + "L" + $spans>>. The mushrooms are <<print $mushrooms + "L" + $spans>>. The mushrooms are <<print $mushrooms + "O" + $spans>>. <<endif>> <<if $extradesc==true>>(The mushrooms' text is white, <<if $mushroomsmall==12>>small<<else>>big<<endif>>, and <<if $mushroomtop==true>>overlined<<else>>underlined<<endif>>.)<<endif>>
[[Take a mushroom from the patch.|take a shroom]]
[[Ask if you can have one.|ask(check)]]
<<else>>The mushrooms flash: <<print $mushrooms + "H-E-L-L-O-A-G-A-I-N" + $spans>>. <<if $extradesc==true>>(The mushrooms' text is white, <<if $mushroomsmall==12>>small<<else>>big<<endif>>, and <<if $mushroomtop==true>>overlined<<else>>underlined<<endif>>.)<<endif>>
<<endif>>[[Back.|fungi]] <<set $location="askFail">>$cyou attempt to speak with the mushrooms, but to no avail.
<<print $mushrooms + "D-O-N-O-T-U-N-D-E-R-S-T-A-N-D" + $spans>>, they creak, flashing one dizzying meaning-form after another. <<print $mushrooms + "N-O-T-L-I-K-E-U-S" + $spans>>. <<if $extradesc==true>>(The mushrooms' text is white, <<if $mushroomsmall==12>>small<<else>>big<<endif>>, and <<if $mushroomtop==true>>overlined<<else>>underlined<<endif>>.)<<endif>>
[[Back.|A column of mushrooms]] "Hi." $cyou lean down towards the column of fungi and point towards the mushroom patch. "Can I have one of these? It's important, I promise."
There is a moment of doubt. Then, an amiable rustling. <<print $mushrooms + "S-I-N-C-E-Y-O-U-A-S-K-E-D-S-O-N-I-C-E-L-Y" + $spans>>. One of the mushrooms releases a tiny spore, which begins to grow rapidly before $your eyes. When it's the size of $your hand, it's expelled from the ground, roots and all. $cyou add it to $your [[backpack]]. <<set $havewhite=true>><<set $inv.push("a white cap mushroom")>><<set $printinv.push("[[a white cap mushroom]]")>> <<if $extradesc==true>>(The mushrooms' text is white, <<if $mushroomsmall==12>>small<<else>>big<<endif>>, and <<if $mushroomtop==true>>overlined<<else>>underlined<<endif>>.)<<endif>>
[[Continue.|fungi]]<<set $location="take a shroom">>When $you touch the mushroom, there's a sudden pop, and it's sucked into the ground. The same thing happens to the next one $you reach for, and the next one, and the next. The message is clear: hands off.
[[Back.|A column of mushrooms]]<<set $colorzone="<span class=\"rainbowred\">";$colorzonesmall="rainbowred";$czdesc="red">><<if $extradesc==true>>(The background here is red.) <<endif>>A gentle breeze rustles the grass and shakes technicolor leaves from their trees. The only thing in this field is a [[hollow log|hollowlog]].
[[South|Riverbank]], $you can hear rushing water.<<set $location="rainbowredirect">><<set $rainbowcycle += 1>><<if $rainbowcycle == 1>><<set $rainbowspan = "<span class=\"rainbowredlink\">">><<goto rainbowfieldred>><<elseif $rainbowcycle ==2>><<set $rainbowspan = "<span class=\"rainboworangelink\">">><<goto rainbowfieldorange>><<elseif $rainbowcycle == 3>><<set $rainbowspan = "<span class=\"rainbowyellowlink\">">><<goto rainbowfieldyellow>><<elseif $rainbowcycle ==4>><<set $rainbowspan = "<span class=\"rainbowgreenlink\">">><<goto rainbowfieldgreen>><<elseif $rainbowcycle ==5>><<set $rainbowspan = "<span class=\"rainbowvioletlink\">">><<goto rainbowfieldviolet>><<elseif $rainbowcycle ==6>><<set $rainbowspan = "<span class=\"rainbowpinklink\">">><<set $rainbowcycle=0>><<goto rainbowfieldpink>><<endif>><<set $location="hollowlog">><<set $rainbowcycle += 1>><<if $rainbowcycle == 1>><<set $rainbowspan = "<span class=\"rainbowredlink\">">><<goto redlog>><<elseif $rainbowcycle ==2>><<set $rainbowspan = "<span class=\"rainboworangelink\">">><<goto orangelog>><<elseif $rainbowcycle == 3>><<set $rainbowspan = "<span class=\"rainbowyellowlink\">">><<goto yellowlog>><<elseif $rainbowcycle ==4>><<set $rainbowspan = "<span class=\"rainbowgreenlink\">">><<goto greenlog>><<elseif $rainbowcycle ==5>><<set $rainbowspan = "<span class=\"rainbowvioletlink\">">><<goto violetlog>><<elseif $rainbowcycle ==6>><<set $rainbowspan = "<span class=\"rainbowpinklink\">">><<set $rainbowcycle=0>><<goto pinklog>><<endif>><<set $colorzone="<span class=\"rainboworange\">";$colorzonesmall="rainboworange"; $czdesc="orange">><<if $extradesc==true>>(The background here is orange.) <<endif>>A gentle breeze rustles the grass and shakes technicolor leaves from their trees. The only thing in this field is a [[hollow log|hollowlog]].
[[South|Riverbank]], $you can hear rushing water.<<set $colorzone="<span class=\"rainbowyellow\">";$colorzonesmall="rainbowyellow";$czdesc="yellow">><<if $extradesc==true>>(The background here is yellow.) <<endif>>A gentle breeze rustles the grass and shakes technicolor leaves from their trees. The only thing in this field is a [[hollow log|hollowlog]].
[[South|Riverbank]], $you can hear rushing water.<<set $colorzone="<span class=\"rainbowgreen\">";$colorzonesmall="rainbowgreen"; $czdesc="green">><<if $extradesc==true>>(The background here is green.) <<endif>>A gentle breeze rustles the grass and shakes technicolor leaves from their trees. The only thing in this field is a [[hollow log|hollowlog]].
[[South|Riverbank]], $you can hear rushing water.<<set $colorzone="<span class=\"rainbowviolet\">";$colorzonesmall="rainbowviolet"; $czdesc="purple">><<if $extradesc==true>>(The background here is purple.) <<endif>>A gentle breeze rustles the grass and shakes technicolor leaves from their trees. The only thing in this field is a [[hollow log|hollowlog]].
[[South|Riverbank]], $you can hear rushing water.<<set $colorzone="<span class=\"rainbowpink\">";$colorzonesmall="rainbowpink"; $czdesc="pink">><<if $extradesc==true>>(The background here is pink.) <<endif>>A gentle breeze rustles the grass and shakes technicolor leaves from their trees. The only thing in this field is a [[hollow log|hollowlog]].
[[South|Riverbank]], $you can hear rushing water.<<set $colorzone="<span class=\"rainbowred\">";$colorzonesmall="rainbowred"; $czdesc="red">><<if $extradesc==true>>(The background here is red.) <<endif>>This log is completely empty<<if $havesnake==false>>, save for a <<print $rainbowspan + "[[sleeping, coiled-up snake]]" + "</span>">> resting in the hollow.<<if $extradesc==true>> (The snake is the same color as the background, rendering it "invisible" - but $you can still click on it.)<<endif>><<else>>. <<endif>>
[[Back.|rainbowredirect]] <<set $colorzone="<span class=\"rainboworange\">";$colorzonesmall="rainboworange"; $czdesc="orange">><<if $extradesc==true>>(The background here is orange.) <<endif>>This log is completely empty<<if $havesnake==false>>, save for a <<print $rainbowspan + "[[sleeping, coiled-up snake]]" + "</span>">> resting in the hollow.<<if $extradesc==true>> (The snake is the same color as the background, rendering it "invisible" - but $you can still click on it.)<<endif>><<else>>.<<endif>>
[[Back.|rainbowredirect]] <<set $colorzone="<span class=\"rainbowyellow\">";$colorzonesmall="rainbowyellow";$czdesc="yellow">><<if $extradesc==true>>(The background here is yellow.) <<endif>>This log is completely empty<<if $havesnake==false>>, save for a <<print $rainbowspan + "[[sleeping, coiled-up snake]]" + "</span>">> resting in the hollow.<<if $extradesc==true>> (The snake is the same color as the background, rendering it "invisible" - but $you can still click on it.)<<endif>><<else>>.<<endif>>
[[Back.|rainbowredirect]] <<set $colorzone="<span class=\"rainbowgreen\">";$colorzonesmall="rainbowgreen"; $czdesc="green">><<if $extradesc==true>>(The background here is green.) <<endif>>This log is completely empty<<if $havesnake==false>>, save for a <<print $rainbowspan + "[[sleeping, coiled-up snake]]" + "</span>">> resting in the hollow.<<if $extradesc==true>> (The snake is the same color as the background, rendering it "invisible" - but $you can still click on it.)<<endif>><<else>>.<<endif>>
[[Back.|rainbowredirect]] <<set $colorzone="<span class=\"rainbowviolet\">";$colorzonesmall="rainbowviolet"; $czdesc="purple">><<if $extradesc==true>>(The background here is purple.) <<endif>>This log is completely empty<<if $havesnake==false>>, save for a <<print $rainbowspan + "[[sleeping, coiled-up snake]]" + "</span>">> resting in the hollow.<<if $extradesc==true>> (The snake is the same color as the background, rendering it "invisible" - but $you can still click on it.)<<endif>><<else>>.<<endif>>
[[Back.|rainbowredirect]] <<set $colorzone="<span class=\"rainbowpink\">";$colorzonesmall="rainbowpink";$czdesc="pink">><<if $extradesc==true>>(The background here is pink.) <<endif>>This log is completely empty<<if $havesnake==false>>, save for a <<print $rainbowspan + "[[sleeping, coiled-up snake]]" + "</span>">> resting in the hollow.<<if $extradesc==true>> (The snake is the same color as the background, rendering it "invisible" - but $you can still click on it.)<<endif>><<else>>.<<endif>>
[[Back.|rainbowredirect]] The <span class="backpack">snake</span> doesn't seem very happy in the confines of $your backpack. <<if $extradesc==true>>(The snake is the same color as the background - dark grey.)<<endif>>
[[Give it a look around.]]
[[Back.|backpack]] <<set $czdesc="red">><<if $extradesc==true>>(The background here is red.) <<endif>>Looking closer at the <<print $rainbowspan + "snake" + "</span>">>, $you can see shimmering, irridescent scales. It's small, about the width of $your fingers, and could easily fit in $your bag.
<<linkreplace "Pick it up.">><<set $location="hollowlog">>$cyou grab the <<print $rainbowspan + "snake" + "</span>">>, careful not to hurt it, and slip it into $your bag.<<set $havesnake=true>><<set $inv.push("a very colorful snake")>><<set $printinv.push("[[a very colorful snake]]")>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Back.">><<if $havesnake==true>><<goto rainbowredirect>><<else>><<goto hollowlog>><<endif>><</linkreplace>><<set $czdesc="orange">><<if $extradesc==true>>(The background here is orange.) <<endif>>Looking closer at the <<print $rainbowspan + "snake" + "</span>">>, $you can see shimmering, irridescent scales. It's small, about the width of $your fingers, and could easily fit in $your bag.
<<linkreplace "Pick it up.">><<set $location="hollowlog">>$cyou grab the <<print $rainbowspan + "snake" + "</span>">>, careful not to hurt it, and slip it into $your bag.<<set $havesnake=true>><<set $inv.push("a very colorful snake")>><<set $printinv.push("[[a very colorful snake]]")>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Back.">><<if $havesnake==true>><<goto rainbowredirect>><<else>><<goto hollowlog>><<endif>><</linkreplace>><<set $czdesc="yellow">><<if $extradesc==true>>(The background here is yellow.) <<endif>>Looking closer at the <<print $rainbowspan + "snake" + "</span>">>, $you can see shimmering, irridescent scales. It's small, about the width of $your fingers, and could easily fit in $your bag.
<<linkreplace "Pick it up.">><<set $location="hollowlog">>$cyou grab the <<print $rainbowspan + "snake" + "</span>">>, careful not to hurt it, and slip it into $your bag.<<set $havesnake=true>><<set $inv.push("a very colorful snake")>><<set $printinv.push("[[a very colorful snake]]")>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Back.">><<if $havesnake==true>><<goto rainbowredirect>><<else>><<goto hollowlog>><<endif>><</linkreplace>><<set $czdesc="green">><<if $extradesc==true>>(The background here is green.) <<endif>>Looking closer at the <<print $rainbowspan + "snake" + "</span>">>, $you can see shimmering, irridescent scales. It's small, about the width of $your fingers, and could easily fit in $your bag.
<<linkreplace "Pick it up.">><<set $location="hollowlog">>$cyou grab the <<print $rainbowspan + "snake" + "</span>">>, careful not to hurt it, and slip it into $your bag.<<set $havesnake=true>><<set $inv.push("a very colorful snake")>><<set $printinv.push("[[a very colorful snake]]")>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Back.">><<if $havesnake==true>><<goto rainbowredirect>><<else>><<goto hollowlog>><<endif>><</linkreplace>><<set $czdesc="purple">><<if $extradesc==true>>(The background here is purple.) <<endif>>Looking closer at the <<print $rainbowspan + "snake" + "</span>">>, $you can see shimmering, irridescent scales. It's small, about the width of $your fingers, and could easily fit in $your bag.
<<linkreplace "Pick it up.">><<set $location="hollowlog">>$cyou grab the <<print $rainbowspan + "snake" + "</span>">>, careful not to hurt it, and slip it into $your bag.<<set $havesnake=true>><<set $inv.push("a very colorful snake")>><<set $printinv.push("[[a very colorful snake]]")>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Back.">><<if $havesnake==true>><<goto rainbowredirect>><<else>><<goto hollowlog>><<endif>><</linkreplace>><<set $czdesc="pink">><<if $extradesc==true>>(The background here is pink.) <<endif>>Looking closer at the <<print $rainbowspan + "snake" + "</span>">>, $you can see shimmering, irridescent scales. It's small, about the width of $your fingers, and could easily fit in $your bag.
<<linkreplace "Pick it up.">><<set $location="hollowlog">>$cyou grab the <<print $rainbowspan + "snake" + "</span>">>, careful not to hurt it, and slip it into $your bag.<<set $havesnake=true>><<set $inv.push("a very colorful snake")>><<set $printinv.push("[[a very colorful snake]]")>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Back.">><<if $havesnake==true>><<goto rainbowredirect>><<else>><<goto hollowlog>><<endif>><</linkreplace>><<set $location="e2w">><<set $direction="e2w">><<set $colorzone="<span class=\"river\">";$colorzonesmall="river"; $czdesc="light blue">>/*<<if $isblue==true or $iswhite==true>><<set $youcolor="<span class=\"you\">"; $defcolor=true; $isblue=false;$iswhite=false>><<set $youspan=$youcolor + $yousize + $youspecial>><<set $displayonce=2>><<goto assignPronouns>><<endif>><<if $displayonce>0>><<set $displayonce=$displayonce-1>><span class="biggest">The river washes some of the color from $your skin. <<if $extradesc==true>>($cyou are now pink again.)<<endif>>
</span><<endif>>*/<<if $fontsize < 20>><span class="biggest">$cyou barely get a toe in before the river sweeps $your foot away. $cyou are so small, and the river is strong enough to swallow $you whole.<<if $extradesc==true>> (The text in this area is big, but $your text is <<if $fontsize ==18>>just medium-sized<<else>>small<<endif>>.)<<endif>>
</span>[[Back.|Riverbank]]<<else>><span class="biggest">The rushing river is too small to harm $you, and $you could cross it easily with two enormous steps. Or $you could take a break, and float. It's peaceful here. <<if $extradesc==true>>(The text in this area is big, but $your text is the same size.)<<endif>>
</span><span class="dissolvedtext">[[Float. Just float.]]</span><<if $extradesc==true>> (This link is underlined.)<<endif>>
[[Continue west.|riverW]]<<endif>><<set $location="w2e">><<set $direction="w2e">><<set $colorzone="<span class=\"river\">";$colorzonesmall="river";$czdesc="light blue">><<if $isblue==true or $iswhite==true>><<set $youcolor="<span class=\"you\">"; $defcolor=true; $isblue=false;$iswhite=false>><<set $youspan=$youcolor + $yousize + $youspecial>><<set $displayonce=2>><<goto assignPronouns>><<endif>><<if $displayonce>0>><<set $displayonce=$displayonce-1>><span class="biggest">The river washes some of the color from $your skin. <<if $extradesc>>($cyou are now pink again.)<<endif>>
</span><<endif>><<if $fontsize < 20>><span class="biggest">$cyou barely get a toe in before the river sweeps your foot away. $cyoure simply too small to cross safely.<<if $extradesc==true>> (The text in this area is big, but $your text is <<if $fontsize ==18>>just medium-sized<<else>>small<<endif>>.)<<endif>>
</span>[[Back.|riverW]]<<else>><span class="biggest">The rushing river is strong, even for someone of $your size, but $you manage to push your way through the current. Eventually, $you reach a spot of unexpected calm. <<if $extradesc==true>>(The text in this area is big, but $your text is the same size.)<<endif>>
$cyou could take a break, if $you wanted to just float for a bit. It's peaceful here.
</span><span class="dissolvedtext">[[Float. Just float.]]</span><<if $extradesc==true>> (This link is underlined.)<<endif>>
[[Continue east.|Riverbank]]<<endif>><<set $temploc="Float. Just float.">><<if $isdissolved==false>>There's a spot of calm here, not like the rest of the river. $cyou can feel the water soaking into $your clothes, $your shirt sticking to $your back. The sun is bright, and stings $your eyes. $cyou are buoyant, the water holds $you up when nothing else does.<<set $youspecial="<span class=\"dissolved\">"; $isspecial=true; $isdissolved=true;$istrapped=false>><<set $youspan=$youcolor + $yousize + $youspecial>><<set $cyou=$youspan + "You" + $spans>> $cyou float. <<if $extradesc==true>>($cyou are now underlined.)<<endif>><<else>>$cyou drift upon the water like a little paper boat. $cyoure already as well-supported as $you can get.<<if $extradesc==true>>Nothing happens, because $you are already underlined.<<endif>><<endif>>
[[Get up.|assignPronouns]]familiar blue: #034863
dark forest blue: #05003f;
ei color: #f9cca9;
<<goto $toLocation>><<set $temploc="Lie still for a moment.">><<if $istrapped==false>>$cyou stop crawling through the tunnels to think, a roof of stone just above $your head. It hits $you just how thick the ceiling really is — no rain, sun, bird, insect can or will disturb $you here. The feeling of being protected is strangely peaceful. <<set $youspecial="<span class=\"trapped\">"; $isspecial=true; $isdissolved=false; $istrapped=true>><<set $youspan=$youcolor + $yousize + $youspecial>><<set $you=$youspan + "you" + $spans>><<set $cyou=$youspan + "You" + $spans>>Stone pushes down on $you. <<if $extradesc==true>>($cyou are now overlined.)<<endif>><<else>>$cyou can sense the safe shelter of the rock above $you, but $you it's nothing $you weren't already aware of.<<if $extradesc==true>>(Nothing happens, because $you are already overlined.)<<endif>><<endif>>
[[Back.|assignPronouns]]<<if random(1,2) > 1>><<set $mushroomsize="<span class=\"bigger\">">><<set $mushroomsmall=22>><<else>><<set $mushroomsize="<span class=\"smaller\">">><<set $mushroomsmall=12>><<endif>><<if random(1,2) > 1>><<set $mushroomroof="<span class=\"trapped\">">><<set $mushroomtop=true>><<else>><<set $mushroomroof="<span class=\"dissolved\">">><<set $mushroomtop=false>><<endif>><<set $mushrooms=$mushroombase + $mushroomsize + $mushroomroof>>
<<print $mushrooms + "FUCK" + $spans>><<if $fontsize == $mushroomsmall>>
<<if $istrapped == true and $mushroomtop == true>>
<<goto askSuccess>>
<<elseif $isdissolved == true and $mushroomtop == false>>
<<goto askSuccess>>
<<goto askFail>>
<<goto askFail>>
<<endif>>This edible mushroom is a pleasant cream color, and looks— well, like a little white hat. It smells fresh — was it grown particularly for $you?
[[Take a bite.|eatWhite]]
[[Back.|backpack]] <<set $temploc="eatWhite">>The mushroom has a thick, bland flavor, like an unseasoned potato. The simple taste stirs up something within $you. <<set $fontsize=18>><<set $yousize="<span class=\"medium\">">><<set $youspecial="<span class=\"notspecial\">">><<set $isblue=false>><<set $youcolor="<span class=\"mushroomBase\">"; $defcolor=false; $iswhite=true;$isspecial=false>><<set $youspan=$youcolor + $yousize + $youspecial>><<set $cyou=$youspan + "You" + $spans>>$cyou feel ordinary. <<if $extradesc==true>>(Now $you are white, medium sized, and have no extra features.)<<endif>>
[[Continue.|assignPronouns]] <<set $location="atGate">> $cyou stand before a freestanding, wrought-iron gate, locked with a heavy padlock and decorated with spiraling runes. When $you look through the bars of the gate, $you can see a trail through the woods — a trail that isn't visible when $you step away.
[[Turn back.|Clearing]]<<set $temploc = "Give it a look around.">>$cyou can see the <span class="backpack">snake's</span> scales start to change as soon as $you remove it from the darkness of $your backpack. Careful not to let it wriggle away, $you hold the <<print $colorzone + "snake" + "</span>">> up to the light. Its scales shift to match the environment, trying to blend in. <<if $extradesc==true>>(Now, the snake is the same color as the background outside $your backpack - $czdesc.)<<endif>>
<<linkreplace "Put it back.">>As $you go to return it, $you notice a tag of loose, semi-transparent snakeskin hanging from the <<print $colorzone + "snake's" + "</span>">> head. It must be ready to shed some skin.
[[Give it a hand.|handRedirect]]
[[Leave it be.|backpack]]<</linkreplace>><<set $temploc="handRedirect">>The <<print $colorzone + "snake" + "</span>">> slithers forwards while $you hold it, helping peel away the dead layer of skin. $cyoure left with a long, $czdesc strip of snakeskin. You put it in your backpack<<if $haveskin != false>>, throwing out your other snakeskin to make room<<endif>>.<<set $skintext = "a $czdesc snakeskin">><<set $skinspan=$colorzone>>
[[Continue.|addoneskin]] <<if $haveskin != true>><<set $printinv.push("<<linkreplace $skintext>><<goto aSnakeskin>><</linkreplace>>")>><<endif>><<set $haveskin = true>><<set $temploc="">>
<<goto toLocation>>This colorful, translucent snakeskin looks like a pane of stained glass when $you hold it up to the light. It could probably be worn as a belt, if $you had a reason to wear it.
[[Back.|backpack]] <<if $colorzonesmall=="river"||$colorzonesmall=="darkforest">><<goto givehandBlue>><<else>><<goto givehandDefault>><<endif>><<set $temploc="handRedirect">>The <<print $colorzone + "snake" + "</span>">> slithers forwards while $you hold it, helping peel away the dead layer of skin. $cyoure left with a long, blue strip of snakeskin. You put it in your backpack<<if $haveskin != false>>, throwing out your other snakeskin to make room<<endif>>.<<set $skintext = "a blue snakeskin">><<set $skinspan=$colorzone>>
As $you put the skin away, the <<print $colorzone + "snake" + "</span>">> suddenly slips out of $your grasp, and vanishes into its surroundings.<<set $printinv.delete("[[a very colorful snake]]")>><<set $lostsnake=true>>
<<if $thingsgot >= 4>><<goto "marriagetime">><<else>><<goto "A crow and a goat">><<endif>><<set $location="marriagetime">>"That's everything." The blue snakeskin belt is neatly fastened around the crow's waist, and $zhe wears the grimy "borrowed" sock across one shoulder like a sash. The old paper crown is perched precariously over the new white cap mushroom, which rests on $zher head. $czhe stands at the edge of the clearing, away from $zher partner. "Is $one ready to begin?"
"Doesn't $zhe look radiant?" The goat clicks $ones hooves together excitedly, smiling like a kid. "Wish $one luck!" With a wave, $one begins to walk slowly towards $ones imminent spouse, as if moving through an imaginary aisle.
[[Watch.|wedding2]]<<set $location="wedding2">><<set $marriage=2>>The goat takes the crow's talons, and the two begin to dance together in a forest that's suddenly gone dead silent. The newlyweds waltz with vibrant, fluid movements, in sync with the most beautiful music $youve never heard.
As the dance progresses, $you become aware of just how bright the sun in the clearing is. It becomes harder and harder to keep $your eyes on $one and $zher as $youre forced to squint. Finally, $you shove a hand over $your eyes in an attempt to shield $your vision from the glare.
When $you open $your eyes again, the crow and the goat are gone.
Standing in the clearing is a [[couple]].<<set $location="couple">>A crow and a goat, a crowandagoat, a couple stands in the clearing, gazing into one another's eyes.
"Did $you need something?" $bthey ask, not looking up. <<if $extradesc==true>>(When referring to the couple, "they" and "them" are light blue.)<<endif>>
Some [[discarded pronouns]] are scattered in the grass around $bthem.
<<if $gateBroke != true>>[["Can you open the gate?"|opengate]]
<<endif>>[[Leave.|Clearing]]This book belongs to Sarah. [[She|sarahPns]] is six years old. It's written in pen, in the messy handwriting of someone doing their best to be neat.
[[Back.|page4]]<<set $location="discarded pronouns">>$cone lies face-down in the grass, as do $zhe and $zher. Without hosts, they no longer have a purpose.
[[Back.|couple]]Bright, heavy, and faintly acidic. The pronoun of $one who has no need for such things.
[[Back.|backpack]] <span class="zhe">Zher</span> pronouns are glossy, deep purple, and soft to the touch.
[[Back.|backpack]] <<set $location="opengate">>"Thanks for the help with <span class="couple">our</span> marriage," The couple says. With a series of blurred arm movements and a creak of metal, $bthey snap the gate in two. "<span class="couple">We</span> only hope it's not too late for $you."<<set $gateBroke = true>>
The gate is open. $THEY of many faces lies ahead.
[[Venture forth.|manyFacedTrail]]
[[Stay in the clearing.|Clearing]]<<set $location="brokenGate">>This hulk of twisted metal was a gate at some point. Now, it's unable to stop $you from accessing the path behind it.
[[Take the path.|manyFacedTrail]]
[[Back.|Clearing]]The inscription carries with it a faded set of pronouns. They're too small for $you, unfortunately, but they might fit another.
[[Back.|inscription]] <<set $location="they?">>"The inhabitant," $one explains. "The dreamer. $THEM of many faces. It is in $THEIR realm that this forest stands. $THEIR avatars are just a little ways gatewards of here," $one adds, pointing towards a metal gate to the north. "It's locked right now, though." <<if $extradesc==true>>(When referring to "$THEM of many faces", "$THEY" is capitalized and colored black, with a white outline.)<<endif>>
$cyou look where $ones pointing. The gate is indeed locked, but it's also freestanding. "Can't people just go around?"
"No." $cone coughs. "That is— if $you went around, $youd be going north, not gatewards."
There's a very long pause before $you finally say, "Okay. Can $one unlock it, then?"
"Well, $one //would//..." $cone looks over at the crow. "Tell 'em, dear."
[[Continue.|kid2]]<<set $location="Ribbit back.">><<if $havecrown!=true>>$cyou stick out your chest and ribbit back, doing $your best to sound respectful. <span class="majesty">His Majesty the king of toads</span> blinks at $you for a second with regal, horizontal eyes before slowly turning around and hopping away. The paper crown falls from <span class="majesty">his Majesty the king of toads'</span> head, drifting slowly through the air before coming to a stop in the muck.
<<linkreplace "Take the crown.">><<set $havecrown=true>><<set $inv.push("a paper crown")>><<set $printinv.push("[[a paper crown]]")>>Brushing off a bit of muck, $you put the decaying crown in $your [[backpack]].
[[Back.|stumpgrove]].<</linkreplace>><<else>><span class="majesty">His Majesty the king of toads</span> is gone, having abdicated his throne with one hop from <span class="majesty">His Majesty the king of toads</span>' royal legs. What motivated the mighty amphibian to take such a drastic action? Stress? An inheritance scandal? The fear of assassination? Perhaps only time will tell.
[[Back.|stumpgrove]]<<endif>><<set $location="trash pile">>$cyou dig through the pile looking for $your pronouns. Some are sharp, and leave marks where they graze $your skin. Others are oily, and slip out of $your grasp. Finally, at the bottom of the pile, $your fingers close around a familiar set of pronouns.
$cyour pronouns, the original ones, are warm to the touch. They seem quite ordinary, but that's alright. Holding them in $your hands, $you feel a strange sense of comfort. It's like holding a baby blanket.
<<linkreplace"You hesitate for a moment.">>$cyou hesitate for a moment. These pronouns, the old set — they're what $youre used to, but does that mean they fit $you better? Or just that they're familiar? $cyoure a lot older than $you were when $you first got these pronouns, after all. It's possible that after all these years, $youve outgrown them.
[[They fit you best.]]
[[You've outgrown them.]]<</linkreplace>>
<<set $czdesc="blue">><<set $location="manyFacedTrail">>The path beyond the gate is long and winding, with many false gaps in the underbrush that look confusingly like trails. $cyou can hear birdsong from the trees behind $you, though the chirping seems to be fading away as $you walk. Moving in to replace the birds — so slowly $you didn't notice it at first — is a low whispering from the trees around $you, quiet but getting louder.
<<linkreplace "You keep walking.">>//You keep walking.//
$cyou walk past a rock that looks like a face, and a tree that looks like a rock. $cyou walk and the whispering gets so loud it sounds like it's addressed directly to $you. Sometimes it sounds like it's coming from behind $you, but when $you whirl around, there is no one there. Finally, when $you can almost make out what's being said, the trail ends.
[["Welcome," say the whispers.|whisperingGrove]]<</linkreplace>><<set $location="whisperingGrove">><span class="pinkwords">"Welcome,"</span> the whispers echo. <<if $extradesc==true>>($THEM of many faces speaks in pink text.)<<endif>> $cyou move nervously into a clearing surrounded by tall, thick-barked trees. Little sunlight penetrates the thick leaves, but it isn't dark. A row of lumpy, human-ish figures are arranged at the far end of the clearing, wrapped in vines. One twists forwards to greet $you, its face an inhuman mask of leaves and branches. Black light glitters in the space where $THEIR eyes would be. <<if $extradesc==true>>(When referring to "$THEM of many faces", "$THEY", "$THEM", and "$THEIR" are capitalized and colored black, with a white outline.)<<endif>>
<span class="pinkwords">"Here are $THEY. What is it $you seek?"</span>
[[Tell THEM.|apVersion]]
<<set $location="Tell THEM.">>"I need my pronouns back," $you explain. "These ones—" $you gesture in the air— "Aren't mine."
The vine-shape twists away for a moment. The whispering intensifies as $THEY converse among <span class="black">THEMSELVES</span>. Finally, one turns back to $you. "Apologies," $THEY say. "That <span class="black">OUR</span> gift was unwanted. $cyour pronouns are—" $THEY search for the right word— "discarded."
"Very different, us. <span class="black">WE</span> needed an understanding. How $you think. <<print $youspan + "Yours" + $spans>> were taken. But they were faulty."
$cyou don't know how to feel about this. $cyour pronouns had always worked fine.
"Unflexible," $THEY continue. "Not for our purposes." $THEY lean in closer, and $you see a brief flash of light from beneath $THEIR coverings. $THEIR pronouns, $you realize, aren't one color — they're every color, all at once, the different hues mingling together into black. "Couldn't use them. So discarded." A tree root shifts beneath $your feet, pointing to what looks like a compost pile.
"All is $yours," $THEY intone.
[[Dig through the pile.|trash pile]]<<set $rcolortag = either("blacksimple","majesty","fae","ei","zhe","troll","redplayer","yellowplayer")>><<switch $rcolortag>><<case "blacksimple">><<set $rcolor=either("midnight black","black as pitch","obsidian-hued","devoid of light")>><<case "majesty">><<set $rcolor=either("gold","solid gold","royal gold")>><<case "fae">><<set $rcolor=either("the pink of cherry blossoms","a refreshing pink","the same pink as the sky")>><<case "ei">><<set $rcolor=either("the color of earth","clay-colored","a gentle orange")>><<case "zhe">><<set $rcolor=either("an inquisitive purple","raven-hued")>><<case "troll">><<set $rcolor=either("swamp green","troll-colored","the color of new growth")>><<case "redplayer">><<set $rcolor=either("ruby","crimson","red, like blood")>><<case "yellowplayer">><<set $rcolor=either("a sickly yellow","quarantine yellow","a dusky yellow","mustard")>><<default>><<set $rcolor="error-colored">><</switch>><<set $flavor=either("smell like " + either("honey","lavender","salt","fruit","rain"), "are " + either("warm","cool") +" to the touch", "sound like " + either("jangling coins","rumbling thunder","the distant ocean","home","a crackling fire"),"are somewhat " + either("rubbery","soft","hard","sticky"))>>$cyou dig through the pile looking for possible fits. A lot has been discarded over the years — whole people. Some of the things you find are sharp, and leave marks where they graze $your skin. Others slip right through $your fingers. Finally, $you settle on a set that feels alright.
/*These pronouns are $pronouns, and they $flavor.*/These pronouns are <<print "<span class=" + $rcolortag + ">" + $rcolor + "</span>">>, and they $flavor.
<<linkreplace "This is it.">><<set $location="picked">><<set $youcolor="<span class=\"" + $rcolortag + "\">"; $defcolor=false; $iswhite=false; $israndom=true>><<set $youspan=$youcolor + $yousize + $youspecial>><<goto assignPronouns>><</linkreplace>>
[[Keep looking.|trash pile 2]]<<set $location ="You've outgrown them.">>$cyour original pronouns feel small in $your hands. And frayed around the edges, like an old T-shirt. $cyoure ready to move on, now. To pick something newer, bolder, more //$you//.
[[You'll keep the ones you've got right now.]]
[[You'll find something in the trash pile.]]<<set $location="You'll keep the ones you've got right now.">>This version of $you has grown on $you. It's different from what $youre used to, but sometimes different is good. This is who $you can be, who $you can enjoy being.
Somehow, just making that decision puts everything in a new light. $cyour senses feel sharper - the world more vivid. This "$you" doesn't feel so alien any more - it's become familiar, internal. Or maybe $youve grown to match it. Nothing is ever going to be exactly as it was, and that's a good thing.
[[You feel something shift in the forest around you.]]<<set $location="You'll find something in the trash pile.">>Neither of these options fit — not the old, itchy pronouns, and not the bitter new ones, given to $you against $your will. Who $youre going to be — or at least, what form $youre going to take — is a decision only $you can make.
[[Consider your options.|trash pile 2]]<<set $location="You reach up to put your pronouns back on.">>The warmth in your hands becomes a warmth in $your chest, and $you can almost see something glowing there - a blinding flash of light that forces $you to squeeze $your eyes shut.<<set $youspan="<span class=\"bold\">" + "<span class=\"medium\">" + "<span class=\"notspecial\">">>
<<set $you=$youspan + "you" + $spans>><<set $your=$youspan + "your" + $spans>><<set $youve=$youspan + "you've" + $spans>><<set $yourself=$youspan + "yourself" + "</span></span>">><<set $cyou=$youspan + "You" + $spans>><<set $youre=$youspan + "you're" + $spans>><<set $cyoure=$youspan + "You're"+$spans; $yours=$youspan + "yours"+$spans>><<set $youve=$youspan + "you've" + $spans>><<set $youd=$youspan + "you'd" + $spans>><<set $your=$youspan + "your" + $spans>><<set $temploc="">><<set $cyour=$youspan + "Your" + $spans; $cyoud=$youspan + "You'd" + $spans>>
When $you open them again, something feels different. For the first time in a long time, there is no tension between $you and the rest of the world - no division. This version of $you fits so well, it's a little hard to remember it was ever absent.
Everything feels calmer now, restored to $yourself as $you are. But not quite the same, now that $you know what else $you could be instead, what $you are purposely not being.
[[You feel something shift in the forest around you.]]<<set $location="ENDING">><<set $seebag=true>>It's still early in the afternoon when $you emerge from the woods, dehydrated, fingernails caked with dirt. $cyou recognize this road — it'll be a short walk home. $cyou can still feel the weight of the $you in $your chest, bolstering $you, filling $your body with warmth.
For the first time in a long time, $you are smiling.
<<timed 10s>>Thank you for playing.<</timed>>This game was drafted by Carter X. Gwertzman in the year 2021, and continually reworked throughout 2022, 2023, and 2024. This game is actually the precursor to My Gender Is A Fish - MGIAF is the shorter version that I started working on when I realized this game was too long to apply to college with.
This game takes a lot of inspiration from Pace's fantastic Limerick Quest, as well as from SCP-4000 ("taboo"). Ultimately, I wanted players to have fun experimenting with their pronouns, but without being too overt about gender. Identity can be a lot of different things to a lot of different people and I didn't want to restrain that.
Thanks to all my testers, and the IFComp community, and other people too.
<<set $location="You feel something shift in the forest around you.">>Vines twist, receding, as the ground shakes beneath $you. For a moment, $youre sure it's an earthquake, but then $you realize — the whole forest is pulling away from where $youre standing, as another forest — one without silver trees, without pink skies — comes into view. It's $your forest, the one $you left.
[[Leave the forest.|ENDING]]<<set $location="They fit you best.">>$cyou care about these pronouns. They're really //$yours//. They might not be as interesting as some of the other pronouns $youve tried on, but that's alright. They don't have to be interesting. They can just be $yours.
[[You reach up to put your pronouns back on.]]<<print $youspan + "You've" + $spans>> just been feeling kind of //off// lately, in a way $you can't fully articulate. Or maybe $youre the same, and something's shifted in the world. $cyou don't know what it is. But it's been bothering $you.
<<linkreplace "So you weren't going home, not really.">>//So you weren't going home, not really.//
Because it didn't feel like home. //$cyou// didn't feel like home. So $you were going to the woods, anywhere, to kill time until dusk and try to feel normal. The way $youve been doing for weeks.
<<linkreplace "But today, something was different.">>//But today, something was different.//
There'd been vines growing over the sign to the trailhead, not a kind $you recognized. And the writing underneath looked different too, unreadable.
<<linkreplace "You'd forged on.">>//You'd forged on.//
Marched on down the trail, but $you realized pretty quickly that it wasn't the trail that was supposed to be there. The plants were wrong, the //sky// was wrong. Silver bark and pink-hued clouds.
[[And now you're here.|reworkPronounsLater]]
<<set $location="picked">>These pronouns are unusual, but they fit surprisingly well for hand-me-downs. And where they don't fit, <<print $youspan + "you'll" + $spans>> grow into them. These are for a different, more confident "$you". A $you that will keep one foot in this forest. A $you people don't look at the same. But it will be worth it, $youre sure, to become that person.
[[You feel something shift in the forest around you.]]<<set $location="apVersion">>"$cyou- the "you" that belongs to this person is missing," $you try to explain, stumbling over words $youre not able to say. "This one here—" $you gesture towards the pink, bitter thing inside $you— "doesn't fit right."
The vine-shape twists away for a moment. The whispering intensifies as $THEY converse among <span class="black">THEMSELVES</span>. Finally, one turns back to $you. <span class="pinkwords">"Apologies,"</span> $THEY say. <span class="pinkwords">"That the exchange was not to $your liking. $cyour lesser "you" was—"</span> $THEY search for the right word— <span class="pinkwords">"discarded."</span>
<<linkreplace "\"Discarded?\"">>//"Discarded?"//
<span class="pinkwords">"$THEY wished an understanding of a world unlike this one. To tread in $your groves. $cyour "you" was taken as a vessel. But it was unflexible,"</span> $THEY explain. <span class="pinkwords">"Broken. Couldn't fit."</span>
$THEY lean in closer, and $you see a brief flash of light from beneath $THEIR coverings. $THEY aren't black, $you realize — <span class="black">THEY'RE</span> every color, all at once, the different hues commingling into one. <span class="pinkwords">"Couldn't use it. So discarded."</span> Tree roots shift beneath $your feet, revealing what looks like a compost pile at the wide base of an oak tree.
<span class="pinkwords">"All are $yours,"</span> $THEY intone.
[[Dig through the pile.|trashpile4bloodsportarena]]<</linkreplace>><<set $location="trash pile2">>There are a lot of different identities in the pile. How long must it have taken $THEM to collect these? And what happened to their owners? With a nervous glance at the figures lining the clearing, $you begin to dig through the pile. One self with sawblade teeth stains $your fingers with blood. Another oozes with mud, and falls apart when $you try to shift it. Finally, at the bottom of the pile, $you feel something familiar.
$cyour identity, the original one, is warm to the touch. Having it in $your hands gives $you a strange sense of comfort. It's like holding a baby blanket.
<<linkreplace"You hesitate for a moment.">>$cyou hesitate for a moment. This version of $you, the old one — it's what $youre used to, but does that mean it fits $you better? $cyoure a lot older than $you were when $you first got this after all. It's possible that after all these years, $youve outgrown it.
[[It fits you best.]]
[[You've outgrown it.]]<</linkreplace>>
<<set $location="It fits you best.">>$cyou like being this person. It's really //$you//. It might not be as interesting as some of the other selves $youve been, but it doesn't have to be interesting. It can just be $you.
[[You reach up to put your self back on.]]<<set $location ="You've outgrown them.">>Outside $your body, $your original self feels small in $your hands. And frayed around the edges, like an old T-shirt. $cyoure ready to move on, now. To pick something newer, bolder, more fitting.
[[You'll keep what you've got right now.]]
[[You'll find something in the trash pile.|You'll find something in the trash pile 2.]]<<set $location="You reach up to put your self back on.">>The warmth in your hands becomes a warmth in $your chest, and $you can almost see something glowing there — a blinding flash of light that forces $you to squeeze $your eyes shut.<<set $youspan="<span class=\"bold\">" + "<span class=\"medium\">" + "<span class=\"notspecial\">">>
<<set $you=$youspan + "you" + $spans>><<set $your=$youspan + "your" + $spans>><<set $youve=$youspan + "you've" + $spans>><<set $yourself=$youspan + "yourself" + "</span></span>">><<set $cyou=$youspan + "You" + $spans>><<set $youre=$youspan + "you're" + $spans>><<set $cyoure=$youspan + "You're"+$spans; $yours=$youspan + "yours"+$spans>><<set $youve=$youspan + "you've" + $spans>><<set $youd=$youspan + "you'd" + $spans>><<set $your=$youspan + "your" + $spans>><<set $temploc="">><<set $cyour=$youspan + "Your" + $spans; $cyoud=$youspan + "You'd" + $spans>>
When $you open them again, something feels different. For the first time in a long time, there is no tension between $you and the rest of the world — no division. This version of $you fits so well, it's a little hard to remember it was ever absent.
Everything feels calmer now, restored to $yourself as $you are. But not quite the same. This isn't a $you somebody else picked, not any more — this is a deliberate choice.
[[You feel something shift in the forest around you.]]<<set $location="You'll keep the ones you've got right now.">>This version of $you has grown on $you. It's different from what $youre used to, but sometimes different is good. This is who $you can be, who $you can enjoy being.
Somehow, just making that decision puts everything in a new light. $cyour senses feel sharper — the world more vivid. This "$you" doesn't feel so alien any more — it's become familiar, internal. Or maybe $youve grown to match it. Nothing is ever going to be exactly as it was, and that's a good thing.
[[You feel something shift in the forest around you.]]<<set $location="You'll find something in the trash pile.">>Neither of these options fit — not the old, too-small self, and not the bitter new one, given to $you against $your will. Who $youre going to be is a decision only $you can make.
[[Consider your options.|trash pile 3]]<<set $rcolortag = either("blacksimple","majesty","fae","ei","zhe","troll","redplayer","yellowplayer")>><<switch $rcolortag>><<case "blacksimple">><<set $rcolor=either("midnight black","black as pitch","obsidian-hued","devoid of light")>><<case "majesty">><<set $rcolor=either("gold","solid gold","royal gold")>><<case "fae">><<set $rcolor=either("the pink of cherry blossoms","a refreshing pink","the same pink as the sky")>><<case "ei">><<set $rcolor=either("the color of earth","clay-colored","a gentle orange")>><<case "zhe">><<set $rcolor=either("an inquisitive purple","raven-hued")>><<case "troll">><<set $rcolor=either("swamp green","troll-colored","the color of new growth")>><<case "redplayer">><<set $rcolor=either("ruby","crimson","red, like blood")>><<case "yellowplayer">><<set $rcolor=either("a sickly yellow","quarantine yellow","a dusky yellow","mustard-colored")>><<default>><<set $rcolor="error-colored">><</switch>><<set $flavor=either("smells like " + either("honey","lavender","salt","fruit","rain"), "is " + either("warm","cool") +" to the touch", "sounds like " + either("jangling coins","rumbling thunder","the distant ocean","home","a crackling fire"),"is somewhat " + either("rubbery","soft","hard","sticky"))>>$cyou dig through the pile looking for possible fits. A lot has been discarded over the years — whole people. Some of the selves you find are too heavy, or too flimsy. Some slip through $your fingers like water. Finally, $you find one that feels alright.
This <<print "<span class=" + $rcolortag + ">" + "you" + "</span>">> is <<print "<span class=" + $rcolortag + ">" + $rcolor + "</span>">>, and it $flavor.
<<linkreplace "This is it.">><<set $location="picked2">><<set $youcolor="<span class=\"" + $rcolortag + "\">"; $defcolor=false; $iswhite=false; $israndom=true>><<set $youspan=$youcolor + $yousize + $youspecial>><<goto assignPronouns>><</linkreplace>>
[[Find another.|trash pile 3]]<<set $location="picked2">>This self is unusual, but it fits surprisingly well for a hand-me-down. And where it doesn't fit, <<print $youspan + "you'll" + $spans>> grow into it. This is a different "$you" than the one $youve been. A $you that will keep one foot in this forest, who people won't look at the same. But it will be worth it, $youre sure, to be that person.
[[You feel something shift in the forest around you.]]<<set $location="trashpile6thephantompain">>$cyou push and push, but nothing happens — $your old self doesn't fit $you any more. $cyou hold it up to the light to examine it more closely. Outside of $your body, $you can see all its flaws, the frayed edges. Looking backwards, $you realize — this you hasn't fit for a long time. $cyou changed, and it didn't, and there was real damage where the two collided. Wear, tears, cuts and bruises.
But maybe it //can// change with $you. The compost pile at $your feet is raw material — $you could refurbish $your old self, make it fit $you properly. Add some room to stretch out, to grow, to breathe. Make it feel like home again.
Or— there's another possibility. $cyou could leave this self in the pile where $you found it, and pick a new one out. One that feels better, bolder, like who $you want to be instead of just who $youve been. One that doesn't carry the same crushing expectations. After so many years in the same old hand-me-down, $you might have finally outgrown it.
[[Refurbish the old you.]]
[[Pick out a new you.]]
<<set $location="Refurbish the old you.">>$cyou sit down on a nearby log and get to work. $THEY watch from around the clearing, but say nothing. Occasionally, one of $THEIR tendrils reaches out to hand $you something — a tool, or a scrap of material.
$cyou don't quite understand what $your hands are doing, but it seems to be working. $cyou twist and prod at $your old self feverishly, a complicated and fiddly process almost completely unlike sewing. Bit by bit, $your self begins to take on a new shape —expanded where $youd like it expanded, different how $you want it different, but not changed beyond recognition.
[[Try it on.]]<<set $location ="Pick out a new you.">>Outside $your body, $your original self feels small in $your hands. And frayed around the edges, like an old T-shirt. $cyoure ready to move on, now. To pick something newer, bolder, more comfortable.
$cyour eyes are drawn to the compost pile at your feet. $cyoure ready to pick out a new you — to choose who $you want to be, for $yourself, out of the bits and pieces others have left behind. It's an exciting thought: At $your feet, $your whole future. But then, $your options might be limited by what's actually in the pile.
There's another choice, too. The you <<if $wearingPink==true>>$youre wearing right now, the one<<endif>> $THEY gave you — having it felt alien at first, but as $you spent more time with it, some part of $you got used to it. It's not an exact fit, but has an easy malleability $youve never had anywhere else. If $you wanted, $you could keep it. Take it with $you. But only if $you wanted.
[[Search the compost pile.|cpile]]
[[Keep THEIR gift.]]
<<set $location="Try it on.">>$cyou reach up to push $your you into $your chest. It doesn't take much force at all. As $your new old identity eases itself in, the other you detaches and drifts away like a falling leaf.
<<if $wearingPink==true>><<set $oldsize=$yousize>><<set $oldspecial=$youspecial>><<set $oldspan=$youspan>><<endif>><<set $youspan="<span class=\"bold\">" + "<span class=\"medium\">" + "<span class=\"notspecial\">">><<set $you=$youspan + "you" + $spans>><<set $your=$youspan + "your" + $spans>><<set $youve=$youspan + "you've" + $spans>><<set $yourself=$youspan + "yourself" + "</span></span>">><<set $cyou=$youspan + "You" + $spans>><<set $youre=$youspan + "you're" + $spans>><<set $cyoure=$youspan + "You're"+$spans; $yours=$youspan + "yours"+$spans>><<set $youve=$youspan + "you've" + $spans>><<set $youd=$youspan + "you'd" + $spans>><<set $your=$youspan + "your" + $spans>><<set $temploc="">><<set $cyour=$youspan + "Your" + $spans; $cyoud=$youspan + "You'd" + $spans>><<set $wearingPink=false>>$cyou take a deep breath, and feel a wave of calm wash over $you. $cyoure relieved to have $your old you back— but $youre excited, too, now that $your old you fits better than it ever did before. There's no tension between $you and the rest of the world anymore, no difference. This version of $you fits easily, comfortably. $cyou take another breath, and hear leaves rustling in the breeze. <<if $extradesc==true>>(Now $you are white, medium-sized, and have no extra formatting.)<<endif>>
Is this the you $youd like to keep?
[[Yes, this is it.]]
[[Try something else...]]<<set $czdesc="purple">><<set $location="Yes, this is it.">>As $you settle into $your decision, $youre nearly swept off $your feet by a sudden movement. Vines twist and recede away from the clearing as the ground shakes, hurling $you back and forth as $you struggle to keep $your balance. For a moment, $youre sure it's an earthquake, but then $you realize — the whole forest is pulling away from where $youre standing, as another forest — one without silver trees, without pink skies — shifts into view. It's $your forest, the one $you left.
$cyou take a deep breath, heft $your backpack, and get ready to go.
[[Leave the forest.|ENDING]]<<set $location="Try something else...">>On second thought, this doesn't feel quite right.
$cyou consider $your options. $cyou could modify $your old self, make it fit properly. Or even get rid of it entirely. There are a lot of selves in the trash pile — maybe one of those might be a better match.
[[Refurbish the old you.]]
[[Pick out a new you.]]In time, probably, $youll find new problems, ?, ?, wear and tear. But for now, $you can take a moment to relax, to enjoy just being $you. <<set $location="cpile">><<if $wearingPink==true>><<set $oldspan=$youspan>><<set $oldsize=$yousize>><<set $oldspecial=$youspecial>><<endif>><<set $rcolortag =either("blacksimple","majesty","fae","ei","zhe","troll","redplayer","yellowplayer")>><<switch $rcolortag>><<case "blacksimple">><<set $rcolor=either("midnight black","black as pitch","obsidian-hued","devoid of light"); $rcdesc="black">><<case "majesty">><<set $rcolor=either("gold","solid gold","royal gold"); $rcdesc="gold">><<case "fae">><<set $rcolor=either("the pink of cherry blossoms","a refreshing pink","the same pink as the sky"); $rcdesc="pink">><<case "ei">><<set $rcolor=either("the color of earth","clay-colored","a gentle orange"); $rcdesc="light orange">><<case "zhe">><<set $rcolor=either("an inquisitive purple","raven-hued"); $rcdesc="purple">><<case "troll">><<set $rcolor=either("swamp green","troll-colored","the color of new growth"); $rcdesc="green">><<case "redplayer">><<set $rcolor=either("ruby","crimson","red, like blood"); $rcdesc="red">><<case "yellowplayer">><<set $rcolor=either("a sickly yellow","quarantine yellow","a dusky yellow","mustard-colored");$rcdesc="yellow">><<default>><<set $rcolor="error-colored";$rcdesc="error-colored">><</switch>><<set $flavor=either("smells like " + either("honey","lavender","salt","fruit","rain"), "is " + either("warm","cool") +" to the touch", "sounds like " + either("jangling coins","rumbling thunder","the distant ocean","home","a crackling fire"),"is somewhat " + either("rubbery","soft","hard","sticky"))>>$cyou dig through the pile looking for possible fits. Some of the selves you find are too heavy, or too flimsy. Some slip through $your fingers like water. Finally, $you find one that feels alright.
This <<print "<span class=" + $rcolortag + ">" + "you" + "</span>">> is <<print "<span class=" + $rcolortag + ">" + $rcolor + "</span>">>, and it $flavor. <<if $extradesc==true>>(Its color is $rcdesc. It is medium sized, and has no extra features.)<<endif>>
[[Pick out another one.|cpile]]
<<linkreplace "Try it on.">><<goto picked3>><</linkreplace>>
<<set $location="Keep THEIR gift.">>$cyou do want to keep the you $THEY gave $you — the bitter, sharp one. It's different from who $you are, or at least from who $you were. It doesn't suit $you perfectly. But maybe that's a good thing. Sometimes a little change can be fun, sometimes contrast is interesting. This is a self $you can grow into, not right now but one day.
<<if $wearingPink==false>>$cyou reach up to put the new you back in $your chest. <<set $youcolor="<span class=\"you\">"; $defcolor=true; $iswhite=false; $isblue=false>><<set $youspan=$youcolor+$oldsize+$oldspecial>><<set $you=$youspan + "you" + $spans>><<set $your=$youspan + "your" + $spans>><<set $youve=$youspan + "you've" + $spans>><<set $yourself=$youspan + "yourself" + "</span></span>">><<set $cyou=$youspan + "You" + $spans>><<set $youre=$youspan + "you're" + $spans>><<set $cyoure=$youspan + "You're"+$spans; $yours=$youspan + "yours"+$spans>><<set $youve=$youspan + "you've" + $spans>><<set $youd=$youspan + "you'd" + $spans>><<set $your=$youspan + "your" + $spans>><<set $temploc="">><<set $cyour=$youspan + "Your" + $spans; $cyoud=$youspan + "You'd" + $spans>>/*wearingpink false*/There's a rattling sensation as it goes in, and then $your old self comes out with a pop as $your new self shifts into place.<<else>>/*wearingpink true*/$cyou feel the comfortable weight of $your you in $your chest. <<endif>>$cyou let it settle. <<if $extradesc==true and $wearingPink==true>>($cyou are now <<if $defcolor==true>>pink<<elseif $isblue==true>>blue<<elseif $iswhite==true>>white<<endif>>, <<if $fontsize==18>>medium-sized<<elseif $fontsize>18>>big<<elseif $fontsize<18>>small<<endif>>, and <<if $isdissolved==true>>underlined<<elseif $istrapped==true>>overlined<<else>>without extra features<<endif>>.)<<endif>><<set $wearingPink=true>>
Somehow, just giving it that space puts everything in a new light. $cyour senses feel sharper, the world more vivid. This self doesn't feel as alien as it once did — it's become familiar, internal. A part of $you, but still full of surprises. Nothing is ever going to be exactly as it was, and that's a good thing.
Is this the you $youd like to keep?
[[Yes, this is it.]]
[[Try something else...]]
<<set $location="picked3">>$cyou reach up to push $your you into $your chest. It's not easy — $you have to get it at just the right angle — but when it goes in, it falls gently into place, and the other self drifts away like a falling leaf.
<<set $youcolor="<span class=\"" + $rcolortag + "\">"; $defcolor=false; $iswhite=false>><<set $youspan=$youcolor + $yousize + $youspecial>><<set $yousize="<span class=\"medium\">">><<set $youspecial="<span class=\"notspecial\">">><<set $youspan=$youcolor + $yousize + $youspecial>><<set $you=$youspan + "you" + $spans>><<set $your=$youspan + "your" + $spans>><<set $youve=$youspan + "you've" + $spans>><<set $yourself=$youspan + "yourself" + "</span></span>">><<set $cyou=$youspan + "You" + $spans>><<set $youre=$youspan + "you're" + $spans>><<set $cyoure=$youspan + "You're"+$spans; $yours=$youspan + "yours"+$spans>><<set $youve=$youspan + "you've" + $spans>><<set $youd=$youspan + "you'd" + $spans>><<set $your=$youspan + "your" + $spans>><<set $temploc="">><<set $cyour=$youspan + "Your" + $spans; $cyoud=$youspan + "You'd" + $spans>><<set $cyouve=$youspan+"You've"+$spans>><<set $wearingPink=false;$israndom=true>>
This self doesn't fit perfectly, but $you like it. It feels like it could be $you, like $you could be it, with time. It has room for $you to grow, and for it to grow with $you. And besides, $you like it. The way it looks, sounds, smells. $cyou place a hand over $your chest, feeling $your own heartbeat. <<if $extradesc==true>>(Now $you are $rcdesc, medium-sized, and have no extra formatting.)<<endif>>
Is this the you $youd like to keep?
[[Yes, this is it.]]
[[Try something else...]]<<set $location="trashpile4bloodsportarena">>$cyou dig through the pile looking for $your old self. There are a lot of selves here — whole people. Sifting through them all is slow, frustrating work. Finally, in the middle of the pile, stained with dirt, $you find it.
Digging it out with both hands, $you hold it up in front of $you. Outside of $your body, it seems strangely small and fragile, like a baby blanket. There's a part of $you that hesitates — is this really it? Is this who $you are? But the self $youre holding is familiar too, soft to the touch. This is who $youve been for the majority of $your life. This is who everyone knows $you as.
[[Stop hesitating and put it on.|trashpile6thephantompain]]
<<set $location="goatIntroAlternate">><<set $location="sleeping, coiled-up snake">><<set $rainbowcycle += 1>><<if $rainbowcycle == 1>><<set $rainbowspan = "<span class=\"rainbowred\">">><<goto redsnake>><<elseif $rainbowcycle ==2>><<set $rainbowspan = "<span class=\"rainboworange\">">><<goto orangesnake>><<elseif $rainbowcycle == 3>><<set $rainbowspan = "<span class=\"rainbowyellow\">">><<goto yellowsnake>><<elseif $rainbowcycle ==4>><<set $rainbowspan = "<span class=\"rainbowgreen\">">><<goto greensnake>><<elseif $rainbowcycle ==5>><<set $rainbowspan = "<span class=\"rainbowviolet\">">><<goto violetsnake>><<elseif $rainbowcycle ==6>><<set $rainbowspan = "<span class=\"rainbowpink\">">><<set $rainbowcycle=0>><<goto pinksnake>><<endif>><<set $location="ribbit2">>$cyou stick out your chest and ribbit back, doing $your best to sound respectful.<span class="majesty">His Majesty the king of toads</span> blinks at $you for a second with regal, horizontal eyes. <span class="majesty">His Majesty</span> is sizing $you up — judging $your worthiness.
$cyou have to impress <span class="majesty">His Majesty the king of toads</span> — but how?
<<if $fontsize >= 20>><span class="biggest"><<linkreplace "A big ribbit.">><<set $ribbit="big">><<goto ribbit3>><</linkreplace>></span> <<if $extradesc==true>>(This link is big.)<<endif>>
<<endif>><<if $fontsize < 18>><span class="smaller"><<linkreplace "A small ribbit.">><<set $ribbit="small">><<goto ribbit3>><</linkreplace>></span> <<if $extradesc==true>>(This link is small.)<<endif>>
<<endif>><<if $istrapped==true>><span class="trappedtext"><<linkreplace "A sheltered ribbit.">><<set $ribbit="shelter">><<goto ribbit3>><</linkreplace>></span> <<if $extradesc==true>>(This link is overlined.)<<endif>>
<<endif>><<if $isdissolved==true>><span class="dissolvedtext"><<linkreplace "A buoyant ribbit.">><<set $ribbit="float">><<goto ribbit3>><</linkreplace>></span> <<if $extradesc==true>>(This link is underlined.)<<endif>>
<<elseif $istrapped != true and $fontsize == 18>><<linkreplace "An ordinary ribbit.">><<set $ribbit="normal">><<goto ribbit3>><</linkreplace>><<endif>><<set $location="ribbit3">><<if $havecrown!=true>><<if $ribbit=="big">><span class="biggest">With the full force of $your new height, $you take a deep breath and produce the loudest sound $you can.</span>
<span class="majesty">His Majesty the king of toads</span> doesn't reply. For a moment, $youre worried $your uncouth behavior might have offended <span class="majesty">Him</span>. But if <span class="majesty">His Majesty the king of toads</span> is offended, <span class="majesty">He</span> doesn't show it. Instead, <span class="majesty">His Majesty</span> seems to appreciate $your boldness — to speak to a king this way!<<elseif $ribbit=="small">><span class="smaller">Taking a measured, careful breath, $you produce a small and delicate croaking sound. <<print $youspan + "Yours" + $spans>> is a courtly voice, well-suited for the games of power and subtlety amphibians play.</span>
<span class="majesty">His Majesty the king of toads</span> responds in kind, with a quiet, coded croak. In it, $you sense many different feelings, among them relief that $you understand court etiquette.<<elseif $ribbit=="shelter">><span class="trappedtext">Clearing $your throat, $you make a sound that echoes off the trees above $your head and bounces around the clearing.</span>
<span class="majesty">His Majesty the king of toads</span> looks upwards. $cyoure not sure what <span class="majesty">He's</span> thinking. Can frogs experience a true sense of security? As a king, does <span class="majesty">His Majesty</span> imagine a sword above <span class="majesty">His</span> head, rather than a ceiling? <span class="majesty">His Majesty</span> looks back at $you with a distant expression.<<elseif $ribbit=="float">><span class="dissolvedtext">Pursing $your lips, $you make an airy croaking sound that floats gently through the air.</span>
<span class="majesty">His Majesty the king of toads</span> listens with apparent interest. The sound $youve produced is a light, carefree one — the sound young froglets make when they play in the muck. $cyou wonder, does <span class="majesty">His Majesty</span> have any tadpoles of <span class="majesty">His</span> own? Or is <span class="majesty">He</span> merely recalling <span class="majesty">His</span> own days as a princeling, when the world was simple and <span class="majesty">He</span> wasn't so old.<<elseif $ribbit=="normal">>$cyou ribbit again, the only way $you know how — a plain, straightforward froggy sound.
<span class="majesty">His Majesty the king of toads</span> listens. For a second, $you fear it might not have been enough to pique <span class="majesty">His Majesty's</span> interest. But $you needn't have worried. <span class="majesty">His Majesty the king of toads</span> bows his head at $you, a sign of friendship. <span class="majesty">His Majesty</span>is a good king — <span class="majesty">He</span> serves the common people, amphibians or otherwise, and <span class="majesty">He</span> will help $you on $your journey.<<endif>>
Then, with a slight nod, the toad turns and hops away. $cyou feel a flutter in $your heart. Have $you been deemed worthy?
The paper crown falls from <span class="majesty">his Majesty's</span> regal head, drifting slowly through the air before coming to a stop in the muck.
<<linkreplace "Take the crown.">><<set $havecrown=true>><<set $inv.push("a paper crown")>><<set $printinv.push("[[a paper crown]]")>>Brushing off a bit of muck, $you put the decaying crown in $your [[backpack]].
[[Back.|stumpgrove]].<</linkreplace>><<else>><span class="majesty">His Majesty the king of toads</span> is gone, having abdicated his throne with one hop from <span class="majesty">His Majesty the king of toads</span>' royal legs. What motivated the mighty amphibian to take such a drastic action? Stress? An inheritance scandal? The fear of assassination? Perhaps only time will tell.
[[Back.|stumpgrove]]<<endif>>Before we start, a question. Special text features such as text color, background color, and underlines are important to this game.
Are you using a screen reader, or would you like additional in-text descriptions for these features?
<<linkreplace "Yes.">><<set $extradesc=true>><<goto ConfirmScreenReader>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "No.">><<set $extradesc=false>><<goto altStart>><</linkreplace>>
Additional text descriptions enabled. <span class="you">Here is an example - specially formatted text will be accompanied by a label in parentheses.</span> (This text is pink.) <<set $czdesc="green">>
In this game, the word "you", and other characters' pronouns, will have special formatting. Your text may change throughout gameplay, and certain formatting of your text is needed for some puzzles. The sidebar will describe the current appearance of your text.
Text in this game may have an interesting color (<span class="you">example</span>), size (<span class="biggest">example</span>), be underlined (<span class="dissolvedtext">example</span>) or overlined (<span class="trappedtext">example</span>). Text may also be ''bold'' or //italicized//, but this is not relevant to gameplay. Additionally, the background color changes based on your location, and is relevant to gameplay.